Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)

Can you tell us more about this contest?
Do ya have a link yet?


@mota, these are your typical, walked thru, seen every day Commercial Aluminum door. Stiles and bottoms stay that way. It’s kinda designed that way so that you can put various locking hardware in the stiles, and if it’s a center hung door, the hollow portion of the bottom is where that hardware goes.
And what you see in the background, is an old repurposed hand wash sink.


@shag, the tables you see in the background aren’t lunch tables, they are meeting tables for the shop guys in the floor. If you look behind them, you’ll see the job board (my idea from many years of running a glass tempering plant) that the guys can track things on, job status, ship dates, etc.
I will never make morning meetings, LOL I’ve been there too long, and have too much on my plate to listen to guys ask questions and cry about shit every morning.
We have a “proper” lunch room for them all set up with microwave, fridge, coffee maker sink, etc.
I wish I just sat around and told guys what to do, LOL, I’m the senior employee, have built, done and seen more than any journeyman ever will in their career. It’s kinda what sets me apart from the rest of the crowd, I’ve had to do, deal, fix, build and see more than most ever will. My partner discovered long ago, that give me product, and a task, and job will get done, no matter what.
When I have to go to Union sites, or Jobs, my controller will get me my card back from the hall, and most are freaked out and scratching their head when I show them my card, and it’s not a “journeymen” card, it’s a “Master” card. Only .3% of all Union Glaziers in the US have Master status, and I’m one of them, and I’ve done, seen, fixed and built probably more than any other Master has.


You will have to google it. lol
I don’t know how to put up a link, sorry.

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Holy shit. Has any one been in the water lately

The temp is perfect. The breeze even kept my blunt lit while I was gone.

Sunny sky. Beach sand is welcoming. And hell the peeps on the island are amazing.

Someone pass the dutchie to the left por favor

And if anyone wants to know. I will be running the wreckage bastard contest run in my hut 🛖 on the far side of the island ….:desert_island: if anyone wants to swing by and chill. I will start rolling one now.

P.s. we are outta beer :beer:

And wife said wipe your feet at the door

Mi casa Es Tu Casa


Obey your wife… Is the secret for a long a peaceful life. :rofl:

Será un placer ver esa WMBK… Si yo tuviera sitio… Aaaahhhh


Here ya go fam! :wink:


I subscribe to the “if your wife doesn’t like it, then you picked the wrong wife” philosophy.


One thing does not invalidates the other.


Thanks Brother


Morning all.


Good morning !.. well mid day here…


Morning hillbilly! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
How are things in God’s country?
It is quiet in the big city, at least for now…

Good afternoon @Piter :heart_eyes:
How are things in your far-off land?
I hope your back is feeling just a bit better. :wink:


Blessed. :slight_smile:

I hate that I have friends in low places (aka cities). The movie “Escape From NY” comes to mind every time I think about it.
I’d buy an acre of land as far away as I could and pitch a damn tent before moving back to one.
The town near me grew to 1200 population. I am not happy.
It has a gas station, PO, and 4 churches. lol


@shag prices have doubled for common hunting ammo up here in canada.
After a dry spell on powder/primers/bullets for reloading we are starting to see some stuff trickling in but prices are up 20 to 30% across the board.
Dealers here seem to be sourcing .223/.556 in the past little bit but 7.62 Nato surplus has all but dried up completely. 1000rnds of .223/556 is running 600.00 ish on sale right now and 7.62x 39 averaging around 500-550 for 1200/1500 rnd cases of corrosive surplus.
45acp ammo has been tough to get a reasonable prices and there again prices are way up at retail. 9mm has been around as well, driven buy the recent popularity of pistol caliber carbines as this crime infested country and completely corrupt goverment is moving to ban thousands of common firearms, safely used by canada’s licensed owners and seldom if ever used in crimes. Next comes bans on ALL magazines that can accept or were originally designed to hold more than 5 rounds. So my old lee enfields will be banned along with any other bolt, pump, lever or semi auto that can accept more than 5 rounds LOL

I stocked up on mags, ammo, reloading supplies and spare parts before covid when prices were decent. Next is body armor, night vision, expanding the med kits and more pistol and rifle training for the wife.
Not to be political so whoever hits that “report post” button whenever they get a sniff of political posts… curb that finger. It is just a fact of today that the current parties in power in Canada and the USA are hell bent on restricting and removing citizens access to firearms, parts and ammunition. So iif you have not stocked up… better get on it. Dark times are coming.


Stop thinking like that. Dark times aren’t coming. Sun will continue to come up.


Well, my back is … standing still, but for walking irregular due to the back problems I charged my body too much on the right, and now also have the knee inflamated. :roll_eyes:
Rubble body that I have. :pleading_face:
But well, it could be worse. :rofl:
Anyway I am dropping the opiaces, and for now it goes better than expected.

Thanks for asking, Shag.


rubble body… I can relate to that
I’m already buggered up but when i went fishin a couple weeks ago I slipped on the boulders and slammed my hip really hard… and I did it twice… So I’m feeling that big time and the wife is bugging me to go to the doctor… fuk.
After 50 it ain’t good to be taking knocks like that… I gotta be more careful LOL


Yes, age doesn’t pardon.
I feel like a plaster cat.


Thanks for responding brother.
Sorry to hear about your fall, that can be really bad at our ripe old age, so do be careful. :grimacing:
Those are the prices I see, in canadian dollars that may just be a deal…LOL
The 5.56 is starting to dry up at this point.
I have been hearing primers are going to be harder and harder to get.
Good thing you thought ahead, I knew you would. :wink:

I do recommend the same.

Good news brother, I wish you the best.
Stretches have been my friend all of these years.
A bit of traction to elongate the spine does not hurt either.

Me too…
A plaster cat that has been dropped a few times already…WTF?