Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)

Fellow growers, please remember to share what you have learned with others!!

Any who wishes to profit himself alone from the knowledge given him, rather than serve others through the knowledge he has gained from learning, is betraying knowledge and rendering it worthless!



I haven’t posted much the past little while.
I come bearing ill news… our island security/mascot Lucy has developed a sudden illness that is attacking her immune system. If she doesn’t turn around in the next 48hrs , she will not make it. I’m all fucked up right now and spent most of the day at the vet. My older brother had a heart attack on monday and is in the hospital 6hr drive away with stints in his heart. I was supposed to leave this morning to go see him but the dog wouldn’t get up.
Kind of a basket case over here right now. So prayers, positive thoughts… I’ll take it all.
My brother is gonna be okay but Lucy… it’s pretty grim and so sudden I’m still reeling.
shiddy news I know, and I’m sorry for being the downer.


Dude so sorry omg. Good vibes thoughts and prayers to you and yours. Your pooch oh man that is hard. I hope she pulls through. Hang in there man.


I’ll pray for you & your family brother @SHSC-1
Take a deep breath & let it out slow!
Things will get better…


So sorry to hear of your troubles my friend.
Vent away brother!
We all go through things. Having this group of like-minded people together to talk to is a blessing.
I recently had to say goodbye to one one of our last two fur babies. My heart hurts for you. :frowning:
You, your family, and Lucy will be in our thoughts.
Much love.


We’re here for the fun stuff, and for the hard stuff.
Sorry you’re getting dumped on right now, that can be overwhelming.
Hope you get some balance back soon


Sorry to hear that.
I hope there will be a happy ending on this.
Give all our caress to our furry guardian… and hope she will be soon back to securing the island.

This things really makes me sensible. It reminds my furry daughter (RIP) and I am aware of how much important are this furrys in our lives.
I had some conversation with people, that was surprised that I loved much my doggy, and said how you care more for your dog than for some people… and well my response was clear: If I have to choose who will have do die, you will be underground, my dog is Family and I found you in the street.
My little was by my side in my worst moments in solitude, no one else.

I pray for Lucy’s quick healing.

And with respect to your brother… well, take it easy, it is time to relax.



Damn, sorry to hear…good luck to Lucy…wishing your brother full recovery.


My most positive vibes are headed out to your bro and Lucy. I hope she can turn it around my friend.


Hope Lucy recovers and gets better!!!
Prayers for both your brother and Lucy. Pets aren’t pets, they are our children, they rely on us just like kids do, and it hurts deeply when something happens to them.
Wishing Lucy and your brother both a speedy recovery!!!


Really sorry to hear that mate. Sending all the good vibes and well wishes for you and the family.


@SHSC-1 Thoughts and prayers for your family! :green_heart:


Man that is horrible, sorry to hear about your brother and super sad to hear about Lucy.
She has had a soft spot in my heart ever since I saw her baby pictures.
She is in my prayers and I will keep positive thoughts that she will make a full recovery.

Well said… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I agree 1000%.

May your brother and Lucy make a full recovery.
I hope the next time we chat, all 3 of you are doing well.
Best wishes brother.


Anyone remeber this guy?


Those are pretty neat too.
I have not even known you that long but I have already learned a lot.
It is good to know you my friend. :exploding_head:

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I’m so sorry to read this. I’m hoping she getting healthy and recovering. Hope you are also!

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Lol. That show never made it down this far. But we had something similar around here in the eighties. His name was the “Cool Ghoul” and it scared the shit out of me as a child.


Good morning Islanders,
It was a LONG and stressful week at Reapers Glass Shop. Tiffany & Co decided to give out contracts LATE, then, to top it off, they decided that they wanted a horrible & shitty looking temporary store so they could open for “Black Friday” instead of the Christmas deadline.
Then to add insult to injury, the only place in the WORLD to buy the PVD coated Stainless Steel is in Taiwan. We were lied to about delivery of the sheets, they were supposed to be in-house Nov 2nd. We were told Nov 2nd that sheets were in Chicago, the driver was an hour west, and we would have sheets later that night. Then Nov 3rd, we’re told that they didn’t get offloaded in Chicago, that they were at JFK in New York and the driver was in route to pick the pallet up. The 4th went by, nothing, the 5th went by, nothing, the 6th we’re told customs is holding it up. Lo and behold, the pallet NEVER left Taiwan, and we won’t be getting any material anytime soon.
Punt, thankfully we have a 30ft paint booth. ALL the mirror polished stainless has to be painted with a “Bronze” colored toner, which doesn’t stick very well, but don’t have a choice, have to get it done. I wasn’t informed of anything until last Tuesday at 10am that doors needed to be on the road so they could be installed for the “opening” which put me behind the 8 ball in a big way.
Cladded doors are time consuming, on top of building the doors, they have to be cladded BEFORE any hardware machining can be done, and it typically takes 12-18 hrs for the adhesive to dry. I was already thinking ahead and had the door blanks built, because I knew for some reason that it would another “I need these now” type of deals, well it was. I didn’t start on the cladding until 1:30 Tuesday afternoon, worked late Tuesday through Friday just so they could hit the paint booth yesterday. Ran into all kinds of issues with the hardware, fortunately I know how to fix things on the fly and make them work, thanks Uncle Sam, LOL.

It was a LONG and stressful week, but managed somehow by the grace of god, to get more hardware, and get them into paint so I can have them on site for installation tonight.
Today, Im going to enjoy the beach, smoke a good bit of Hash, relax my aching body and enjoy Sunday Football.
Sorry for the long rant, hope all my fellow Islanders are having a safe and happy weekend!!!


FWIW, I don’t view that as a rant at all. It was the description of a long week none of us would like to have, and yet you got through it still able to communicate clearly. Pretty awesome! :+1: