Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)

Thanks @mota, appreciate it.
Wish I would have taken pictures of the finished doors, but these are just temp doors. I have to build another set once the Stainless comes in from Taiwan. I’ll get some pics of those once they are finished. More than likely, won’t have to replace them until after the New Year, because I think they want to let all those Rich Atlanta women shop at the new shiny store.
It’s bad enough that my road guys had to work nights because they had a small temp store built into the lease space and the mall wouldn’t let them work during the day.
Small temp store will be demoed and real store will be open for “Black Friday”
Hoping my guys can get out of there late Wednesday night early Thursday morning to get home for Thanksgiving with their families.


Fucking large corporations with often unreasonable expectations cuz folks who do the actual work don’t count for much. The wealthy, on the other hand…

Totally! Family, not who one works for, is what really counts. Family.

And if we don’t have the opportunity to speak again prior to T-day, I hope you and your family, as well as all of your employees, a great Thanksgiving!!

And, FWIW, I really enjoy the pictures of your shop and the descriptions of what projects you’re working. Seriously impressive work for a simple mind like mine.


First off… thankyou everyone for the kind words of support.
Has been a whirlwind past few days.
We managed to get Lucy stable and comfortable and my wife booked off work and stayed home with her for 24/7 care. The vet perscribed pregnezone and wide spread antibiotics as he diagnosed her with a viral blood infection and she had a fever of 104 … we had hours to act or she would not make it. She layed on her bed in the living room for pretty much 72 hours but made the effort to get up, with help, to hobble her way outside to pee.
Once I knew the dog was looked after I hit the hwy for the drive down to the coast. My 2 younger siblings got together and went and visitted our older brother. Nearing 58 he is kinda young for heart attacks but his stressful job as an actor and his smoking habits … and our DNA … put him at advanced risk. Gramps had his first heart attack at 56.
Long story short… Lucy , though still about 60% of her normal self, appears to be on the mend… time will tell when she comes off the meds next week. Brother is on the mend but with 4 stints in his heart and seem in good spirits… Me??? I’m still a nervous wreck and am going to get a full physical and my heart checked LOL

Thankyou again to those who posted and messaged with your words of support and prayers… Bless you all!


Nice to hear that things are settling down.

Relax… with that DNA antecedents is not good for you being stressed.

Hope in a couple of weeks you and Lucy will be throwing and picking sticks.


Glad to hear about Lucy and your bro. And don’t leave getting your ticker checked for too long either! Take care sir.


Glad to hear Lucy is on the mend, and your brother is recovering. I know 1st hand all about heart issues, as it runs on my fathers side of the family like the wind. I can’t stress enough @SHSC-1 about keeping on top of it, sounds like issues run in your family also. I get my heart checked every 4 months just to keep on it, and have been on blood pressure meds for years to keep me on track. The “bonus” for me, and my Dr and Cardiologist are both happy about it, is that if my blood pressure goes high, I feel it, and can get to combating it immediately.
I hope you get an “alls good” after getting it checked.
:pray::pray::pray: prayers for Lucy, your brother, and your heart checkup. Hope everything falls into place and the whirlwind calms down for ya!!!


It is good to hear some good news for a change.
Thanks for the update.
Keep up the good work Lucy. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
It is nice to see the island family come out to give comfort to each other when a family member has an issue in life.
Well done island family. :wink:


Back at you bro. I’m happy to read that your brother is mending well and your pup is doing so much better. All of it sounds encouraging man.


Glad your bro and puppy are doing well. Now you just need to smoke a bowl and try to unravel your nerves a bit. Glad things are looking up. Good vibes.


How about them lions @420noob
Not the prettiest win but a “W” nonetheless.

Could we win 2 or more playoff games this year?
What are your thoughts on the thanksgiving game?
Any comments @SmackyMcSmackers


Packers don’t have a chance. Turkey day is lions day! Lol


Division/rivalry games are always tricky. Teams take them personally and coaches scheme extra hard, especially if they have the ability to play spoiler. I have a feeling the packers are going to put up a fight Thursday. Good news is that they’re running on just as short a week as the Lions so it’s not like they’re coming off a bye or back to back Thursday games.

I think Detroit needs CJGJ back at safety to make a convincing playoff run. He might be only a few weeks away from game ready, though I suspect Campbell might prefer a couple weeks longer in hopes that he’s even healthier by the playoffs.


Sorry to hear the bad news’s, thoughts and prayers going out to your brother and Lucy, been a tuff week it seems for a bunch of us. .


Very cool of you to send the well wishes out to @SHSC-1 brother @Greenfingers !
Did ya hear the good news?
His bro is stable and on the mend and in good spirits, I think @SHSC-1 went out to see him.
Lucy is stable and we hope she will make a full recovery. :partying_face:
Time will tell but things are looking up. :nerd_face:

Care to vent about your shitty week?
Telling people who care can help, it won’t fix anything but it sometimes still helps. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Yes, it was not the prettiest. I knew going into this game it wasn’t going to be all too easy. They have shown time and time again that a mobile quarterback will get them. I really hope Aaron Glenn watches some damn tape and gets the defense figured out to handle this.
HOPEFULLY for tomorrow’s game, with a short week, they come out on fire, being the annual Thanksgiving Day game and all. The Lions have taken a beating the last few years for this game, getting beaten.
This is the 1st time I can remember that there has been an actual buzz about the Lions in the football world, and it’s kinda nice.
They are holding down 2nd place overall in the NFL, and I don’t know if that has ever happened, seeing as it’s been 61 years since they have been 8-2.
:pray::+1::clap::clap: here’s to hoping they keep this thing on a roll and perform tomorrow, we as fans could sure use something good to happen, especially since they are pretty much healed up and at full strength minus just a couple players.


While the Lions lost last year to the Bills (and weren’t expected to win), they came a hell of a lot closer than most expected—keeping up with a team that was (at the time) a significant AFC championship contender. It was one of the best Thanksgiving games in recent history. That’s pretty much the game that put the Lions on the map as a rebuilding team that could be growing into a contender.


Since that game last year, they’ve stepped up, and have shocked the NFL world with a 16-4 record, and it doesn’t look like they are slowing down.
We have had the Thanksgiving Day game forever, and it would be nice to win 1 for the first time since 2016.
When we had season tickets, I got to go to 5 Thanksgiving Day games, and I was at the last win, we are kinda kicking ourselves for giving up our season tix after 2021.
We are all set to watch them pummel the Packers tomorrow!!!


Well Islanders,
Having more Hardware issues with the Ford doors, situation will be resolved Monday once my CAD guy gets back from Atlanta.
On another note, we made the deadline on the Tiffany & Co job. Client is happy as hell with our painted Stainless, even though we still haven’t gotten the actual metal from Taiwan, supposed to be delivered Friday.
All the slumped hammered glass made it without breakage and installed. Just a quick glimpse of the store. More pics to come as my guys filter back to the shop.


I used to go to games in Detroit a fair bit…I always liked the atmosphere there…nobody took it too serious. Some stadiums you go to and you’d think a friggin’ football game was a life or death situation. it’s a game for crissakes!


That doesn’t compute for some reason.