Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)

If you had some barrels you could probably swim.
@ifish and @ShiskaberrySavior did it, here is a pic…

I checked you out a bit, you seem like a good egg.
We may need to stick ya on the lagoon for a min. here.
The site has rules for trading ect.
You are still very new here, but I can see you are working hard to build friendships here already.
Nice move.
So it will probably not take you long to get to the appropriate trust level.
There is a trust level link in this thread somewhere, I could not find it.

Welcome to the island family!

Please, everyone, try remember the island family motto:

Please remember to be the kind of family member, you would like to have.
You know the kind that is always there to help out.
Never takes more than they need.
Gives back way more than they ever take.
And always happy to do so.

I truly feel, that if we can fill the island with family like this…We will be living in a self-made paradise.

Thank you


I dont know why but for some reason i was thinking level 2 was for trade. In any case we tend to wait on all good things so i think i can hold out a bit longer :slight_smile:


Some folks here are kind enough to trade with TL2.

The path you are on will lead you there in no time.

@MonasticDank @Ris and anyone else in the lagoon…
Until you hit TL3 you get a day pass.
what is that you say?

You get access to the never-ending Dab Bar



You can get all you can eat sushi over at Shay Tre restaurant.
That is run by our own @tresbundles, although you will never find him there unless he runs outta rum.
And he never runs out of rum…LOL
That place has fresh fish every day.
Here he is working hard.

Far as I can tell Mary ann and Ginger have become hookers and work the island regularly to service a few of the family.

But may I suggest you stay away, those girls are pretty worn out. :grimacing:

We have a wooden satellite for fair TV reception.
Google it, it is a real thing.
There is a link in the thread somewhere too… :nerd_face:

Me and a few others watch the lions from the roof of my hut.
I bolted the chairs down so us drunks dont fall off the roof. :astonished:

Also we are now growing award winning strawberries here on the island.
you can tour the plantation.
That is being tended by @LivingBlackSoil and his crew.
He is usually hosting a dance party on the weekend, over where the tennis courts used to be.

This is Lucy she is in charge of security, let her smell ya, she has a memory like an elephant…Huge…LOL

We like to do some tubing in the river over yonder…
@Bobgrows is in charge of that.

Or if you prefer snorkeling?
See @Dr.VitaminGreen


The best and most hidden spot on the island is here…
You have to swim through a cave to get there or float there by boat.

We have a community bonfire to discuss our differences round.
Got something to discuss?
Roll a fatty and call a family meeting. :star_struck:
@SensiBowl is in charge of making the fires.

@BeagleZ Dug himself a hobbit hole, but I can never find it…LOL

@SHSC-1 is in charge of meat processing…
What ever you do, don’t say the word “MOOSE” :innocent:
It is an inside joke, only he will get it. :innocent:



Oh, and we have a big white @Yetigrows running around the island so don’t shoot him, he is family. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
He is in his cave on hot days, but on cool nights you may just find him round the bon fire.

@DesertHeartGardens has a vegetable garden started and could probably use some help if you have any free time.

There are others hangin’ out and helpin’ out I have not mentioned.
but that should give ya a general idea what we are about here on the island.

Oh, and if you need to get around…we have these everywhere, like scooters at a college town. :hugs:


Here i come boys!


Update: Federer and Serena smoked me out with an amazing Haze strain Martina has been improving since her 1st major. That’s 38 years. I agreed to keep a net up on courts 3 and 4 jic. But yes dancing is happening 25-8 baby, come on down.


I guess I should put up a map, was wondering why it was so lonely down here :crazy_face:


Thanks for the day pas @shag I’ll just be hanging by the dab barlostenjng to some Jimmy buffet.


I’m trying some ISS myself. I had some that was great before. It’s one strain I would love to have a lifetime supply.


I picked vases of flowers to adorn the island!


Somehow I never saw this thread til now. With that said, asking …

Permission to board for a three hour tour l’il buddy?



Hey, that’s Tayrona! I just snuck in through the jungle trail. One of the most beautiful beaches I’ve ever been on…and one of the most dangerous for swimming.



Time to trim some bud…



Permission Granted, welcome to the family brother man!
Nice one!
The skipper is trippin…LOL
Was that a real cover?

Sure is a nice place, I would love to see it in real life.
You were the one I stole the pic from originally, correct?

I forgot to say, what a nice bouquet! :star_struck:
How very cool of ya! :slightly_smiling_face:

Maybe one day it will arrive on the island.
Until then good luck!

Headed that way now, sounds like a party! :sunglasses:


I added you to the family list, I added :canada: too, Should I assume it is right?

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I believe so.

I believe so! :smiley:

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So our brother @Pawsfodocaws finally showed his face on OG again. :star_struck:
He had a bit of trouble, non weed related, but now he is back on top.

When you reach the island give us a shout and let us know what you are up to. :sunglasses:
I kept the animals out and your hut clean for ya while you were gone. :partying_face:



Very creative, I just saw you were in the island trim jail…got a good belly laugh, thanks. :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl:


Thanks again to @SensiBowl for the wooden satellite.
So today is Sunday, that means lions football for some of us.
But I am no longer hoping for a win today or the rest of the season. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
From here out it is about drafting a quarterback, at least for me it is… :smile:
So if your are rooting for a lions win, please try and refrain if you can…LOL

How have you been?
Where are you at with the lions?

To all other family members…
Hope you had a safe and fun Halloween!

I noticed you got a face lift, looks good on ya!
Do you have any halloween pics you would like to share?
Did you have any extra cuts to offer up to the family?
I think you said you had one of something extra laying round.
If not, no big deal, just checkin’ in on ya.
I should have a few new cuts to offer up here real soon myself.

Do you still have live plant or plants?

What about @bassman5420
Are things still green over there?

Did you ever make your way back to the island?

Did you get an early release from trim jail?
I still love this…image

I see all the work you are doing round here.
I went ahead and made you a full blown island family member.
Well, I added your name to the list of family members anyhow…LOL

Are you still hangin’ round?
That meat should be cured by now, I am hungry.
Is lucy still running security?

Didya find any of the more interesting shrooms? :shushing_face:

I would love to hear more on foraging for food, if you have the time that is?

How are you doing?
Just checkin up on ya here.

What is good with you my brother?

I stopped by you hole the other day and yelled down to ya.
You must not have been at home.
I found a halfie on your front porch and smoked it down :yum:
When you pop you head out, give us a shout, to let us know how you are doing.

How are the water dragons doing?
Any new additions?

How is you trust level coming along?
Are you still hangin’ at the lagoon.
We would love to have you as a full time family member on the island.

Are you done with being sick or are you on the mend now.
What about your plants…LOL
Hope all is well my brother.

Are you still drinkin’, I mean fishing full time? :grimacing:

As far as I know the party is still rockin’ over near the tennis courts.
Last time I saw @LivingBlackSoil, I think he said he was up for 72 hours with the dance party.
So he may be sleeping at the moment…LOL

Are you all done with camping for the year?
What is new and interesting in your life these days?

Did you ever make it back around?

Are you done with your vacations?
Do ya got everything winterized and ready for the cold?
Hope all is good with ya.

How are things with you?
Thank you again for your contribution to the island family.
I hope to start passing those round real soon here. :star_struck:

I hope all is well with the rest of the island family too.



Good morning Shag, I’m doing good, just working myself to death trying to make ends meet….lol, how are you doing buddy?


Good morning back at ya my friend!
Happy to hear you are doing good.

I know the feeling, I am supposed to be retired but I have been taking odd jobs to make the bills too.
Tough times for all I would guess. :pensive:

I am still breathing so it is a good day.…LOL
Thanks for askin’! :heart_eyes: