Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)

Mornin’ @shag …no early release from trim jail. I took the last of my outdoor down this past week so still looking like a life sentence of sore fingers and coconut cream pie.


Good morning to you fine sir!
Good to hear from ya!

Not even for good behavior??
Well it has to be done, but I feel for ya here…

I will assume the coconut cream pie is in reference to Gilligan’s island as they ate a ton of that stuff. :grimacing:

I will take the pie over sore fingers any day.
Keep the head up and the scissors moving. :wink:



Ya…unfortunately I think the only escape I can hope for is if Mary Anne sneaks a bamboo file into the next coconut cream pie.


All is good @shag busy busy for sure. Farming is a full time job for sure. Hope you and everyone else enjoys the rest of the weekend.

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@shag thanks man that lagoon was nice but I ran outta :coconut: happy to be part of the fam!

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A win’s a win at this point. Just hoping to see them figure out some semblance of a defense and maybe stop some runs now & again—and preferably not finish last in the North.

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Hey @shag !! :wave:
A few Halloween pics…

Cuts might have to be on hold.

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Afternoon @shag. Defining “sick” is a broad topic in my house. But I am well now, thank you. I was sick as a dog. I think someone here said I was sick. They’re catching on.
Got a mixed group with enough for the 4x4, but not enough to cull any. Some struggles getting them going which had a couple causes. Primarily temp relaxed. Replaced a heat mat and temp sensor on my T4. Changing my ligh schedule for cooler night time temps.
Fresh soil. Found RO for 35 cents a gallon close by. Fresh jugs. New solos. Pots cleaned. Start again next week, not sure what yet.
Pretty annoyed at recent my sprout rate, but not overreacting. The Rude Dog helps with that.
Be well. CP

Hey bud, yup all done for the year. All the machines are winterized and packed away awaiting spring. All here are doing good, hope you are as well.

African Dragon( Mac Dragon x Congo) chopped at 13 weeks is a true speed racer. Unfortunately there are no cuts or beans. Soo we decided to have a Landrace party and keep these 2 jars open. Hopefully the Viet Black, and Swazi Gold arrive soon. Acapulco Gold, Colombian, Durban and an array of Hazes are all present. Come check us out


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busy busy but loving it like always :wink:

Hey @shag !, sorry i missed you… Ive been down with a bad cold for almost 2 weeks now. finally seeing some light of day though. I know there are plenty of halfies laying around but please feel free to wonder in and find a jar of interest and roll up a fresh fatty for yourself next time! Mi casa, Su casa!

thanks for checking up on me, been feeling a bit more hermit like than usual with this damn cold.

We never run out of coconut here on the island…LOL

I guess you are right here.
We need to take em when we can get em. :star_struck:
I think we are in the playoff hunt again…LOL

Very cool and creative also very scary.
Was that you in the scary clown costume?

Ok, gotcha, cuts on hold until further notice.

Good to hear brother!
I thought it would never end for you…WTF??

I get it, you are feeling well, but you are still sick…LOL

I hear a lot of folks love that Rude Dog.
Gotta get me some…LOL

I still have a little to get done this week, the weather has been awesome here so kinda dragging my feet. :shushing_face:

Smokin’ the trippy weed huh?
Well those all sound like winners to me, you have got quite the stash going there.

I will be stopping by to burn one of those bad boys, if there is any left when I get there. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I figured as much, good to hear form you.
I will send you a message when things get right over here. :heart_eyes:

2 weeks…wow, that just sucks ass!

Good to hear.

How very kind of you, thanks.

I get like that from time to time, even without being ill.


yeah, was on its way out then came back in full force, 2 for one


It was nice to see some defense this week—and players in the secondary actually knowing where they were supposed to be. Doesn’t hurt that the packers suck about as bad as the lions this year.


Wouldn’t mind staking a plot on the island, if there is room, looks like a pretty jammin island you have here


This is a pretty cool concept, the creativity you have is impressive haha I wish was on that level. If there’s room on the island let me know. I’d love to connect a little more with some people on here to bounce some ideas off and share some stuff.




@shag appreciate it man! You can throw a big ol’ :canada: next to my name too if you want.

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Welcome to the family.
May I please add your country code.

I have to get a new welcome speech…LOL

We have a never-ending dab bar, an all-you-can-eat sushi bar…
Far as I can tell Mary ann and Ginger are hookers but not the kind you want…LOL

There is a never ending dance party near the tennis courts, or where they once stood.
Apparently, they grow those wicked sativa types over there too.
According to @LivingBlackSoil all are welcome and the jars are full just grab a nug and fire up in your favorite way.

I would really really love to live like this, so I have put a great deal of though into the concept.
But when you get this many other folks involved, you find there is a lot you may not have thought about.

I love the diversity of people, so many individual talents, put them all together in one place and " Island Boy Can Survive"…LOL

Do you folks have any special talents the family should be made aware of?