Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)

I am really good at pissing off the wife…:grinning:


Ahhh…who isn’t?


I am not. :roll_eyes:
I am sure she has a differing opinion…LOL

To all the new family members…
And anyone else for that matter…
Check out the island parking garage.


@shag How you doing on that Honolulu Blue Kool-Aid? Need a refill? That was a great win, even if the Bears D basically had to implode to get it. Better them than the Lions for a change.

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Sup Smacky

Naw, I am good…LOL

I agree! :star_struck:
We were able to slow the QB run game the second half.
That may have been the key.
That and ol’ hutch making fields face bleed…LOL
Not a bad win all in all.
2nd in a row and this was our first road win since 2019 or something…WTF???

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Just saying high as im floating by




Mary Anne and Ginger checking out some of the buds I’ve trimmed already…



Hey bud!
Stop and smoke one at least…LOL
We gotta get you on the family list too.
What is your country of origin?

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Hey @shag sorry haven’t been around much been kind of a hectic couple of months my father has been in and out of the hospital so haven’t been doing any food Scavenging lately let alone much in general hope everyone on the island is doing well much love :v::sunny::seedling::heart:


:us: California


It is good to hear from ya!
Sorry to hear about your father. :grimacing:
Is he back home now?

No worries, just some idle chit chat.
Plenty of info out there, I just like to hear real-world stories. :star_struck:
I wish you and your pops, all the best.
Family first is a good way to live. :heart_eyes:

Stop back in when things get as close to normal as they can get.


Thank you
I think I knew that, looking back…LOL :upside_down_face:


I missed this the first time around…LOL
Some big names dropped in on the island party and I missed it. :pensive:

I musta been smoked out and passed out… :woozy_face:
For example…

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He is back home for the moment on a 6 week intensive Iv treatment for a couple of serious blood infections mrsa and another long complicated named one hopefully not but may have to go back soon for skin graft surgery or possible more amputation on one of his foot but hopefully the medicine takes this time this is the second round of of antibiotics for it and still hasn’t cleared them up thanks for the wishes much love

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Oh, boy.
Dam that is a rough road.
God Speed. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


So those lions got another win.
What are your thoughts? @SmackyMcSmackers

The defense looked really good for a change.
Seems we are in 2nd place in our division now…WTF?

I got a good laugh from this so I will repost it…LOL


Honestly, I was impressed that the Lions team on the field in the 3rd quarter was the same one that went to the locker room at the end of the 1st half. That was a refreshing and noticeable change from other games this season.

Alim McNeal definitely ate his Wheaties yesterday. Hope whatever clicked in him for yesterday keeps going.

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Says the guy that is into tissue culture…LOL
We need to dedicate a cave to some tissue culture.
What happens when we get monsoons and lose our seed crops. :grimacing:

That is too true.
That looked like a real football team.

Yes he did! :heart_eyes:
He is a beast, when the other players are doing there jobs too as they were yesterday, he usually gets the double team on pass downs if he can win those QB’s are gonna be running or falling really.

With no where to step up in the pocket the end rush will hit home.
Give me some more of Dat’ Koolaide…LOL


Some island Thanksgiving preparation.
We have no turkeys here, so we are making a coconut cream turkey pie…LOL


Hope she’s ok, that looked like a solid hit :face_with_head_bandage:
Better rub some CBD on that!

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