Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)

Thanks @mota I really appreciate the thoughts.
Sounds like your daughter had a way worse episode than I did. Just lost feeling for about 4 minutes 4 times before I went in. The ONLY symptoms I had was my left side went numb, and my blood pressure was high. Every test came back negative for heart attack or stroke. They are saying it was a TIA(mini stroke) but have to wait and see what another neurologist says.
I’m about 85-90% back overall, just a couple residual spots, so I play the hurry up and wait game.
Hope they get your daughter figured out and she’s going to be OK.


Thank you.

I agree, from the sound of it, she had a worse “event” than you did. She definitely had more symptoms and more long lasting residual effects. The unfortunate fact is that she’s never been a crazy healthy person, having had multiple health issues basically her entire adulthood. Thankfully, my son is a union carpenter with good health insurance benefits.


I had the same thing happen about 5 years ago, no slurred speech or droopy face. My face didn’t go numbe only to the top of my neck on the left side. It started in my leg and worked up the left side of my body lasted for about a minute or two max. Went to hospital and spent a week in there they ran every test imaginable on my heart. Never did find anything with arteries or anything. I had lingering affects for years after. What I think it happened was from my central nervous system. They never really tested anything in that area.

Hope you get feeling better and have no problems with this… I would have the doctor due some testing in this area. If there is any teats?


Shag hasn’t sent it yet, I’ll post it up when it arrives :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the thoughts @Mrgreenthumb, I really do appreciate the support and thoughts from EVERYONE!!!
The best way to describe it, was like someone shot my whole left side with Novacaine, and then a couple minutes later, I was fine. Now that I’m out, I’m back to about 85-90%, still a couple spots that have a tingle. No other symptoms other than my high blood pressure. I’m already scheduled for an EMG on my right side, they think I have a pinched nerve on that side, and there is a VERY slim chance that this could have been caused by nerves, but more than likely it was a TIA. There’s tests out there, and by God, I’m gonna hit everything I possibly can to try and figure this out since heart checked out good, x-ray, CT scan and MRI all came back clear.


Hey Islanders any of you looking for a good wife?


Wiki closed.
I am sorry to say that I have to broke my word. I said that I will pick three winners, but as I am very lazy to do a RNG, … then I will pick all five…

Please, send a DM with full addy (including country, please) and your preferred crosses.

I have work this weekend, so this will fly the monday!

Thanks and happy growings!


Well that simplified it wouldn’t you say☮️


Your laziness means more seeds, we like your laziness…LOL
Thanks for the giveaway brother.
Be lazy some more soon. :rofl:


Good to here @Kgrim :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I get migraines but never anything like that…WTF?
Sound like something coming from the neck to me… :thinking:

I hope you stay running round, like you said shit has gotta get done. :hot_face:

@JAWS These are the packs you sent me a while ago.
I never got around to giving them all away.
If you need a pic I can do that for ya.


just wanting to see if i actually put f3 on the package, my masters says i did the f2 but never went any further then the f2.

thanks …



I’m very excited to hear about your laziness :joy:. Thank you :pray:


Thanks @Piter so generous of you.
Nothing wrong with being lazy or hazy. Especially at the same time. Peace



You did not, it says F2. :relaxed:
My wife keeps telling me to get glasses, maybe it is time…LOL
Sorry bout that gents. :woozy_face:

Thanks@Cormoran you musta snuck in while I was typing, I started and had to walk away.


all good guys was just thinking i might have screwed it up.

all good …


Time for a super bowl giveaway…

Guess the final score to win.
Who ever gets closest to the actual score wins.
A prize will be given for the 49 ers score and for KC’s score.
The prize for 49 ers is Bubblegum Chem f2 from @JAWS
The prize for the Chiefs is lost skunk form @JAWS
If anyone guesses the exact score I will add a 20 pack of Temple flo made by @Kavman to the prize pool.


SF 49’ers…KC Chiefs

  1. 34 to 37 @shag
  2. 35 (sf) to 28 (KC) @Natea
  3. 10 sf to 31 KC @420noob
  4. 31 SF to 28 KC @Kgrim
  5. 36 SF to 32 KC. @Piter
  6. 32 SF - 24 KC @LzBoy
  7. 28 SF - 38 KC @CanuckistanPete
  8. 24 SF- 27 KC @Cannaology
  9. 27 SF - 24 KC @mota
  10. 27 SF- 31 KC @Cactus
    Add as many numbers as needed.

Good luck everyone.
Thanks for playing.


@Natea you didn’t put your name on your guess.


I fixed ya up @Natea


Thanks for the Superbowl giveaway @shag