Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)

With the corrugated plastic, leaving the two extremes empty to fill them with 4 chopsticks or teethsticks each.
With that method I received a mail two weeks ago across the pond with no problems.

I didn’t know that mails was under that abuse.


Tell the truth.
You took it away to feel the warm of the sun in the sausage.

Oooh… That good feeling… :relaxed:

Pants are overrated.


I’m not bothered at all,
BUT keep in mind, that making a barbacue naked is a risky bussiness… :rofl:


Looks like Karma saved a couple of these seeds from the rollers. Thanks @shag .


Coooool! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:
Thanks for the report brother!
I really do appreciate the positive vibes here, and really happy to see some have made it through the ringer safe. :partying_face:

But to be a negative nancy for a min.
I fear some may have some small invisible cracks in them.
On the bright side, some folks crack their seeds before germination, this saves you a step. :roll_eyes:
This was an experience I had receiving seeds either unprotected or in the corrugated plastic board stuff.
After some time the germ rate fell off super quickly.

I now have the real deal shippers en route thanks to @tresbundles.
So even though you managed to save those beans, I will be reshipping you out a fresh batch using the new improved tried, and tested method. :hugs:

That goes for everyone that was on the list.
I am shooting for the first of next week for the ship-out date.
But let’s see what tomorrow brings.


I heard you say that some of yours were cracked in corrugated plastic.

Those 3D printed ones work beautifully. International shipping without a customs form and for the low cost of an global stamp. :+1:


Yes, on a different site.
From another country I received some seeds years back in that poster board stuff.
After having issues with germ rate…

I looked real close under magnification and observed 2 seeds had partial cracks in them.
To be clear, I saw a low germ rate on the unprotected seeds too.
I just assumed it was due possibly to slight cracks in the shell.
I never looked at those, it was a lot of work for me to scope a seed.
I have cheap plastic magnification equipment.

I was just gifted a bunch, so I have no excuses for failure now…LOL


Been busy, finally had a chance to reread like a human…
I really laughed my ass of just now. :rofl: :joy: :rofl:
One of those coffee all over the screen things.
Now I don’t drink coffee and I did not mess the screen, but you get the idea.
Thanks for a good laugh brother.


Speaking of sausage…
Has anyone seen our boy @Randar ??
I may have, not really sure.

My hut is right near the finest beach on the island, perks of being the first one here. The trail/road that runs round the outer part of the island goes between my hut and the beach.

Anyway, late last night or early this morning I heard this strange sound.

Sounded like Slap!..Thwack…Slap!..Thwack…Slap!..Thwack…Slap!..Thwack…
It was kinda quiet at first then it got louder and louder til it was right up on me. :grimacing:
I was cowering under the covers thinking some kind of monster was coming out of the woods to attack me. :hushed:

But when it started to go away, I looked out the window and saw some sweaty ass cheeks running by my window in the moonlight. :rofl:
I can only assume it was our very own @Randar it definitely was not hairy enough to be our island Yeti @Yetigrows.

Oh, hey guys!
Look over there!
I think I see Randar over there in the Glacial runoff lake.

What’s that you say Randar?
You can’t come out of the water?
Why not?
What’s that your sayin’?
What is all tiny now?
Oooooooh, that!
Well, no worries my man, that is what is referred to as the shrinkage factor, all of us manly men have experienced this sort of thing.

Come on out of there Randar!
Everything will be fine!
Go lay over there on the beach in the hot sun and things will slowly get big and fluffy again.
Like @Piter said it will be good to feel the warmth of the sun in the sausage. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

If that don’t work I will send both Mary Ann and Ginger over to lend a hand… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :rofl: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

All in good fun I hope @Randar, feel free to poke back. :heart_eyes:


And then you will keep hearing that clapclapclap sounds.
Like running with wet sandals :wink:… you know


I have received beans this way many times .
corugated plastic is what i would prefer or heavy corugated box carboard works as well.
best taped in place, inside a birthday card.

might be a good option to try a couple as a test run @shag
Those little 3d printer seed pucks are awefully cool and I might just look into getting a 3d printer down the road here if even just for that.

it’s painful to see beans mashed up like that. You can take me off your list and catch me next time if it helps you make up beans for those who’s got crushed.


Still here. I just blended in with the elephants down the beach, what with having no pants on. Carry on.


Outta likes, but laughing… :rofl:
Good to see your back to normal. :sunglasses:


It is… :cry:
Did you see there were some survivors? :partying_face:

Very kind of you. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I think I can still get you in, just don’t wanna promise what I am not able to deliver.
We will have this thing sorted in the next week or so here.
I will keep ya posted brother.


In all of the commotion, I missed this. :worried:
I really appreciate all of the love that is just flyin’ in here.
Big thanks to everyone! :star_struck:

@bassman5420 I should be good for a while.
I will keep you in mind for the future.
You are a good man and I appreciate your kindness. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Alot of action over on your side of the island, didn’t know we had streakers on the island…

Lucky he didn’t run into @Bobgrows she would have had to lay down the law😀


I’m not wearing pants either, but i’m not sure its the same thing.


Or gave a proverbial whack of the Pee Pee.
Start at 1:15 for those who don’t wanna listen to the whole thing.


I was in high school in the 70’s we had streaker every other day! Big high school.
One guy had a 57 Chevy, another guy on skates being pulled behind naked!! Lol all around the school! Hilarious!


That’s pretty funny, sounds like your high school was a fun place to be