Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)

It was! It was the 70’s after all ! Lol


It is not!
What have you been eating? :scream:
Smells like death in here.
“The smell of death’s around you”…yyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
That reminds me of something. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I don’t know now?
We may need to rethink things here a bit. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
After the way @Bobgrows responded we might be sayin’…
“Is that you @Bobgrows?”
"You Git Yer Clothes on!
To late, There She Goes “Boogity Boogity!!!” :rofl: :joy: :rofl:


Its the kind of stink that could choke a maggot.


Get in my belly!!!


For this reasons I put the house in the middle of my estate. :rofl:
I’m thinking of putting a electric shepperd… so no sausages running wild feeling the brush of grass in the nuts.

Don’t move the frames!!


Hey, running back through the thread, now that I have more time…
Or should I say…
I was rummaging through one of the old pole barns on the far side of the island and I found this Blob.
Anyone up for a little air?
Some of the guys from my painball days used to like to do crazy shit like this.
And yes that was spelled that way for a reason.
The guns shoot 20-30 balls per second @300 feet per second, if someone wants to stitch you up the back while you are not looking it can hurt a bit. :weary:

We had this out at one time, I think we took it down for the rainy season.
Lets get some air! :crazy_face:

Or this…
I think @joheimgrohen is still working the bugs out.
How are things @joheimgrohen
Do we have any Guinea piiii…Cough cough…I mean test pilots out there? :wink:


I am down, just as long as this guy is not jumping off the platform…:grinning::grinning::grinning:

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Nice one!
Good point!
But you most likely would break the world record for Blob flights…LOL

I forgot to ask…
Anything worth bragging bout in terms of ice fishin’ this year!

I know you are all saying…WTF shag this is supposed to be a tropical island, just look at the palm trees. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Well this is fantasy island and we have what we call the frozen lake in the clouds.
A lake so high in the mountains the surface stays frozen all year long.
The fish would normally suffocate eventually, but there is a hot spring deep in the lake that provides just the right amount of oxygen for sustained life underwater.

Are you catching any fish?


@shag , fishin has been slow… and the weather… well everyone is spouting that “climate change” nonsense again… Raining here and +6 which would be totally out of the normal except for the SUN. From what I read in the Island Times the other day… we are in a cycle of close orbit position with the sun. This will affect global temperatures as it has done every single time this orbit position is occuring. Couple that with the most active area on the sun’s surface is in a position of it’s rotation that is/will be facing the planet… and will also affect solar storms, radiation and potential coronal discharges. One thing for sure with this natural phenomenon… global temperatures with rise during this cycle … but it’s not because of humanity.
Bit of a ramble but I did catch a real nice kokanee the other day but it has been slow everywhere other than for the lake trout guys… they are doing well. I am stuck at home also because the alternator bit the dust in my truck. Just got home with a new one and thankful some friends made the drive out to give me a ride to the napa parts store in town.
Supposed to get back down to doubledigit minus temps this weekend an that will harden the ice surface back up again in no time


Been messing around in the shallows looking for my crab fix and found a great little raised spot in the water so bring your waders or small boats on down to Toast’s Rock Restaurant!

Great seafood and continental cuisine with a lounge on the lower level to hang out, drink a bit, smoke alot and watch the tide go in and out

Enjoy some of the great food choices!



So head on down and fill on up! First meal is free, the rest are pretty close to it as well!


USA only, please.
I am working on helping my Canadian family very soon here.
Ok, whoever is first to tell me what is different about me will get a special never before released pack of I don’t know what yet…LOL
It will be good, I promise.

I will also give away a pack to the most creative way to say it.
So 2 packs total, one for first correct response and one for most funny.
Some may have previous knowledge of this please use the honor system here. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

  1. @middleman :us:
  2. @BigMike55 :us:
  3. @ReikoX :us:
  4. @DesertHeartGardens :us:
  5. @bassman5420 :us:
  6. @Stankonia :us:
  7. @G-paS :us:
  8. @SmackyMcSmackers :us:
  9. @Bobgrows :us:
  10. @crownpoodle :us:
  11. @tresbundles :us:
  12. @buckaroobonsai :us:
  13. @avr1 :us:
  14. @CrunchBerries :us:
  15. @LivingBlackSoil :us:
  16. @4ftfarmer :us:
  17. @Dr.VitaminGreen :us:
  18. @BeagleZ :us:
  19. @Gonzo :us:
  20. @Kavman :us:
  21. @PCC5rivers :us:
  22. @joheimgrohen :us:
  23. @Ris :us:
  24. @toastyjakes :us:
  25. @catapult :us:

Whoa, what happened to your balls?


Let me guess…do we have to start calling you shaggymuff? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


That was quick!
Lets call that first correct response.
Nice work.


shit, I missed that!
it’s now just shags. phew, had me there for a minute/


I tried to get my wife to be fuzzy beaver.
She actually signed a group signed poster as Fuzzy Beaver. :rofl:




Shaggyballs accidentally walked into a veterinarians instead of the dentist.

P.s. Shag is better :+1:


Human S1?:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

Edit: just noticed the name change. Lol

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