Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)

I do not partake in the watching of television either. I like to read.


Sounds fun man! I’ll tag along.



Shaggy on the family members would it not be handy to put their country flag behind their name so that we know aha! he is from my country that could be easier for clones and maybe more elaborated for far away ( or maybe moving the clones in steps till they reach far away)


Seeds are no problem will send a list of seeds that i have


Does the island have a name?

I nominate the name block head island…ya know cuz it’s ironic.:grin::wink:.



Dum dum dum…:drum:

It’s the wheels within wheels man :wink:.

Who needs a paper clip :paperclip:? :grin: Lol


Why did I Google ninja sushi again?



(Murmurs from the crowd: uh oh here comes that orange tabby…)

“Hey guys, como estas?

Was just paddling by and noticed some cats out on the beach. It’s been pretty isolating the last couple years, so I had to come check this out. I was wondering if this is a fully inclusive community that values diversity and each individuals right to decide the unique nature of their own pursuit of happiness? Also, do you all value your surrounding environment as sacred? These are both deal breakers for me if we’re not in alignment.

Excuse me if I’m breaking any rules here, I’ll happily paddle on by, if so. I see all these no politics signs around; fallout from the old civilization, huh? I wonder though, what would folks think about; rather than an all out ban on all politics, what about banning only the dying old-world politics? So, no “off-island” politics allowed, but what if we allowed the space to imagine something radically different here? A truly democratic republic, the likes the world has not seen, in a very long time. I mean I see you’ve instituted a smoking circle for disputes, this is politics, no? Am I stirring the weed too much, now?

I see y’all are having a fine time, I’d hate to be the cause of any turbulence, but well, there is much to learn/unlearn ahead…oh and how is your fresh water supply? And, are there any rivers flowing down that hill that I can toss my kayak into?


I am pretty good at making fire, bamboo makes a great fire saw. I can also build a desalinization still for our water needs :slight_smile:


No, this action is not acceptable!
You need to toss some weed smokin’ in there too brother. :rofl:
Welcome to the island.


Something like this maybe.


Welcome to the family brother!
You are added to the list.


I am glad you brought that up.
We do need to identify who is where in the real world.
I will work on the flag thing.

We will also need a Canadian minister of trade or whatever.
All things on the island need to be made available to our Canadian brothers.
Shipping to canada may be best discussed in PM.

We should probably make one large pack or several to minimize things as much as possible.

More work to be done here.
This is open for family discussion.
But it may be best to keep the gory details in PM.


Bring this up at the family bonfire discussion.
I am open to naming the island.

I would have to say yes!
For me anyhow.

This is another good discussion for the bonfire pit.

I love the concept myself. :heart_eyes:
We are gonna need more weed for the smoking circle. :thinking:

Fresh water supply???
I did see a waterfall on the other end of the island.
I would assume a river is what feeds it.
Grab the kayak and give er a go.
Are you bringing your bike too? :crazy_face:


Never heard of the fire saw before…

We will need a desalinization still for sure, the waterfall is a long ass walk.
You are a very resourceful man, we could use more of your kind round here.
Got any more tricks up your sleeve?

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I am good at trapping, skinning, cooking, shelter making, stone tools and well, some other stuff. Here is me making my evening fire at the lake. I like to keep in practice :wink:


Thats it! I want to camp with Doug… Im gonna cut down a tree and bore out a canoe, carve some paddles and head across the lake to the great white North!!!


That is impressive.
I was self-proud that I could start a fire with a Ferro Rod. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

We may have to give you a job at the education center.
Everyone on the island can use the valuable skills you have.
Nice job looking out for yourself my brother.
You are an interesting cat.
Sorry @catapult


May I suggest, roll a fatty get to carvin’ and we will see ya on the island.
Welcome to the family!
You have your first student… :star_struck:


Both, 3some material

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