Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)

Welcome to the family and our humble island.
We cant offer much we are just starting up.

But we do have an all you can smoke for free Dab bar.
You may have to help out on occasion with the extraction process.

If @DougDawson is swapping our desalinator for a moonshine still we should have some booze soon.
Someone drank all the rum again, I won’t name names, you know who you are.
Just gotta make more, no biggie…LOL

Oh, and we are expecting fish for dinner.
@tresbundles has been drinking, I mean fishing all day, he should have a pile of fish for everyone.

Hmmm, I better get started on a vegetable garden, we have over 1000 acres of weed growing on the sunny side of the island, over 500 varieties too, but not a dam vegetable to be found.

We are cool I brought some heirloom seeds with me.
Just gotta make sure we save the seeds for future crops.
A couple of months of fish only, and we will be happy to eat those carrots. :heart_eyes:


Man am I glad your on the island… :money_mouth_face:


LOL, truth be told I have even been known to grow weed :wink:

we've got bush


I forgot to mention, I know you are on the other side of the island here.
So I put a message in a bottle and it is on its way to you now.
Somehow I think it will find its way to you.
But it may take a while, a bottle floating round the island only goes so fast.


That gif is perfect!!


Welcome to the island.
May we know your country of origin, please?

Did you hear about our all you can eat fish…LOL
The extractor is looking for some help but we have a free Dab and Rosin bar
Some shine is on the way…
I know we need help in the vegetable garden too.
When you get round to it of course, no pressure on the island.
You know the drill, if you wanna eat, you gotta help with what you can.
But, as I said before we must put the weak and sick on the top priority list.

The weak and sick have a skill set too, we just gotta find that and use it the best way we can.

I got to go check on how the vegetable garden is going in, a measly hundred acres.
I know it seems like a lot for just what 30 people on the island…
But a good chunk of the garden is for corn, why so much corn you may ask?

Well, we need corn for booze, and the way @tresbundles drinks we need a Loooot of corn…LOL
We have fish for days though so it seems like a good trade off.
Booze in fish out and everyone is happy, happy! :hugs:



Is there a buried treasure on the island? Like maybe a money pit that’s rumored to include anything from the lost works of Shakespeare to the Ark of the Covenant? If not, I’d like to start that rumor…and maybe start digging a hole just for giggles.


I’d be willing to man the dry sifter cause…I got them shakes!

I’ll be taking my drinks at 1/4 strength, please, so We’ll definitely need some pineapples and oranges!


Yea, buried treasure somewhere, I purchased the island from pirates, don’t worry, I got a bill of sale. :wink:

Ok, lets dig some holes, who knows what we may find.
Uh, what size holes?

A couple feet deep, or Oak island deep?


I’m always lurking around icon_eek|nullxnull, just always more interested in threads where I can learn something or help … beer3|nullxnull


I’ve spent the bulk of the day in my cold room washing up some of the buds from the sunny side of the island. Got trays on trays in the freeze dryer, I’ll get around to pressing it out tomorrow morning. Until then, I’ll be manning the dab bar sipping on a drink.

Hey where did all the rum go? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Ha!! i’m a real island boy born an raised in Curacao (Netherland Antilles)Caribbean


Thank you for the kind welcome! The jungles of the USA.


F yeah Doug D that was quick! U gots skills!


Private island sounds good to me Shag
This may give me some incentive to hang out here a little more.

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Ha, My brother from another mother, you are here!
I was so caught up in meeting all the new guests, I almost did not recognize you standing over there.

Note I said standing. :wink:

I know you are down for a life like this, you are trying to do it right now.
You just need to grab that wonderful wife, that big ass rottweiler and come on down to the island.

Lucy is in charge of island security.
Just let her roam the island, she can eat the riff-raff if any show up. :wink:
Island family meet our new head of security “Lucy”!


Thanks bud, few things are quite as satisfying as taking 2 stick with a bunch of tinder and making a fire. Fire is king and has so many uses.


Meet “Stoney” she is a pure bred Blue Merle Border Collie.
If we get any livestock, she will be in charge of livestock management.
She may look young but the force is strong with this one…LOL