Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)

Nice sea weed suit. Weren’t you part of the buffet the other night?


Hey @Ris it is good to see ya! :sunglasses:

Not needed as you said, but always good to hear good things about good folks. :heart_eyes:
Nice touch on the seaweed suit… :joy:
Was that you at the buffet the other night?
I think I ate part of your seaweed suit. :nauseated_face:


I haven’t made it over to your island yet, still stuck on my own! But I think it can’t be that far of a swim…Think it was @Ris I captured the shadow of in my nursery the other day? Gimme a couple more days and I’ll see if I can swim over!




Start swimming brother, I will put the guard dogs away.
I have shit to do…(really I am going to bed) :joy:
But when you hit the beach and after you have a look around and see if island living is for you, give me a shout.
If you decide you would like to stay, we will give ya the official Fantasy Island welcome. :heart_eyes:


Who is the stick person hiding behind that massive plant?:thinking::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
@ris you have been busy setting up operations to make sure we are able to ship and recieve beans and gear on the islands all good bro :wink:. Lol. Also our secret fert bbp!

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Hi @Tlander!!! Nice to see you here!

Hope you are better.

Relax at the isle… While @shag prepares your papers! 555!!

Ummm… Probably we will need some “recite the constitution” for new islanders? :rofl:



Here is the constitution…

  1. Overgrow the World.

  2. See #1.


#. 3 If any doubts, read previous articles.



#4. The first part of the party of the first part shall be known in this contract as the first part of the party of the first part shall be known in this contract…

#5. If any of the parties participating in this contract are shown not to be in their right mind, the entire agreement is automatically nullified




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Thanks for the ‘visitor’s welcome’ guys & gals! I’ve been lurking just offshore with my snorkel for weeks now, stealthily sneaking into some of the midnight beach parties when nobody was looking!

I guess I’m already a bit of an ‘Island Boy’ (NO, definitely not the crypto “lsland Boys” type!) having lived on various islands all over the World for much of my life! S. Pacific (Tonga), Central Pacific (Kauai), Mediterranean (Elba) and SE Asia (Tland) probably 50 years on islands all told! Hope I can contribute some handy tips!

Prior to writing “The Beach”, Alex Garland visited our remote little secluded valley/beach community on an island in S. Thailand and hung out for a while. Years later we all had a good laugh when the book came out as it was pretty easy to see who was who! Anybody remember the guy that grew their weed??? :rofl: He didn’t mention that the job also included daily hiking checks of the 3 kilometer long PVC pipeline that carried water from high in the mountains 2 valleys away! :joy:

Okay, it looks like I’ll start getting ready for another epic swim! Call off the “Dawgz”! Speaking of which, has anybody seen @Maddawg come ashore yet?



DUDE, I can abide!

You had me at the word “Party”!



We need more of this :arrow_up:

Looks like I have some reading to do up in here…

Sadly, I am on a timeout!


Aha so you are a island boy
Did not kow it was you :rofl:
Im also from a tiny island in de Caribbean living in the Netherlands now

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sounds like I could tell a few camp fire stories here…lol.!!!

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Oh God, @tamimes ! I thought I’d finally gotten their images out of my head! I do remember reading something about them getting busted in FL shortly after their rise to fame…I think involving a cache of automatic weapons!

If they ever approach the island…JUST SAY NO!


I know the image but who are they? You absolutely can’t go around like that and not be noticed!

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Believe me, you don’t want to know! :rofl:


Far enough