Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 2)

I’m thinking about doing some recording with my friend and lead guitar picker. His health is diminishing rapidly so I’ve been thinking it might be a good idea.
If I do I’ll post it on my YouTube channel and post a link.


I want a seat right next to yours. I know you will be double toking so it won’t look bad if I do it sitting next to you since you just did.


Wait! I’ll have my own hose??? Banger idea!


Of course! I’ve seen more mishaps because of passing the hoses. Especially around a bunch of stoners lol.


I’ve seen that on movies and such but never used one. I’d dang sure give it a try though. It’s gotta be a smooth hit.


It’s so nice. They have these cool little charcoal wafer you light and set on the bowl. Never have to put a flame just hit it!

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Hopefully I’ll get a chance to hit a gravity bong in just over a week.
Looking forward to that.


Conspiracy theorist: don’t say bomb on the phone, you’ll end up on a list
Regular people: haha it’s funny because it’s true
Snowden: so hey guys we can listen to you on the phone and watch you guys fuck on the laptop Webcam
Regular people: angry wojak face



Caught the AI completely full of shit. Tried telling me cannabis is a haploid plant with only one chromosome in each cell. I said oh you mean chromatid then? Came back and said chromatids don’t exist biologically and I went ain’t that special. Came back with some Springer data and it said oh my bad. I don’t think they got it it yet or the human behind the wheel is getting confused :thinking: about biology?
Still better than searching through a terrible amount of data you are looking for. I am thinking this is maybe better than searching shit on the net and their algorithms deciding what you should or shouldn’t see.
I keep thinking from my autistic mind why we have these drug laws? I thought slavery was abolished? Does this make sense? I am maybe thinking that if they can tell me what I can and can’t do with my body aren’t they like the farmer and me the horse pulling the plow under their command. This is how I am seeing that but maybe I don’t understand or does everyone see it and just put up with it.


There’s lots of levels of cope

People cope by focusing on what makes them happy, not what they can’t change

Not everybody can be like that, but lots are

Slavery was abolished, but Jim crow wasnt


Ya think??? lol
If “biology professors”, or those claiming to follow the science can’t stand and say “This is this, and that is that. Period.” then why would anyone expect a metal box that knows only the 1’s and 0’s that a programmer feeds it to know the difference.
People! AI is just a tool of propaganda! I can program a computer to say that pigs fly backwards when they migrate south for the winter, but it ain’t so and never will be.
Prepare yourselves for an AI cage match. My AI is smarter than your AI so mine is right and yours is wrong so we should believe and modify our thinking and the way we live by following the 1,000,000 commandments of the all mighty AI (mine of course, not yours).


That kinda sounds like you’re putting LGBT people down with the jab at biology.

The rest isn’t too far off from what could happen. Without regulation or control, nations can deploy AI to write and post content online to change minds about anything.


Nope. Not at all. Gender affinity has no bearing on the science of XX (female) and XY (male). I could care less about how someone feels about that sort of thing than I do their race.
That was just an example of “scientists” that are too cowardly to say a fact is a fact biologically speaking. Whether a person is attracted to the same sex or the opposite sex is a lifestyle choice. It doesn’t make a man into a woman just because he thinks so. Thoughts don’t change chromosomes. It just doesn’t.
The example used could have been one of a multitude of issues that I could have used. It’s just that it came to mind because of something I watched this morning. It was fresh in my mind.

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You might not know but typically, I could be getting this wrong cause I just smoked some hash, but

The distinction is that biological sex is a fact, but gender is a social construct. You can change your gender, not your biological sex. So trans people are affirming their gender, not denying the concept of biological sex.

Keep in mind I’m sure there’s kooky radicals, but I’ve grown to accept that there’s kooky radicals in every group that exists to make them look real stupid and bad. They still don’t quite represent the group.

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For example, there’s people who think pot cures everything and should be given to everyone and grown by everyone, to an extreme degree.

Critics like to take that sort of person and say it represents pot smokers. It doesn’t

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True. I believe most trans people would agree with that. So why aren’t the scientists able to speak the truth? They are afraid of the fringe element making their lives miserable if they do.


I would suggest there are multiple causes

First, as suggested earlier, foreign nations have an active interest in dividing the people of our countries via, for example, “silent weapons”

Second, a lot of these people are employed by spineless bureaucrats who exist to protect the system

Third, the media has an active interest in driving all this conflict and playing up ANYTHING that could possibly get views.

Really even this is oversimplfiying the causes more than I would like. It’s like saying the assassination of archduke Franz Ferninand started the war.


I would also argue that this is one of the most intense periods of anti trans and anti LGBT rhetoric I’ve seen in my life. I mean I’m 35, I’m not that old, I know it used to be worse at some point. But I find they’ve become the accepted culture war target in this exact moment in time.

I would agree, in part.
I truly believe everyone, and I mean EVERYONE is an accepted target at this time. Name me a group of people and I’ll name those that hate them and have a following who also want to hate the group. As you said “the media has an active interest in driving all this conflict”.
How do you take a country to its knees? Divide them into factions that are fired up enough to begin hating anyone not like them. That goes for the right and the left and everyone in between. If a nation is so busy hating and terrorizing their own neighbors they won’t see the laughing, power hungry maniacs that are pushing them around on the play board, using them for their own gain.
All this is coming to a head and I’m concerned that open warfare in our own streets will explode across the country instead of just isolated conflicts.
I pray I’m wrong but all the pawns are in position for a fight.