Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 2)

They are scared to offend someone or as your said get in trouble for spreading “misinformation”!
Anyone from Midwest (mainly Michigan) remember Christmas bud? It was dark green super piney a bit of skunk.
It was always ready about week or 2 before Christmas. Makes sense late October harvest dry
and cure would be about December or so?

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CSI has this, 79 xmas bud

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I mean, I’ve said as much earlier. People are itching to shoot other people. I advocate against it, but shit doesnt look good.


Any fool can see this is what is happening now.
You have to be labeled if you don’t label yourself others will be happy to label you.

Make no mistake just like the bricks that just showed up at the protest, someone is paying for hate movements.

I don’t think we hate each other that much yet but things could change fast.


I keep telling myself that. Surely the decent, right minded people of this country will wake up and shut down the insanity of the vast minority of trouble makers. We can only hope and pray this is so.
Family and community used to be the stabilizing factor. We are fast loosing that though.


That is where it all starts to decline.
If we ever hope to fix things that is where we need to start.


The following is not political. It stems from a sociological perspective.

Historically, the ultra wealthy and privileged have used their vast wealth to create friction and dissent among the common folk. This is evidenced in the robber barron period of our history. There was a mass accumulation of wealth in the hands of a few. The labor movement is in the last century helped to make a small dent in this issue. That resulted in a middle class.

By creating friction among the population these enormously wealthy people have us at each other’s throats. This distracts us from noticing that as a group we are getting a smaller part of the pie as time processes. We are losing the middle class, which has traditionally acted as a stabilizing force in our culture.

Issues like the war on drugs has torn communities apart. People have done hard time for possession of weed! And we paid for it. Billions of dollars over the years.

As a modern example take the Sackler family (link below). They caused an epidemic that killed thousands of people. They pulled billions out of the company for personal wealth. Then they let the company roll over and take the blame. They knew that they were killing ppl and addicting to opiates yet they keep their $ and bear no personal responsibility. They did a lot to cause many social illnesses. But they get away with it because they are distracted.

I have friends across the political, social, and economic spectrum. I find that across those divides we have more in common than not. Few ppl are they way the media portrays the stereotypes. Most of us share many common values but agreement and social harmony doesn’t sell the news. Grinding ppl together does and it keeps them distracted.


I thought OxyContin was a life saver when I got hurt. And then found out it was a life consuming beast that was never satiated. It almost cost me everything and by that I mean my family. It took the rest.


Whether it’s prescribed or not, that’s exactly what drug addiction is, a life consuming beast. I am glad it did not consume yours. Or mine for that matter. :+1:


Heroine isn’t addictive if a doctor prescribes it and if you get addicted you have something wrong with you. Catch-22, we have the mistaken belief that just because you are a doctor you are above reproach and they push that narrative. People just can’t help to want someone to take charge and when they do are unhappy when the power corrupts the person they chose. Too much money in drugs that are controlled by the select few. Next the bankers will take advantage oh no they did that in 2008, shoot can’t trust no one with all that power. I wonder if the medical community would be up for competition from abroad hmmm, did it for the ne’er-do-wells? Yeah that ain’t going to happen for they run this country and that’s that.

The US is biggest Gangsta control of biggest posse and has control of the drugs! Do I believe my lying eyes :joy:


Well said @Bert

I try and say it like that but you captured it better than I could.

For many years pot growers and smokers were labeled as radical dangers…

Stereotypes are not truth


No but lies increase profits


You mean lies like store bought weed would be safer than buying from a scummy drug dealer?


To be fair, it’s much more prompt and convenient :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:


Fair point.
I know a lot of people love it.
My buddy brought me over an ounce of very nice looking stuff from the store.
Problem is the grower used a terp enhancer and the shit really fucks with me.
I am the type that has issues with certain candles ect.

My bag of seeded headband is almost gone and it is almost 2 years old.
The jar of store bought is still almost full.
I have been shut down for over a year.
Just sayin’ here…

I have this idea for a blind cannabis cup.

You put out 10-20 jars full of the entries out on a table.
You can smell it you can squeeze it you can smoke it.
Folks will sit around and smoke all night and the first jar empty wins.
The good stuff is always gone first.
You can do this with food too.


I’m down, let’s call it a party so the “hype men” don’t come

Don’t get me wrong, most of this legal is bunk

But check this out

Affordable meds for 20 bucks

Also can get hash reliably unlike w my previous connects


Im deaf and autistic so I feel for the people who can’t find a good grower to buy from you know? Old people, women who don’t wanna be harassed, people who need medicinal extracts, whatever. My family takes legal cbd oil now, they were totally against all of this stuff when it was illegal.


But yeah,

Jar test best test


Good afternoon Islanders,
Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers out there!!!
Been exhausted the last week or so, working way too many hours, and my old ass is feeling it.
At Reapers Glass Shop, I’ve been working on ANOTHER set of cladded doors. Not only are they cladded, they are entirely custom. Once the lady in Paris decided to tell us what she wanted, (3 weeks of waiting and crying about 3mm) I had door bodies built in hours. On top of that, it has a custom patina finish that’s a BITCH to work with.
Needless to say, over 100 clamps per side to get the cladding seated, what a pain.
I did manage to get 4 days worth of work done in 1 1/2 days, REALLY taxing, and physically burned me out.

You can’t really tell in the photos, but, the patina is supposed to mimic worn leather, and probably the best looking part of their ugly store, wish I had a photo of how ugly the rest of the store is.

Glassed, caulked, and ready for the shipping box, headed to the Bahamas.


You’ll have that annoying fam go crazy and has to know if its sativa or indica when there’s no such thing at this point and placebo mostly so i just tellem its a hybrid :sweat_smile:
Methyl jasmonate in studies and my own tests not only frosts up plants used 10 days before harvest but increases that sweet lemon taste (is it limonene? Not tart just hint of sugary lemons like in triangle kush crosses) im curious if that bothers you too