Should I defoliate?

@luxton What this method used to be called back in the day was called bumper harvest…even though in the agricultural world it just translates into a larger harvest than usual.

This used to be a popular method and probably still is for outdoor growing. Basically you’ll harvest the tops first as usually done first then let the lower sections go for another 2-3 weeks to mature and fatten up…sometimes 2-3 times.

Some cannabis strains like being harvested like this and some do not…never seen it done indoor but same principle.

To me his video just screams “we need more …penetration” lol

And for me personally I remove the lower to focus more energy into bigger and better tops. :wink:



We’ve staggered harvest like this to produce bumper crop-like yields over a month long harvest off four plants. Detailed in our grow log here on OVERGROW, but as new to this as we are, I’d be hesitant to say whether that’s best practice in any individual scenario. Our decision to do it that way has mostly been due to drying/curing in a cannatrol, so we can turn a chop of a wet kG over in 4-8 days and do it again until we can’t.
I would say we wound up with a lot less larf and more mature bud, but again, there were a lot more variables at play, too.
On defoliation, we’re still pretty light hands. We focus on ensuring air flow and cutting down on any chance of moisture being trapped in layers of leaf. Tucking can go a long way to opening light penetration. We prune obvious sucker branches at the end of veg and end of stretch, but definitely need to get more brutal and discerning across the board.

That canopy sure looks lush though @AHuiHo421 !
Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon: