Should trust level requirements be enhanced?

I am happy that works for you.
Like I said brother, that will not work in Detroit.
I assure you that if you were in detroit you would change your ways.

Around here they will take your TV no matter how old, who knows what they would do to the wife or even your kids if you have any.
The open door policy is not a good choice.

I knew a guy that had a broomstick shoved up his behind to make sure he knew not to talk to the police.
Try and convince that guy the open door policy is a good one. :wink:


When did I propose the mods do backgrounds checks?
I don’t think I ever did.

Absolutely not. This is toxic bullshit and you know it.

We have real families, people we are related to by blood and marriage or the luck of life that we have responsibility for. People who support us every day and we support. That’s why we don’t have time to do the suggest two year dance of the sugar-plum weed fairy to prove ourselves worthy of acceptance.

I’m floored


If someone were to break into my house I would not like it. Mrs Foreigner would kill them.

You do not have an exclusive position because you live in Detroit. I have lived in sketchy meth ridden places. Those places have character. I appreciate a little sketch. Shit happens. It gets handled.

I will let my favourite band in the world, ever, speak to the nature of openness:


This made me laugh. Like the magical fairy grandmother of dope.


Forming a family without blood relations is Toxic? :face_with_monocle:
WTF are you taking about.
I in fact know the opposite is true.
Sounds like you have a problem with those who you are not related to by blood.
Now that sounds toxic to me. :wink:

Well if you have no time for me…I have no time for you.
That is the way it works in my world.

And I got news for ya bud.
There are good folks out there that will love ya like a brother and lay down their life for ya too and they are not even the same color let alone the same blood.
So might I suggest you rethink that statement?

We clearly do not live in the same world.

Not claim to but you have no clue what the D is like if you did you would not say such things.

The folks round here will rob an outlaw biker gang club house, do you think they fear a woman with a gun or even a huge weapons cache?
Nope not a chance.
We live in 2 different worlds there bud, what works in your world may not work in mine.
Just sayin’ here.

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Back on topic here…

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Your world is a sad, small place.


I have been to the worst parts of Detroit sir.

I have lived in places with more guns than people.

I have been places where they would kill you just as soon as look at you.

I have been to narco states where gangs not governments rule.

The world is a vast place and is far more interesting than my shiny new condo. It’s a veneer. A facade.

I don’t understand. You already have an exclusive community. But you wish to push the standards of your insular world on the rest of us.

No sale.

Mrs Foreigner has made a lovely dinner and there is enough for everybody and anybody is welcome, even, especially, the unwashed hobo on the corner.

Even you shag. But I’d prefer for you to wash.


I think I should have enhanced trust level requirements as I am a very shady character.

Can’t speak for the rest of OG, seems to be working fine.


I vouch that is a shady character.

And that @shadey guy. Real shadey.


No quite the contrary…
My family is very large and that make my world even bigger.
Might I suggest you have it backwards.

I have more folks that watch my back than someone who only sticks to blood reletives.
So you see your world is the small sad one.
My family stretches around the globe currently, how does yours compare.

Ok, fair enough…
And you still suggest to leave your doors open?
I must say I am a bit confused.

I am not pushing anything on anyone, why do you say such things?
Please quote for reference or please quit with the false accusations.

I agree with this for sure.

Please provide me with 3 references to justify why I should quote anything to you.


Then please inform those that lost money like LAJ.
Tell em to quite the crying it is only money right?
Seems a bit of a double standard to me.

The site gets scammed and then it is a problem.
A member gets scammed and they get told to quit crying.
There is where the problem lies.

If it is wrong to scam the site, it is wrong to scam a member.
Why is there inequality?
How is that acceptable on any level?
Why are liars and thiefs accepted here?
I feel if you accept/tolerate these sort of actions, you become part of the problem.
I do not accept liars and theives and I do not support those that do.
Take that at face value and nothing more please.

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You should be a novelist, bro.

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I vouch that is part of the problem.

Really this is a simple is/ought distinction and we’re all just wasting our time here.


Threads like this are a waste of time I am discovering. They are started with good intentions so that’s a positive. But nothing will get accomplished other then some ruffled feathers.


How is this since you don’t seem to understand the previous statement.
This is really simple, you may need to read it several times to get a full grasp of what I am trying to say here.
If I did not say something or imply something, please stop saying I did.

Your subtext screams very loudly. There are implied things in what I have said which I have not said.