Sintax Giveaways!

@Vegabom you got any info on nebula? Images? Think I’m gonna fall in love with that one.


Sorry man, just won those here on OG. I maybe take one or 2 seeds out, then pass along.


First time seeing that milk n cookies around here…excellent

The Nebula also…enjoy brother

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Great drawing on that one too

I’m excited just to have them in my collection. Printed labels for letters today, still gotta pack more seeds up.


I got three Iced Nebula by @SubzeroIceKold, about a week old atm. I’ll keep ya updated. :wink:


Keep the pictures and the update frequent @blowdout2269. Since I saw those pictures he had posted awhile back and would like to see a grow out on them


Should I post it all over @Sintax’s thread?



I’m totally cool with updates lol. Love this shit. Which strains is this? Setup is sooo nice.


Did another cal mag feed, worm castings tea, to the plants that were needing nitrogen. Everyone looks really happy this morning. Greener leafs on top.


Now I’m gonna make ya read.


Couldn’t even get a rise outta ya? :joy:
Ok, here’s the Cliff Notes:

I think this⬆️ post is the only way I’m gonna remember.


Lol I actually started reading but fell asleep and forgot to respond. Been a busy few weeks.


The ladies getting some fresh air.

15 1/2 for 16 ain’t bad!
(The Iced Neb in the lower right has got a permanent helmet head).
Well, actually its completely uncircumcised. :rofl:
The damn shell is just stuck on this bastard.


And…just a quick peek in the 2×4.

Chores = DONE! :+1:t3:


Perfect way to put it too :joy::metal:


You know what’s crazy? So I’ve sent out 15 letters so far and almost have the last batch ready for mail. I sent 5 to local friends and Facebook friends and the rest to overgrow fam, not one local or Facebook friend has said anything about receiving them, yet 7 or 8 out of 10 on overgrow have contacted me thrilled with awesome pics. I’ve received 4 letters back with seeds all from overgrow. Weird how people you know kinda don’t support ya as much as people in this community.


Tangent sort of, but in my mind there’s a connection. :rofl:

Have you ever heard the expression “Blood is thicker than water?” Of course you have.

Well, I always thought that was stupid, until I heard an explanation about it recently. It actually means something like the family you choose (to fight and bleed with, as in war) is more important than the family you were born into. As in, “Her water broke.”

I’ve met friends in person from OG - that’s awesome, btw - and have friends online here that are more important to me than actually local friends. That sounds :name_badge:really bad when I write it down, but I don’t think it’s as nerdy as it sounds. Nobody in my family is as into growing as me. Not even my son, who got me into it.

All of you are as into growing as I am. Some of you are clearly worse, if that’s possible.

Boy did I go off topic. Sorry. My wife found some hash I made her from The Forge auto about two years ago and it has aged so well. That’s my excuse.


The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.

I’ve lived by this most of my life. @Sintax I feel for you buddy. It kind of sucks when you don’t get that little boost of appreciation from the people near to you. You’re definitely appreciated here though!


Preach brotha!
Hell, I’m a total nerd. :joy:
I’ll go out there and say it with ya. Up until recently, I’d say OG friends are all I got besides my wife. (I have an old hippie friend who might actually be getting sober and I’m attempting to reconnect. So that’s cool.)
But yeah, some of the people in this community I would most definitely consider friends. We all know what personalities we’re drawn to and we use that to springboard interactions and spark conversation. Isn’t that friendship?

Ok, yeah I’m a nerd. Damn you got me off in the weeds too…
Pun intended.