Sintax Giveaways!

Hope you get some good help from home. Gotta ask around with medical info I am finding out.

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I second the social worker. Ask around. It may take a bit of time and persuasion but they have resources available through the state that they are allowed to allocate to people based on certain criteria. If you qualify it could cover all the costs of in home care and meds shipped to your door.

My wife’s brother was on deaths door, he was killing himself drinking and needed help. My wife worked with the hospital social worker and she got him into one of the top rehabs in our state. He got clean and that same social worker got him into a great halfway house. If it wasn’t for that social worker and my wife he would most likely be dead by now.

My wife just spent some time in the hospital with an infection. Their social worker was able to get us in home care to set up IVs and teach me how to do the wound care in between visits. Good Social workers are unsung heros.


Shit man, so you get your meds and basically go back to your chair in Emerg and wait for the next round? Dude, we’ve gotta get you some good reading! Lol

I third checking into something with the hospital man…

Every answer to an unasked question is no

Doesn’t hurt to ask :metal:


Hopefully Thursday’s good news cause I really don’t like the thought of a camera in my dick while I’m awake, but haven’t peed blood in about a week which is good so far.


I play second galaxy and watch YouTube grows, live seed giveaways ect sometimes I just sleep lol


Get well soon @Sintax . If there’s anything any of us can do for you, let us know.


Holy shit, yeah, no, knock my ass out for that or I’m gonna start swinging involuntarily, lol


I’m sending good vibes your way and hoping things get better for you…I’m glad your getting rest at night though…hopefully not many more hospital meals real soon


Well looks like I’m getting the old camera in the dick damnit. On a good note I’m not doing a damn thing today but eating sloppy joes, plants, and bong couch.


My condolences to your pecker for the stretch from within. Need but not wanted


Good luck @Sintax and my sincerest sympathy for the intrusion to your nether regions - hope all goes well and turns out as you hope :smiley: :four_leaf_clover: :smiley:


I don’t even know what to say man… My condolences? Lol, that sucks bro, I’m shuttering just thinking about it.

I hope they’re able to find and fix whatever’s going on so it doesn’t have to happen again!

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I been there. It feels just like a Foley if you ever had one of those. A catheter. Are they looking for a bleed?


Yea I have hemophilia, so peeing bloods kinda bad. They are trying to find out where its coming from. Been a few months of on and off and not knowing why.


I had that for months when I was in the hospital. Mine turned out to be from gout medication. I started refusing it when they decided they were going to take one of my kidneys. The bleed stopped after 3 weeks. It was like dark grape juice or Dr pepper.


Prolly read that wrong but hemophilia has no cure, I don’t heal at all. My blood doesn’t have the cells to create clots or heal basic injury. I even have spontaneous bleeds or swelling of joints. Its all extremely painful, and I have to have injections every 12 hours during a bleed or injury. Also makes it near impossible to keep a job or stable life, been fighting for disability for years.


I totally get it, I know there’s no cure. Disability is insane. I just got denied for the 5th appeal. Finally stable enough for surgery in a few weeks, then I guess I go back to work. I’ll toke one up for you today man


Ahh shit man, that suuuucks… My sister is taking a ton of blood thinners after having several clots in her legs and lungs… Now, she’s dealing with similar shit as you, although I’m sure it’s not nearly as bad (although the docs had a shit-fit and fell in it when she was pregnant, haha). Watching her deal with it first hand, I feel for ya man, big time.


I went through that a couple of years ago, and I don’t want you to worry about it. Because it’s worse than you think it’ll be. :joy::sob::sob:

It’s over pretty quickly though. If you can get some lala meds that would be smart. I didn’t request them but I should have. (Edited)


Happy for U @Sintax :muscle::muscle::muscle:…That’s Great to Hear…Stay Blessed Family :pray: