Snipping leaf tips

Interesting that cut tips drop root growth success rate by 18%, more than I had expected. Thanks for sharing!


There is thisā€¦


I find that interesting as my rough notes have shown the reverse. I lose around 15-20% non-snipped cuts compared to snipped cuts. But I also donā€™t use rooting hormones or anything either. Just veg nutes around 1ec in an aerocloner around 5.6 ph.

And i dont snip anything near 30% of the leaf! No wonder theyre losing more of those than the untouched. I literally only snip the very tip of the longest blade of each leaf, like a half inch at most. Just the tip :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


This could initiate a small immune response and may help you, taking too much leaf may cause a severe immune response and the plant may then focus on repair of the leaves instead of making roots.

I have no science that will prove that, but it makes good senseā€¦ to me anyway. :upside_down_face:


You can do the trimming while cuts are still on the mum a couple of days befor taking the cuts , mum can take the stress easier than the cutting : )
But thatā€™s only on the rare occasion if Iā€™m bored and remember : )
Sometimes I will top my cuts while still on the mum , get some early training in , better to top now on mum than top and stress small clone out later and waste time on run : )


I do, because thatā€™s what the guy in the how to clone weed plants video I l learned from did. But I hardly have best practices with clones. I just put them in peat plugs after a dip in clonex and then the peat plugs go in solo cups with a little water then a week or 2 later theyā€™re g2g