How soon can you cut a clone?

Working in two tents.

12/12 for Photos
And 20/4 for autos - objective is to grow one or two photos in the 20/4 tent and than cut clones so I could put the older photo in the other tent to flower.

I want to just keep cutting clones and repeating.


One technique that may work well with your autos is to use the top of the photo plant as a cutting. Some people let their photo plant get to be say 1’ tall, and then top it to support lower branching. if you leave 4-6 branching sites, and cut off the top 4" for your cutting it might work well.

Having a smaller branchy topped may work really well with the autos. It will help to control the photos height, and maybe match better with the Autos that stay on the shorter side.


I’m going to test that out. Thanks for the advise! I never thought to use the tops. Thanks!!


What you are proposing is done often. Basically take clones before sending the plant to flower. Rinse & repeat.


have found that the tops clone easier and do better …good luck


I like to have at least a 3 inch clone with 1 or 2 plus nodes as the smallest
I just took a clone from a plant with 7 nodes took the top 3


If you just plan on topping your plant and using the top as the cutting for your clone, that’s easy enough to do.

Most of the plants auxin supply is found in the main growing tip, then secondary growing tips and root tips. The higher the auxin content, the harder it will be for the cutting to grow roots… auxin inhibits root elongation. Plant shoots with lower auxin levels make cloning easier.

For this reason, I wait for the plant to become mature then cut low/mid level branches that have tight internodal spacing and use those cuttings for making clones.

If the way you clone is successful for you, then there is no reason to change anything about it!


how are nodes counted? I have always wanted to know this?




I count nodes as pairs of leaves or branches. So a plant with six nodes, generally has 12 branches, and they are usually symmetrical still at that age.

Internodal spacing is the space between nodes.


You don’t have to take a cut at 45 but before I place it into my medium for cloning I cut a 45 degree angle across the bottom of the branch. Another thing that helps is stripping parts of the branch so you get more growth hormone on the base of the cut which works but personally I don’t think it speeds anything up so I don’t bother doing that.


Could not have said it better then @ReikoX and @Explorer


I know how I, personally, take cuttings, but I never have known how to count nodes. Thank you for the info! Much appreciated.



Cutting a plant at a 45° angle creates more surface area that allows the cut to dry and heal faster.

I make the cut at about an 1/8" below the node. And if the strain is known to be tough to clone, I will make a few small slits in the stem just above the node to aid in rooting before cutting and dusting with rooting powder and placing in medium.

Other times I take cuttings and soak them in aspirin water before dusting them w/rooting powder and placing in medium.

The Salicylic acid in the aspirin is a natural rooting hormone derived from willow bark. Aspirin water is essentially the same as willow water and is a natural root enhancer. It will also help boost the plants immune system and hardiness.

I enjoy a very high success rate with cloning plants.


@DesertGrown What do you think of feeding the moms a bit of p& k a week before taking cuts it seems to help!

Do you prep your medium in any way ?

I fine soaking the rooter in a mycorrhizae and humic acid mix in water helps

I fine wrapping the rooter tightly around the stem seems to help
Since I started this 100 roots as early as 7 days ( this was the quickest I’ve ever seen roots and a good deal of them lthink it was san’s zoidfume )


Giving the plant a little P/K a few days before taking cuttings for clones is a good idea… also giving the plant a drink of water about a half hour before taking cuttings will help with keeping the cutting more rigid and hydrated longer.