Cloning Basics - an overview of cloning

Hello Grow Fam!

I have been working hard to help people learn the easy way to grow amazing plants. This is one video I completed on cloning. Let me know what you think!


Give us a little bit of an overview of your process for those that like reading more than tab jumping?

Welcome to OG btw, good to have you


Yo dude nice vid and welcome to OG from a fellow Michigrower. I’ve been using pretty much the same technique as you with tremendous success for a long time. I use bottle caps for the clonex, was wasting to much with shot glasses. The only thing I would add, is to make sure everything is sterile before you start. Alcohol the tools and wash your hands or wear gloves.

Edit: @XxPeacePipexX started a Michigan Community thread recently.


Great video and keep them coming.
I’ve found growing from seed produces much stronger and vigorous plants personally. I’ve not had many failures growing from seeds either where as when I’ve took clones my success to failure ratio is around 50/50. If I buy feminized seeds I’ve no reason to clone. Don’t get me wrong I’ve taking clones from my blue dream and cookies kush fem plants but only for seed production run and they are doing great.
It takes around the same amount of time to get a plant from seed to grow to around the same size as the cutting takes to grow new roots.
I can understand if you find the perfect female and you want to constantly produce her traits, flavours and effects that it’s good to keep a mother plant around. :v:


Thank you so much. Appreciate the feedback :grin:


Seed does produce some good genes, but if you can get a good cutting, you can save yourself weeks of veg time. Rooted clones can also provide really great results if you have a mother plant which produced amazing flower. Imho


Sometimes it takes a different run to get her to really shine. Sometimes after rooting the growth is even more aggressive than the mom.


One of my recent techniques is to just drop your cloning gel or powder is straight on something like wax paper and just smear the stem in it a lot less waste IMO, I personally like to cut a 1/2 “ piece of aloe leaf and dip my stem in that! Probably get a dozen clones off of one small piece great video @thegrowtentguy and Welcome to OG great to have ya here!


I think the air bubble in the stem is b.s. like a old wives tale from people who couldn’t root clones or something.


Welcome :blush: to OG… There’s a good amount of ways to clone and I prefer the simplest of them all. Seems like people put way to much money & time into cloning. Yes there’s a lot of great products that can make your success rates higher if you have been struggling. I began with the old cup of water and the simplest of Vermiculite \Perlite trays using the old rooting powder and now I’m more fond of cloning machines for the convenience and 100% success rates using just mineral water with no pH adjustments. Health in the cuts is more important than anything. The rooting products are just accelerants in general.

Anyone else enjoying air cloning or layering? If you can swing your VPD in veg to the sweet spot most plants will push out roots like Tomato plants and are easily cut and planted immediately, even though I prefer to just cup for a day in water to avoid any possible stress…

Here’s a example of my own recent work with a true OG Kush type that is notorious for poor rooting in both growth and cloning… It was as simple as ABC…



Hi Tinytuttle,

Thanks for the great recommendations. Putting some gel on wax paper would definitely save a lot! This is what it’s all about, Sharing!


I thought so too. One guy took a cutting at the knuckle where the mother was super cropped. Showed to me as proof that it happens XD

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When the import and domestic cut flowers arrive in distribution they are cut under water and it is the embolism that is avoided this way- but I fully agree with you on this one! I have seen the cuts wilt in my hands traveling homeward from the field. I’ve also always practiced smashing cut rose stems with a hammer - grams swore that it along with aspirin and sugar prolonged that blooming flower. And I used to run one of those water cutting wheel machine, so that and my own methods vary like most of us doing our own things that work for us and our situations…


I take cuttings and stick them in plant pot with vegging plants ( 1 or 2 each pot.) and i have a great success ratio - in the 90 odds % rate …

I have domes etc but i have not been using them, and very rarely do i use the clonex i have either.
I scrape the ‘skin’ off the bottom of cutting and just straight into soil and just water/feed as normal - no spraying them either, and when rooted I’ll wait til soil is dry ‘ish then pull the clones apart and re-pot .- simple.
I just harvested my keeper since Jan 16’ and then noticed i had no other clones of her, so i lost my only keeper through my own stupidity. Lol :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Though if i was to take many cuttings - I’d most likely use a dome. Each to their own eh …!

Happy growing/smoking ,


I find that a lot of people over complicate cloning. It’s fun to use a lot of products and be fancy and stuff, but honestly, some plants are just difficult to root, and the rest of them aren’t. The vast majority of cannabis plants will root just fine by being placed in some inert medium being watered with tap water under a humidity dome.