Soaking seeds in coconut or bean water?

I just did it for laughs and it worked perfectly.


You’re always throwing out the funniest quips man making me giggle like a school girl with my morning coffee lol.


I use coconut sugar for germination but I haven’t tried the water yet. 3 teaspoons per 500ml of water seems to work really good


I use tap water and a tablespoon of LABS in a pint mason jar to soak flower and vegetable seeds for 24 hours. Plant seeds into seedling soil and use LABS water to moisten soil. Sprouts appear within 3 days.

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I saw bean water mentioned I thought about Lab because bean water is packed with labs. I don’t think anybody could go wrong with your method or using bean water.


I’d assume coconut sugar is just what’s left over after the water evaporated off; based on that assumption you’d think the minerals and everything would be left behind in the sugar so reconstituting it should be on point. I’m sure somebody that understands science better could elaborate.


What is labs?

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A big hound dog that’s great for hunting pigs.


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Lactobacillus serum
Rice water inoculated with bacteria and fermented with milk to form curds. Strain curds out and refrigerate liquid in mason jar. 1 to 2 tablespoons per gallon of dechlorinated water. Water plant as needed or mist the plant. Lots of pictures and recipes online.

did anyone ever move forward with this experiment?

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I’ve a wormery in the garden
Explain more I’m curious. I thought the seeds would rot as it very biologically alive

I have only read on here about it regarding old/hard to germinate landrace seeds. I have no experience (or worm bin) myself. The site search brought up a link to this thread on ICMag.

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I soaked some seeds in it and I feel like it helped with robustness of germinating.

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I’ve got a bunch of old seeds i wanna pop myself, the last 2 didn’t take so I’m gonna try some of these suggestions for myself next time!

There is a thread here for old beans
But here’s my protocol
Soak in 1% hydrogen peroxide for 12-17hrs
Soak in molasses and humic acid water for 24hrs
In to rock wool cubes

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