"Son" Of BOG is a scammer

This isn’t the first time I’ve seen the Confirmed Cannabis Community Thieves pic pop up. They’ve been around a while scamming folks under a bunch of different IG accounts/websites.


The reason it’s still being brought up is cuz it was still happening and they want people to be aware of scammers especially since their techniques change and in the age of the internet as has been shown and proven they will just set up shop elsewhere with a new name.



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That’s why we have trust issues. Be careful out there.
Sorry to hear they are still scamming. I hope karma catches up.
I strongly encourage responsible seed trading. Stay legit OG.


I saw that thread right after he made the first post and thought “Uh-oh, this could cause problems.”

glad that the mods caught it and shut it down. You run a tight ship @LemonadeJoe, thanks again for keeping this place running smoothly.

Do we assume that the user won’t dare show his face again with the same account? or is this grounds for a ban?



Sure, when previously suspended registers again we hopefully detect it and suspend again!


Is the dick the reefer or is it to the left? One big mean green standing proudly?

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Was just over on social media and a scammer in the cactus community was exposed. Photo was same couple above, Came back on here to confirm but post was removed by facebook very fast. Obviously a different name was used. Beaware.


They’re branching out into new plants? Old cacti and rare houseplants command high prices…it was a matter of time before savvy asshole scammers figured it out; this is why we can’t have nice things lol.


This Pandemic sure brought out the “Grubbers”, didn’t it? I’ve never gotten so many Spam Calls and Texts!!! I now know why certain actors got so handsome, how to last all night, and how to loose 40 pounds doing nothing. What a game!!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


You do know that your car warranty is expiring?


Do your ducts need cleaning?


The IRS is looking for you. Call now to avoid warrants for your arrest. Oh yeah, and your student loans need attention lol. :joy:


Haha!!! Dude, I get at least one of those calls every day. And I don’t even own a car.

I got a really weird one a couple weeks ago, said it was from some federal law enforcement agency that doesn’t exist. The call came from North Carolina and it said there was a warrant out for my arrest, which I know is (probably) impossible. But I took the call anyway, just because, you know, arrest warrant and all that. Dude got on the line and kept asking for my name and I was like,”You called me. You should know my name.” I kept asking him what this was in reference to, but he finally hung up on me after I repeatedly refused to tell him my name.

Weird shit, for sure.


Oh, and the back check they have for me, and have been trying to confirm my account information.

@minitiger sort of like yours. If they have money for me on an account, wouldn’t they already have all my information.

They keep getting slicker, and slicker with the website emails looking more and more real. It’s easy to see how they scam so many older people.


Yeah, I don’t answer those calls, usually. Or any number I don’t recognize. The only reason I answered the North Carolina “arrest warrant” call was because the dude who works for the liquor store I order from and who delivers all my beer has a North Carolina number, too, and I had a delivery on the way. I figured it was him calling, but it turned out it was some scam. I thought it was pretty ballsy of them to say they were a federal law enforcement agency, though. Kudos to them for upping their game haha.


You are correct he was a scammer.

The worst ones use the computer programs to figure out who you are when you answer based on a quick call. Or use deepfake voices to try and immitate your gramma in jail needs bail. Who comes up with these ideas?


Funny I just got one of these today too!


I love those calls. We play right along with them as we say we’re on our way to Western Union to send however much it’s going to take. Then after a long few minutes, change your voice to Officer Whateverdafuk, the end.
They hang up so fast, I can’t get their charges out quickly enough. :rofl::sweat_smile: