Sour Bubble Redemption Seed run **Closed**

Excited for this one! Hope it all goes well this time, and thanks to everyone involved in sourcing the seeds and growing them!


Thanks Doug beer3|nullxnull , having something from BOG in my stash is a great asset, appreciate the opportunity you give me to finally grow something from him ā€¦ :pray:


I feel like having the sign up list will help, as if we are petitioning the universe to let this run succeed :laughing:

Good luck with it and you definitely get credit for tenacity!


Thank you! I didnā€™t know how it was done. :grin:

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Well that & there two #41s in the level 2 listā€¦
ā€¦Stonersā€¦ gotta love them! :laughing: :vulcan_salute:



No worries @Gpaw , I will clean up the wiki, I did it twice already :wink: The big issue is when someone doesnā€™t put a space between the period after the number and the @symbol. It messes up the wiki. No big deal.

Edit: All fixed


Yes, I made a few passes through mine ā€˜tweakingā€™ the spacing etc.
I think folks have actually gotten better with the signups than roughly a year ago.



You got all my likes for the day so far Doug, Iā€™ll cruise by in an hour to drop off the rest of em :joy:


Lol, I am out of likes again myself. Itā€™s pretty common, the OP has way more signups than likes :wink:. All the comments are really what shows the love :heart:

Edit, it gave me back 2, lol


Some people probably dont realize what the pop up about overwriting means. Itll happen a few everytime as newbies learn the system. Means new people.


Still nothing like a wiki war battle royale on the free seeds thread. Then the claws come out.


Man, canā€™t believe this happened while my attention was elsewhere. Please LMK if you extend the LVL2 list @DougDawson. BOG gear has been on my want list for a while.

10 more spots added to LV2 :wink:


Many thanks @DougDawson. I still kick myself for not picking up Life Saver when I had the chance.

Very happy to be part of this run, muchas gracias for share with us, mr Doug. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:t2:

Any way I can get a card? Not signing up for beans. That shit is cool :sunglasses:

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Loved following along in your other thread. Some of those plants turned out beautiful!

Looking forward to following this one as well. Plants are off to a great start. I love those beautiful
broad leaves! Awesome job Doug!

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Thanks man, pretty stoked just with the number I have going this time it should work out better. The other thread was great but I figure since the pants are hanging now I might as well give these a fresh start. New thread, new tent, new light and a new attitude full of positive vibes :slight_smile: Since I sank my teeth into this preservation there is nothing to do but get to the finish, all other outcomes are not allowed. Donā€™t care if I have to start it over 10 times, it will be completed. How can I sum this upā€¦
This is the way


Sorry bud, they will be distributed with seeds and there are way less cards than spots. I may just pass them out in giveaways but they really should be paired with seeds.


Had to ask.
Itā€™s still really cool

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Man, you really canā€™t stay off OG for more than a day without missing out on something great! Glad I found this before it filled up. Hope I made it in a spot that gets me a trading card. Iā€™d be sad if I missed the 2nd in the collection. :yum:

As always, great work Doug!

Just saw the talk of the cards. :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers: