Sour Bubble Redemption Seed run **Closed**

When I collected mine, I was lucky and the furnace was running and the air outside the tent was 17% spread it out on parchment paper until it cam down to 20% and put it in the box. Once the humidity goes up, I have trouble getting in under 20%. Once it was in the teens I froze it. It must have work because my boys have babies all over us and Canada :laughing:

I had a problem recharging mine after I left it on the counter by the stove when I went on vaca and when I came home some of the pellets turned blk/drk grn and when I plugged it back in they didnā€™t turn back. The house setters and cooked and baked while I was gone.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Had none of these issues on my last collection so this one has thrown me for a loop but hey, thatā€™s life. Mine did recharge as far as I can tell, the beads all went a nice orange again. Last nights collection is spread out in a dish I made out of paper towel to wick up any moisture it can. I am hoping that sorts it out. Humidity beside dish says 34% so hoping for the best. Not giving like they were but still getting some pollen at least. Right now I just want some darn energy back. Even skipped feeding a couple days ago as I could not find it in me to go up and lift those 5 gallon jugs.


Plants looking great!

Killing if on the pollen collection!

Damn, by killing it I guess I really mean killing it! Haha! I seriously think you are just putting too much pollen in too small an airspace even with desiccant packs.

Shitty about the Covid. I also had both delta, and omicron. Sounds like you got it worse. But you are above ground so take it as a win!

I got my fingers crossed that you get some shriveled Grape Punch pistils STAT!

Good Vibrations To You,


Thanks bud. Yeah, itā€™s got to be the shear volume of it thatā€™s too much for that pack to remove before it starts clumping. Whatever pollen I can still get will be laid out as thin as I can make it across a larger area, hopefully that sorts it out. Will have to do something different next time. As for Covid today going back at work sucked. I just felt like I have been awake for a week solid. Other than being really tired now the rest seems to have left me so all will be well with the world. At least I know I will sleep well tonight :wink:


Just got caught up here, what a drag with this pollen Doug, sounds like youā€™re plugging along though, I hope you get it figured out mostly for your own satisfaction at this point. Echoing what everyone else is saying too bro feel better soon, I know what an ass kicker that virus can be, get well soon boss.


Yep just catching up alsoā€¦ I know your efforts will pay off in some regard! Even if the pollen thing doesnā€™t work out.

Hope you feel better soon though man, donā€™t forget to concentrate on that too.


So managed to drag myself to my grow room, mixed nutes, fed the plants, collected pollen and am not back on by but, phew. Still getting pollen although not as much but still itā€™s something. I checked the pollen I put in the paper towel bowl and itā€™s still nice powder so thatā€™s a good thing. Here are some pics. The buds that were very light and hidden under all the fans are gaining color now so life is good.

Also for those curious about those little seedling starter bags here is a pic for you. This should show 100% that these plants are quite happy to grow through the bags.


Itā€™s called cold stratification. Plants that take off from seed in the spring like tomatoes, cannabis, etc. have an embryonic dormancy requirement. Iā€™m a huge advocate of doing this. Itā€™s not critical, but I believe it greatly improves germination rates and seedling vigor.


Cool thank you for the good info (re seeds liking a cold dormant period before sprouting). Dormancy thatā€™s the word i couldnā€™t think of.


Sorry folks, no pics tonight. Got home a while ago with my cat who fell ill all of a sudden. $800 later and we are home awaiting more tests tomorrow. Just sitting down to get him to eat but itā€™s slow going. Going to ignore the pollen collection tonight. Just donā€™t have the time or energy. Will give you all an update tomorrow.


Sorry to hear kitty is going through that, wishing a quick recovery!


Hugs to you, the fam and your sweet kitteh Doug!


@DougDawson hope you catch a break here soon brother. Sometimes it just seems the world is against us. :pray:


Thanks everyone. Life can feel like an accumulation of punishment sometimes but hey, life is neither for or against us. Stuff just happens. All will be well in the end, little buddy is responding better at this point and even ate some. Not a ton but he is putting in food so that is an improvement. Darn little guy was bouncing and playing with me Sunday night. All off a sudden yesterday he just laid down and as acting how I felt. Itā€™s weird. Doc will fix him up.


Do you think the cat has covid too?


Doug, I really hope Tigger feels better soon. :cat2:
Itā€™s good to hear he is feeling a little better.
I know it sucks financially, but its awesome to hear that you care about your furry friend so much! :green_heart:
I wish Tigger, and your family all the best! :v:
I hope you get your energy back soon too.


I have read that pets can get it. I donā€™t know, the doc will sort it out.


Thanks bud but I got to take care of my little brother, I am fine. Itā€™s about him now. I got all the energy he needs.


Good point, never even thought of that.


Just caught up here! Sending some good vibes your way and Iā€™ll try for some sunshine too! Just thinkā€¦ The cabin is getting closer every day! Best wishes Doug