Starting Autos Inside for Outdoor Finish - Best Timing?

You could. I’m not against it. I have a harder time finding my way in the autoflower seed segment, and the talk about it is a bit more scarce around the web which doesn’t help the issue.

btw, talking outdoors, you can’t, not here, it gets too cold where I’m at, same for GV.


Going to put some autos out for the first time this year so this is a timely thread sir! I’ll need to beat back my natural inclination to START THEM NOW! I’m usually first week of June for putting plants outside, but I do like @MidwestMover idea at shooting for max day length. I’ll probably start mine third week may and land outside by mid June-ish.


@NorthNorthNugs awesome!

@Groenevingers , i’m 43.6, Zone 6.

May 24 = Usual Safe planting week for my area :+1:


Coastal Zone 7B, started my auto seeds beginning of March in 3g pots of soil and put them in the tent. Just put them outside this morning.

Plan on harvesting by June and then starting another 4 autos right away.

State limit = 4 plants and I need to build enough of a head stash to get my harvest rotation balanced out.


A clip on shop light with an led bulb will extend your daylight hours even more!


I’m planning on planting my first auto flower this year.
I was thinking of planting it in a 5 gallon bucket outside. I would like to have one plant finish earlier, hence the auto flower.
Is it too cold for a seedling outside at 50ish degrees F?
I’d like to get this started in the next week or two.
Is there a better way or is my plan doable?

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