Sulfamic acid as ph down?

I didn’t see any results returned on the search for sulfamic acid …so I thought I’d ask if anybody has used it. It’s in powder form, which I like, and seems very close to sulfric acid.

I have not used it but home depot has it for 1/3 the price.

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May be relevant:

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The opening sentence isn’t very comforting. It would be interesting to see if the ph lowering ability is significant and thus where it stands in relation to the maximum limits.

All in all sounds like sulfuric acid is more to the point for what we’re doing. I was intrigue with sulfamic acid since you can get it in powdered form.

“Sulfamic acid, due to its plant growth inhibiting effects,
is subject to maximum limits in fertilizers as specified in
the official standard1) for ordinary fertilizers according to
the Japanese Fertilizers Regulation Act.”

White or cider vinegar is good.

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Doesn’t work so well in hydro.

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Yeah just read the link, I use soil and mix nutes as I need them, not stored mixed, so maybe not so bad than in hydro.

I used ACV in RDWC before. It wasn’t pretty at the end, but it worked! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
What about citric acid?

I think citric acid can cause bacteria. But, I want a strong acid and have worked with Sulfuric acid for ph down for years and love it…I just saw the other stuff and it was powder form and I was like “this is nice”.

Never heard this.

It’s crystal form will dissolve quickly though.

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Perhaps I’m confusing it with another acid. But, I still prefer a stronger acid. I’d use citric in a pinch …I see people using lemon juice.

I used to use lemon juice on certain applications.
But it will start to drift immediately.
Pure Citric acid crystals are wayyy stronger. I learned the hard way. And the water is super stubborn to come back up with just a higher pH tap water. I was amazed.
Plus, it holds better than anything else I’ve tried.

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The older folks used asprin…so I guess we’re ok.

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