Supernatural by EG preservation project

Best of luck, hope you get some great germ rates. :v:


Awesome project!! Sending good vibes for healthy vigorous seeds. Settled in


Have you asked Mike if he might have some still?


I did and he said the only way to get a handmade pack of supernatural was to buy the NFT digital art which is for sale but the owner of the NFt digital art wants 1500-3k for the digital art. And he already redeemed all the rewards that come with it which included that handmade pack. Tried to strike up a deal and trade but he only wanted funds.


Yeah, that sounds about right.
Whatever you do, I’ll be pulling for you.


For real…he did not! Lol
Count me in for the journey too.:slightly_smiling_face:

I’m with Doug on this one. If that’s not enough beans to get the party started, more probably won’t help. :wink:

Best of luck my friend.


"Git to gittin’!!!" You’ll do just fine. Best of Luck, take care, stay safe and, be well…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: SPECIAL NOTE: To add a wee bit of positivity, stop right where you are, close your eyes, stick your right forefinger in your right ear, cough twice, open your eyes and say, “why in the heck am I doing this?” Watch, all your anxiety and apprehension will be gone. Feel better??? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


good luck ! sure gone watch this! :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:


If you wait for everything to be perfect you will NEVER get started. I say pop those seeds and let GOD sort it out. :crazy_face:


I agree, let’s get this show on the road. I just recently found some seeds of a strain me and my brother made when we were kids, gonna be running them this year. 10+ years old so the longer I wait, the more can go wrong. I’d say run it


glad you found your holy grail now lets hope you get some nice males n females .and jaws is the only person i know who has a fridge just for seeds lmao so of course he had them.


Dedicated seed fridge is the way to go I have one just not a full size, and it’s about packed full now so I need to go up a size :joy:

Good luck on this project, fingers crossed for an 100% germ rate! @inhumantheory

Seems like the majority of folks here would just pop them and if anything goes wrong I’m still happy to help you trade up to another pack!



Appreciate everyone chipping in. I think I’m gonna go ahead and germinate these ones. I plan on taking cuttings for those that do germ. I have confidence they will pop for me. Positive thinking brings positive outcomes :pray: and a little sweet talking to Mother Nature doesn’t hurt either!

Let’s get this ball rolling!


Now that’s the attitude to have!

I was hyped to see this come together, as you probably know by my screen name I have been a huge Subcool/TGA fan since I started growing and anything with the flav in it should be some darn tasty smoke!

Plus it was very cool to see you and jaws get acquainted he’s a solid dude for sure!


I’ve always wanted to try the original The Flav. I love subcool and his strains! Spacedawg and Space are some of my favorites. Especially that space queen. She was truly something special. And @JAWS is a great dude. He didn’t have to give me his pack from the vault but he did and I’m forever grateful of that. I also wanna make sure i send some of these back to him once I’m done with this project so he can have that strain back in his vault.


And that’s why OG is so awesome lol

You have a wonderful day and I’ll be watching along !


Does anyone know how to dilute 3% h202 into 1% I heard there were better germination rates with 1% but I still see some good germ rates with 3% as well. I also think the worm casting method would be good too but I’d have to order some from buildasoil if I’m gonna go that route.

So my possible methods would be

Soak in water with h202 for 24 hours then move them to damp paper towels where I will put them somewhere warm and dark.

Or should I wait for the worm castings?

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this might help


Thank you so much my friend!

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no biggi your welcome ! :slight_smile:

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