T5 being phased out intentionally to blind humanity with led

No more T5 fixtures from local electric supply houses or the big box stores. Bulbs still at the box stores but no fixtures. Led retro fit bulbs everywhere though. I notice Inferior T8 and obsolete T12 60 year old tech lights still being pushed and tons in stock. Big box stores insistence of eye damaging led bulbs being pushed on the World. Just another example of how the powers that control want superior lighting like T5 to be discontinued while blinding us with led meant for plants if anything and not for the human eye. Just noticing the manipulation even in this small area of life. How long until we start seeing the led damage effects? I notice my eyesight become damaged from long term led exposure. Beware the led bulb outside your grow tent and use heavy glasses inside.


I still use a T12 from 1997 sometimes.

All my house lights are LED. They dim to however strong I like.

Likely makes them more money.


Life is interesting. People said the same thing when CFL replaced incandescent.

Except then it was “they got mercury in 'em because THEY want to poison us”.

People protested against electrification.

New things supplant old.


They really do.


If “they” and “the powers that be” is James Beam Distilling Company then yes, it is literal poison. If not I dunno. I just keep buying their delicious brown charred white oak barrel aged product.

Or the guys pulling the strings of the JBDC…Suntory! Dastardly Japanese distilling corporations at their tricks again. Jim Beam is just the glove over the hand this goes straight to the top.


I read somewhere that historically the biggest fear of innovation has been sterility. Microwaves etc.


2012 Spanish study found that LED radiation can cause irreversible damage to the retina. A 2019 report from the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES) warned of the “phototoxic effects” of blue light exposure, including an increased risk for age-related macular degeneration.Aug

“But here’s where Thomas Edison may be rolling over in his grave: LEDs produce short-wave, high-energy blue light, which has been linked to biological and sleep disturbances
is also associated with blue light hazard — when an intense light source causes damage to the retina. The retina is the part of the eye that changes light into impulses that become the images we see.”

NOW tell me im a right wing looney baseless conspiracy theorist , baron von glowstick. T 5 is not obsolete. T5 is superior lighting.I am a top level video producer. I know lighting. There is smoke and fire in the opening observation. Some cannot see what I see. They just see MsM. Draw your own conclusions I was just letting you know what I see happening. It effects growes. T5 is the best vegging light in my opinion.


This is a wicked handle :joy:

My FIL is a farmer and has a very very large array of T5s and he swears by them.


In the 80’s we were told not to be under fluorescent lights too long because they emitted too much blue light which was bad for your eyes and disrupted your sleep cycle :sweat_smile: That argument was considered but sidelined because the sun puts out way more blue light than any human made source could and we walk in that light every day without everyone going blind :joy: I guess these new LED’s must be putting out a new form of especially dangerous blue light or they would just fall under the same umbrella of dangerousness as fluorescent lights and the sun :rofl:


I think the issue in the article is related to LED screens not overhead lighting.


When I try to describe LED lighting to the uninitiated I tell them it’s like a TV. A TV is just a fancy light right?

Mine draws 130 watts :joy:


Well could go into how LEDs use the same phosphor compounds as fluorescents do, and if you took all that away and had a clear tubed florescent guess what it emits blue… Well mainly UV light… So yeah…


It’s about screen not overhead. In smartphones is usually an option to protect the eyes which filters out some of the blue spectrum.

This protection makes it easier on the eyes. Of course it’s subjective but for me it works.

This is actally a fascinating subject. I work on a medical device that measures the eye. As part of our safety testing we measured the power of the LEDs we use to illuminate the eye. In the end, the physics said it would take seven hours of constantly staring into the device to exceed the safety standards. Staring that long is actually possible with a phone, less so with my T5 replacements.


Doesn’t the sun produce mostly blue light waves during the noon hours? Pretty sure its 5600k to 8000k color temp wise, so pretty much all blue. Florescents give me headaches, I won’t use them.

I received conspiracy stories with a mocking attitude.
But so much has ceased to be just a theory
And now…
I’m just waiting for the reptilian rulers to be revealed
No kidding

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Remember that everyone thought the old hippys were crazy because they claimed the cia was experimenting with mind control. Turns out they were right.


How much shorter would it take with, say, a 200-400 watt LED for the garden?


I’m sure it would be a lot shorter. Wear sunglasses when you look at your grow lights. :sunglasses:


Or better yet don’t look at them at all. I have a visor.