T5 being phased out intentionally to blind humanity with led

I’ve been lazy about throwing them on lately, the brightness used to bother me a lot more

Damaging my eyes is scary tho, I guess we’re adding them back to the routine :sunglasses:


Off-topic removed…

@vernal, please be so kind and stop trolling in every other thread that doesn’t fit your “view”. You are derailing the topic. Your strategy to “beat” any topic you don’t like with as much off-topic as possible is silly.

Every statement contains a kernel of truth.


It’s your site. You make the rules. I wondered when this would happen.

But I have to ask: do you think I’m a federal agent and “the powers that be” are conspiring to replace fluorescent with LED? If you think that’s a valid topic undeserving of criticism, I dunno what to tell ya.


Sometimes it’s how we say things that has a larger impact than what we say.


In what way do you notice damage? Colour perception? Has your prescription changed noticibly since you switched to LED?

I do find blurple lighting alters my colour perception for some time. If there are any other effects I wouldn’t know the difference…


This is why I hate blurple. It hurts my eyes and makes it less pleasant to open my cabinet door.

But these days you can get LEDs in pretty much any colour temperature you want.


Personally I think any lighting strong enough to grow cannabis well is going to also be able to damage our eyes with too much exposure. I find the transition from entering a lit grow room from outside at night especially troublesome


No, but the impact of LED use on health deserves civil discussion.


There is no reason why T5 fixtures stopped being produced yanked off the shelves and LEDs forced on us and every single avenue everywhere forced LEDs. I notice my eyesight has gotten significantly worse since LEDs were introduced I am a portrait oil painter and was painting under LED for about four months and I noticed my eyes starting to go bad. As soon as I got the iPhone X within a month my eyes also started becoming burned my retinas feel burned and I have to use reading glasses now after always having perfect vision even using. T fives in video production since 2012 never have my eyes been damaged like LEDs have damaged them. There is no reason why 60 year old T 12 fixtures are still being produced but yet they pulled all the T fives off the shelves and only have replacement bulbs with the LEDs. Black hats can laugh poke fun derail and say " nothing to see here, move along" all they want but we’ll see how this thread ages. My concern is for the public health and not an individual agenda. If you believe there is no conspiracy in the world and everything is as the TV says then I really really feel bad for you
I’m also starting to use sunglasses when just using the phone I basically wear sunglasses all the time now when I drive at night the LEDs burned my eyeballs from the oncoming traffic. Othrrs have commented the same about the led auto lights. I do have particularly sensitive eyes but I do notice this and I really feel bad for people that have experience what I have so far from these LEDs and hopefully the majority won’t. Who benefits from the loss of the World’s vision , that is the question. Do your own research this was just a post of awareness for you all.


There was nothing sinister when the world switched from VHS to DVDs.

I’m sure they’ll sell the changeover as an environmental initiative.

Staring at any bright light is bad for your eyes. Looking at a screen all day is bad for your eyes.

I wear sunglasses inside sometimes too.


Let’s not forget our eye sight degrades as we age.


How old are you? I notice my eyes have gotten worse the last 5 to 10 years but I just turned 50.


exactly, stare at an HID for a couple runs. let me know

i mean, theres no reason you can tell. maybe something economical, some resource provider issue. most likely economical. Companies dont give a f. they just care about money, whether their product is good for you or not, secondary to profit.

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I just purchased 2 led shop lights for my barn, I hope they’re not going to do anything to hurt my old eyes. I already wear glasses.

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I have grown using lots of different
Lighting over the years , led is deffo the hardest on the eyes

I bought a pair of method 7 glasses with the fx lens ( cultivator style ) and I notice no pain in the back of my eyes when wearing them compared to not
: )
I might start wearing them when on the phone or driving at nite now too


Gonna check those out thank you for the intelligent response to a serious red flag issue in the World.
I think 5g comms with led some how. Thats why the push. Led car lights are u believable destruction to oncoming traffics eyes. Especially these big trucks with the leds. No reason to change out other than trends. Unless there is a deeper agenda as there always is in my opinion.

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They deffo work well no complaints : )
Hello10 is 10% discount code


in mine too. as we speak my eyes are blurred out after veg maintenance (sometimes im too lazy to even put on sunglasses).

The only part that I dont see eye to eye (see my dad joke there?) is on believing is an intentional strategy to fuck our eyes globally.


They fuck everything else over. Our entire life is one big fuck over. This is just another sign evil rules this World. Blind the people blind them all. Its par for the course. Good posts regardless and thanks.


I bought these ones for night drive, cannot stand those new led lights on cars :see_no_evil:, much better now, in the tents I just don’t stare at the lamps … beer3|nullxnull