Talk to me about UVA and B, Reds and who is Emmerson anyway?

So I currently run (I’m coming from 1k HPS) PLC photobooth strips so I do have some reds, but what about IR, UVA and UVB, am I missing something?

When I compare my indoor GG4 and OGs with my outdoor from the same cuttings it sure seems like I could do better indoor.


A quick search on Wikipedia will get you started on understanding the Emerson Effect. In simple terms, you can increase photosynthesis by exposing the plants to both deep red and far red.


Im curious to know if the Emmerson Effect is a big deal as far as increasing yields or just an interesting scientific detail that stoners have blown out of proportion?

In other words, is it really worth it to invest in some special Near/Far Red LED lights, and will you actually be able to detect an increase in yields?


I asked @Baudelaire of SolStrips about this and his comments were that the Emmerson effect does NOT do much for increasing total yield. However, it does improve quality a good bit, plus it speeds up flowering - which amounts to a slight increase in yield over time if you can squeeze in more grows in a year. Im not clear on how much it speeds up flowering, but it didnt sound like anything dramatic.
