The Junkyard awaits

Would that be with all cloudy or with some amber trichromes? Sorry for the basic question, the spraying I did really browned the hairs and there some discoloration, not sure if it’s suppose to be like that based on the color that the other grower got. It drops to 68-70 at night, not much of a chill for color.

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Yes, all cloudy, with some ambers


Sweet, thank you. I’ll keep checking with the pocket microscope, but wanted to get a better idea when I’ll be chopping.


Hey brother, just thought I’d throw this out there not sure if anyone replied to this as I have not read the most recent posts to this thread… but your selections are definitely :fire: and I’m sure I speak for many who wish they had the space to grow all of the :fire: that’s coming from many others like yourself here on OG!! Thank you for your contributions to OVER GROWING the world!!


Apollo 11/13 x Hashplant #19 results. Got a male, one slow take off it was culled, and the third plant made it to the flower cab.

This plant quickly vegged and cloned easily, so we’ll see how she does next to my second batch of testing. She grew in coco (no cut) in a beer cup all the way to harvest. Out of #14, #17, and this one picd #19 she’s the lowest producer. Run all of em 70 days from flip, around 4-6 weeks on the cure and ignored til today. Smells like lemon furniture polish and smooth sweet flavor of fruit rhine and maybe plastic taffy ?
#17 still curing, not crispy yet and steadily evolving into sweeter aromas

#14 gonna have to add to this on an edit later. I just pulled a nug out of the jar and it’s also ready to smoke. Crunchy exterior but gooey inside


So I may have screwed up my labels, not sure how… but plants #4 and 5 may not be part of this batch :man_facepalming: They are different than the rest of their “sisters” and are nearly identical to ones being grown by another member of another set of testers “Big League Grapes”.
Here’s the three plants in question, the BLG were fem seeds, one of the 4 turned out male and I thought it was a BLG…
The two I thought were Apollo 12/13 X Blackwater


The one I thought was part of the other line of tests.

The BLG another member grew

All that said, going for the final stretch towards week 8 now
Just a whole tent shot for now, the right side of the tent has the two rows of AP x BW


It’s been five weeks since germination and time to move from solo cups to 2 gallon fabric pots. Plants have been on a 18/6 light schedule under 300 watts.


Day 57
Didn’t get a pic of all of them before lights out, but I had to chop the first of them (one for sure Apollo x Blackwater) last night.
Checking crystals, this could have gone maybe another week with the rest. but I don’t have any better way of supporting her any more, she’s about to bend and snap in half
This was plant #6

I also harvested #4 and 5, but these two may be from another batch of seeds… based on the structure it’s likely so.


I may be way late on this, still getting used to the layout since moving over from a lesser forum to remain unnamed lol but i though to read that you may have a lack of volunteers from some of the crosses and i don’t see anything i would feel like i’m wasting space on so if there’s anything that could use some Central California sun and also fill up one of a few spots I have left indoors. I’m doing kind of a side by side thing running several strains in and out this season to see what I get from each spot, thought it would be fun since I havn’t done that before. I can germ them upon receipt and get it going… Anyway, thought I would check since it’ll get me participating on here and if this is a way old post then it is what it is and ill keep looking for other fun activities :slight_smile:


It’s been five weeks since germination and getting ready to flip to 12/12 today. All three are very uniform in structure, although they vary in height. Two weeks ago I transplanted them into 2 gallon fabric pots.


This is Colombian x GDP x Grape Stomper OG, correct?


Yes sir it is.


Looking great :+1:t3: along for the show.


10 days later, of the three @SCJedi testers planted one is female and one is male. The jury is still out on the third and it is a mutant compared to the other two.


Not sure


@SCJedi I am super new here, but not to growing. Would be down to pop some beans and report back if the offers is still good. PM me if so. You have some very pretty parents, and the pics of the kids looking great!


Hooray for remembering login information holy shit lol
So far she’s going real easy, doesn’t want or need much of anything and really likes a dry pot. I topped her once, trimmed bottom for airflow, and just staying hands off. I may top dress a bit of Craft Blend when I water tonight but undecided.
Thanks again for the opportunity to test these, apologize for my absence I’ll try to update a bit more often.


Oh suppose it’s time to finish my test report :sweat_smile:.
All the Apollo 11/13 x Blackwater have been harvested. But I chopped them based on the maturity of the crystals, so I ended up pulling just two at a time.
Sorry for the poor lighting, these two taken at 9 weeks

Last two taken at week 10

This one was the short one of the group, got a little crispy from either the time they dried out a bit much, or she didn’t want as much feed as her sisters.

Aroma: after drying and jarring the first three harvested (the last two just got dry enough to jar) I feel I can give a overall report. They all have a similar sweet smell, with a some leaning a bit more earthy, another more towards some sort of spice.

Smoke: I find these to be a nice balance of head buzz and body relaxation. I’ve been smoke it during the day, doesn’t make me drowsy unless I sit back and let myself get sedentary.


You Sir, most definitely did them justice! Great work :muscle:


Great job! Thank you for your help!


Duct tape week 4