TestOfOath's Happy Place

Ok I swear I’m done buying seeds… No seriously this time :wink:


@Old-Ron @JoeCrowe is it a boy?!?! I’m 95% sure they’re boys now

Colombian gold

Highland Nepalese


those are strange bulging growths! Usually the focus for sexing the plant is anything after the 4rth node. Which nodes are we looking at?


6 and 7 I think on the Colombian and 4 and 6 on the highland… I guess I’ll be more patient and let them do their thing till I’m back from vacation. Should know for sure by then


That is just a growth. The second picture of the CG it looks evenly shaped. Normally for male it will not be.

I think I would wait until I decided the sex on both plants.

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@TestOfOath this is what you are seeing on your CG.


This is the female CG. Starts around node 8 or 9.


So now that I know at least the 73 Durban and Highland Nepalese are females I decided they’re gonna be 2 I use the JOTI cookies and candyland pollen from @Purple-N-Hairy on, get the landraces tested for cannabinoids and terps and then have the offspring tested eventually too, can almost guarantee there’s gonna be unseen terps and cannabinoids in these old cultivars that have never been to a lab

Durban Cookies and Nepalese Candy, or vise versa or both, a branch or two on each. Since I only sprouted one of each, I don’t want to waste any bit of the genetics.

Also have the ICC#5, Strawberry Akei, Purple Punch x La confidential, Nightmare Runtz and one I can’t seem to remember, all should have pink/purple tones that are very much accented by the pollens genetics.

Sorry this is more for my record keeping than anything lol


And if you get a male 73 Durban, PLEASE :pray: send some pollen my way. That is, if it’s from the “red” pheno pack. That will give us a head-start on the cross with my GSC. If it’s not the red, no worries. I will grow out what you gave me to run, and hopefully have more than one male to pick from. :crossed_fingers: Either way, I’m looking forward to growing out the “red” and sending a million beans back your way!


Thank you!! :smiley: :pray:


Any time brother, glad they made it and I hope they treat you well! Send some pics whenever you get around to em, I’m very curious how they come out for everyone else!


Will do :grin: nothing like some good quick flower for smoking and I’ll be sure to make some seeds with it too


How would you say that white Walker is? Been thinking about acquiring some for a special cross, want to make sure it’s the right choice before I go searching

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I’ve been a fan of it, when I got em they were F1s and no idea what he’s gotten em to now if any further at all, been some variations but it’s all super frosty, nice dense nugs, the one I’m smoking now is extra cheesy tasting. I fucked up the hydro run, being my first time, had em at 9000+ ppm for a very long time, so they’re a bit harsh and didn’t fill out quite like they should’ve but I had over a quarter pound from the first plant probably the same from the 2nd. Can’t beat a half pound from two autos

Still smokes decent though some buds are harsher than others, wax is made from it’s trim


Who’s ready for a long update? Lots of pain lots of gain, my buddy did his best to care for em midway through my vacation. Wonder if itll upload 31 pics at once :joy: I’ll put words in between them all here in a few, been working in the grow room since 530 n need a break. Ok now the fun part of trying to piece all of this story together.

Also flipped the big room to flower veg tent to veg since the dosi cut only has less than a week left, was the opposite cause of the autos

First up is root balls of all 4 plants I cut down, the 2 white walker monsters, one 5 days ago one today, the dosi cut and kush are the smaller two balls. Waiting till Friday for the Dosi cut cause it looks so nice and can still use some time

When I first rearranged everything

My nature essence didn’t make it in the jiffy pods, didn’t help that my buddy forgot to water them, new nature essence, supafreak, apple jaxx, and I think one more I have written on the white board

Some LST of just hanging some plant wire on these oversized bitches after transplant into 1 gallon pots. My buddy forgot to water the two in the tent so they’re in for a huge shock. Used some azos, biorhizotonic, and vitamin b to reduce the shock n help em adapt quicker.

Killed the only other ATF I had when I was harvesting the first White Walker, was doing a balancing act on the scrog net to get em closer to the lights, knocked it down twice, completely broke the entire root system off, dipped in Rootech and bagged it but it wasn’t enough, needed TLC not me to be on vacation, very butthurt about this, wanted to make ATF seeds for everyone.

The few remaining clones I have left after multiple fuckups, couple AG, couple GDP, one ICC#5. Gonna take more soon now that I harvested the indoor.

Samsquanch OG putting the stretch on, got a support and raised up, lights lowered too.

Nightmare Runtz I broke in half while attempting to transplant without taking out of the net, was twice the size, was a relatively clean break that wasn’t able to be saved, could’ve attempted to clone bit have plenty of time to recover anyways. Put Rootech on the wound after cutting it cleanly so it was semi sealed and healed faster

Everything shot

Everything shot

Ice cream cake #5 taking up half the scrog like I said it would

Dosi Cut porn

Strawberry Akei

Romulan Grapefruit

Purple Punch x La Confidential

There’s also an Acapulco Gold I apparently didn’t photograph

Seeds soaking overnight

Harvest shot

Coin my dead little brother gave me, one of the only possessions I have of his, being the grifter he was and not having anything. Retiring it cause it doesn’t fit the best in my tiny HOJ grinder

More harvest shots with flash, still not the best


I have yet to come back from vacation to find my stuff in good shape.
:green_heart: :seedling:


Mother Nature and I are having a disagreement about when the left half of my greenhouse should start flowering. I’m not content with only a few more weeks of this cold bullshit grow season we’ve had here in Michigan so they’re gonna get some help to stay vegging from 5-830 (or something like that I need to adjust for neighbors so they don’t get mad it’s lighting up their entire house from 100 yards away) (First couple pics were me adjusting where I could best put the light to cover the whole hoophouse, it was too concentrated in the middle just hanging up top, covers side to side and half the block this way)

Also, I could cut the trees down on the back side of the greenhouse but this only took like 30 mins to setup lol


My neighbors house is up for sale… I promise I won’t complain about the lights. Lol

Looking good bud!


Had to move all those extension cords I used to get out to the hoop house lol. Good ole mother nature said “bitch you really wanna fight?”


Dosi Kush

Before and after the TrimPal

Dosi Walker

Dosi Walker smells and taste phenomenal, filled an entire mason jar off the one mid sized auto. Dosi Kush was Dosidos leaning in taste and nug structure with OG hints. Chopped the Dosi Cut to dry. Gotta send the rest of my white walker through the trimmer today too