TestOfOath's Happy Place

@anon81143130 wanna add “don’t forget to plug the cloner back in you dumb tripping fuck” to the list of don’t do’s???

My happiness fucking up my happiness 🥲

@TopShelfTrees1 we may not even have to worry anymore :neutral_face: might’ve just done a hard reset on accident


Haha…sorry not funny but I feel ya. Those might bounce back since they already have roots. I have a cloner just like that and have never used it. Thinking about dusting it off and trying it out. You just use plain water ? I was thinking about adding in a little hydrogen peroxide and root hormones.

Edit…nm I saw in your earlier post plain water with rooting gel


If you go up far enough it’s not my first fuckup with this cloner, tried adding all kinds of shit into the water and it ended up just making algae on the pucks, made everything angry and die off or just stay stagnant for weeks/a month.

Was giving the plain water a shot as suggested up top after my previous disaster, was going well with roots on 70%+ within 7 days, fast root development once it started, but decided to crash land mid flight again for no apparent reason…

Still can’t seem to keep the leafs happy though, they always look visibly butthurt at just existing when I see lots of people’s just look like happy normal plants till they transplant.

Slow learner… I’ll get there, sorry if it’s kinda incoherent I’m still coming down a bit


Ooh nooooo!!! Always rough when things like that happen :frowning:

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I keep thinking I need Stoner Checklists posted around my grow room…
:laughing: :rofl: :vulcan_salute:



Greenhouse isn’t quite booming enough for my liking, large quantities of all things NPK from Down to Earth organics dry amendments, even Langbeinite and dolomite lime. Hopefully it bunches up a bit instead of running off.

Couldn’t get over the size of this bubba’s breath stalk, monstrous and still vegging

And the rest of the outdoor updates lazy style


Fingers crossed the little cuttings pop back up for you man. They should be fine, think we’ve all done it once…or a dozen times.
Everything else is looking great man.
That really is an extra chunky stem on the BB.

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I’m starting to realize what it is is that I need a better plug setup, extension cord that ends inside the tent instead of pulling tent plugs outside…

Used my fancy trimmer on my GSC auto last night and had to unplug the plug next to the cloner… APPARENTLY that motherfucker decided to come unplugged from the act of unplugging the other cord, that’s MY luck though, idk if I’m repenting for when I was a dickhead till my late teens or what but just… WOW. They all perked up within like 10 mins of having the cloner on but some are so wilted up top I doubt they’ll make it, I almost didn’t even wanna post that I was that stupid/unlucky lol,

Like I said gotta change the setup so as to prevent my stupid, take away some variables, I’m almost serious bout @Gpaw suggestion. Gotta have green sticky notes everywhere for weed, pink ones for my daughter, blue ones for my son, ones that look like little checks to write my wife :joy:

So I nuked the spider mites yesterday few mins before lights off with 10ml each of Green Cleaner and Plant Therapy to a gallon sprayer, it’s like 1/4-1/2 strength. Got top many autos finishing to go in full throttle but I couldn’t live with them just thriving, figured they better at least have to repopulate before I gotta deal with em again.

Dropped 1 more nature essence and a samsquanch OG auto into paper towels, nature essence last night and samsquanch OG today after they sank in the cup before even hitting 24 hours. My 2nd nature essence has a tap root already, maybe like 30 hours after first touching water @DannyTerpintine :grin:

I’m getting kinda impatient and butthurt the Colombian gold and highland Nepalese are taking so long to show sex, the other two were literally right next to them on the same table thing and they showed a few days ago…

Here’s the first White Walker “cola” (I topped both early in flower cause they ran into my lights). Gonna cut the rest of that first plant down probably 11-1130 am before lights go off today, open up some space in here

I can’t get over how vigorous that fucking ice cream cake #5 grows on the left towards the back, it’s a beast and just never stops


I have one Columbian that showed female about a week ago or more. The other one still hasn’t shown sex. They are 6 weeks old now.


Chopped down the first White Walker and boy did it make some room. Knocked the one ATF down twice pulling branches out of the scrog and am damn surprised it even survived cause its root system was completely ripped off the 2nd fall… My wife had to come check on my cause I was screaming so angrily :sweat: only got two of those ATF seeds and I was sure I’d killed that one but with some Rootech and a bag to keep it humid for a day she seems to be recovering…

Moved the '73 Durban and '17 PCK out to the 17/7 lighting so they can go back into veg, topped all 4 of the landraces cause they grew 1-3.5 ft in a month in solo cups, really need to transplant to 1 gallons, crazy vigor but are not liking being confined very much. Still waiting on sex on the Highland and Colombian, leaning towards males for both but we’ll see.

Dosi Walker

Dosi Cut

Dosi Kush

Colombian Gold bottom of plant showing odd growth? Haven’t sexed enough to know if early male signs of anyone wants to help

And the Highland Nepalese


Samsquanch OG auto into her redneck bubble cup for the fall solo cup challenge (I took off the zip ties and added a small piece of PVC to keep the inner most cup the desired height)


And here we have 2x Nature Essence from @DannyTerpintine and his SpaceBound Genetics for @Syn Nature Essence thread and a Supafreak from @corey cause it’s my first freak plant and I couldn’t help myself.

I’m thoroughly excited about them, though I’m disappointed I decided to try jiffy pods randomly instead of what I’m comfortable with and know works… Patience patience patience I guess

Also moved the starter to a heat mat and put a bag on it so the heat had to work harder to escape the starter… Jiffy pods were cold to the touch and probably contributing to the slow growth


This pink rose was from a bouquet from Sam’s club and literally one of my only successful clones so far. It’s so frustrating cause I heard it’s one of the hardest things to clone and I can’t manage cannabis but proud at the same time cause it’s my pretty baby now, blossoming and all :cherry_blossom::hibiscus::tulip::rose:


My 2 CG have the same kind of growth. Just genetics it seems. The one showed female pretty early. The other has not yet. Hoping for a male, but we will see. They are over 6 weeks old now.


Thank you for keeping me updated, I’m still a rookie with sexing and regular seeds, I can spot females all day but I’ve not had enough males to be able to confidently identify em early on, truly appreciate you sharing your knowledge


Looking good @TestOfOath! Can’t wait to see what’s to come!

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We all are all always learning. It is better when we can do it together. Hopefully one of us get a male to share some pollen with the other. The female grows about an 1 to 1.5 a day. The other about the same, but is 8 inches shorter. I moved them to one gallon pots about 3 weeks ago.

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Hey Test are you going to post those cool NS updates in the Challenge thread? I was wondering how you were doing?

I used the jiffy’s for this one too. I just tried them for the last grown.
:green_heart: :seedling:

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It’s all posted in there as well :grin:

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colombian gold looks male. In the first photo you can see what looks like leaf bracts between the main stalk and side growth. Kind of blurry!

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