The Bank of Stank

As always thing are looking good ! I am really considering your water only technique! Seems to work great d or you

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Thanks for stopping in.

There is a bit of hassle in mixing up the soil each time, and not all plants are so happy with my particular style, but it’s totally worth it to be able to use water the whole way through. Welcome to Easy Street. This current grow is so crowded that getting under to water is becoming a hassle. So I rigged up a water pump to an 8 manifold head and now I just press a button and in 1 minute they’re fully watered. You can even control the individual output in case some need less than others. I’ve reached a new level of laziness and both me and the plants seem to be better off for it.


Damn your killing it! Love the garden your gonna have some good smoke soon! :fire:


Thanks, brother! I will be killing it (them) in about 20 days. I am truly looking forward to some good smoke. I appreciate the opportunity to try the Ice Cream Cake! But there’s a lot of other good contenders this round and I’m going to have to make some tough choices on what to keep moving forward.


How do you determine which one(s) are the winner(s)/keeper(s)?


No worries I’m just happy to share and let you guys try what’s out there

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Nothing too special, just smoke them all and try to pick my favorite one or two out of the bunch, all the while keeping moms until I’ve made up my mind. I’ve got 15 cuts I want to whittle down to 3 or 4. My criteria for finding a keeper are #1 the high, #2 smell/flavor, #3 ease of growth, and #4 yield.


Slamming into week 6 so sexy. I repeat this mantra: I don’t need early sample cuts. I don’t need early sample cuts. Leave them alone. Leave them alone.

Tent #2 at 28 days. The @stanknugzz77 MBxBF are STILL stretching. I chopped some heads off at what I thought was the end of stretch. They gave another 1.5" since then. I bet the chopping simulated more stretch. Most tops are getting light bleached because they are <10" away from a QB288 now. That will get ugly soon enough. They have puny stringy looking buds so far. Some are starting to beef up though. The shaded parts in the middle are doing much better overall.

You can’t even see the MAC1 or Purple Punch in the group shot. But the MAC1 is definitely one of the frostiest looking plants I’ve grown in a while. It smells like a tropical creamsicle right now, mouth watering.

The Purple Punch is equally as pretty and smells just as good but with more of a candy grape profile.


I just realized My Mac is a week behind yours :joy:. I swear I’m not trying to copy you’re lineup, but we tend to mirror each other quite a bit when it comes to these :rofl:.


That’ll happen sometimes. I grew four Time Bandits last year and one of them kept stretching right up until day 35. Went to take pictures for my log and was like,”Wait, how is this taller than me now…?” haha.

They’ll be alright. I’m assuming you can’t raise the light any more. Do you have room to tie them down a little bit? Doesn’t look like it from the pic haha, but even if you can tie them a little bit, you know…


Damn 35 days that’s crazy. I know there’s lots of sativa in the Blowfish cross. Yeah not much room in there but I’m thinking about snapping some tops to try to get them growing at a 90deg angle. I’d feel better about tying down though.

At least I can say the plants are stable. I haven’t spotted a single nanner through all this stress.


You’d do that in the middle of flower? I would not feel comfortable doing that. I really don’t fuck with my plants too much at all, though, besides topping a few weeks before I flip.

Yeah, stank knows what he’s doing. I think haha. Never grown any of his crosses, but I knew him back at the farm, invited him over here, since the farm sucks. I think he knows what’s up. I’m definitely curious to see how those turn out, since he won’t post any logs haha.


I’ve had quite a few accidents along my journey and have been amazed with just how much abuse these plants can handle. Definitely not ideal to snap at this stage but I’d bet they’d be just fine. Might just top again, or more likely do nothing and let them get toasty lol.


Haha, yeah, I’m definitely a member of the “Let ‘em grow how they’re gonna grow” school of thought. Although one of my Mexican Melons and one of my Chem Fuegos are, right now, stretching waaayyyyy out of control, only thirteen days into flower. I don’t usually measure or anything, but I have been for this grow (for informational purposes haha) and the Melon has already doubled in height in less than two weeks, from 17.5” to 35”. Starting to get a little nervous… I may do a little training, we’ll see.


There’s a lot more purple in this Tampa Crippy than I expected. Though I will say most of my plants get very colorful and purple at the end. I think it’s a combo of the QB18 red/blue strips on the whole cycle and organic soil (maybe deficiencies even). Definitely not temp related as it’s been getting up to 90F some days.


So, the Florida crippy line is supose to be related to haze in some way correct?


People were saying it’s nl5haze pheno but this looks more like NL5 x NL2


Hey, thanks for doing that deep dive into the shit I said about mildew. You tried to falsify what I said and really earned my respect. I love it when everyone says I’m wrong but then someone decides to actually try to PROVE I’m full of shit! That’s a solid foundation for learning. Appreciate it, huge.


This motorbreath15 x blowfish cross is starting to stack and looks deadly potent.


I am happy that you are enjoying (besides the stretch haha) my work so far. The stretch is most likely from the Blowfish stud, which is a little more sativa than most cultivars that I work with. It is unique enough that I kept the male and female around for as long as possible. The Motorbreath #15 x Blowfish should be a pretty unique hybrid as well. I am looking forward to seeing how they finish up for you. I appreciate you giving my work a spot in your garden! Positive vibes…
