The Canadian Contingent (Part 1)

This was before sorry Iā€™m checking all now

Tell you what you should do @mrshigh420 , go to , send them a self addressed stamped envelope and strain choices, they will send you free seeds. More than you can grow in your 3x3 tent at your friends house where you already have 2 plants plus your tomato. You seem to be in a real hurry to get some seeds and are reliable, free and will hook you up with what you need. Than after you get to know some folks I am sure you will get offered seeds and not need to ask for them. Just a thought that might help you out.


LOL, double posted. Darn phone and computer going at same time. Meme post it is.



I was at a friends house recently and they had lactose free milk.

ā€œAre you lactose intolerant?ā€
ā€œThen what the hell man?ā€



Haha my mother in law bought me some lactose free milk recently. I havenā€™t touched it because honestly whats the point of milk without the lactose :joy: :rofl:


I knew this quote was going to come in handy :wink:

And once again I find myself in the :canada: thread . Love yā€™all


Another fun fact about lactose is that it is not easily fermented. ā€œMilk stoutā€ takes advantage of this by leaving the slightly sweet lactose behind after primary fermentation.

The more you know.


I drink lactose free. I like it and my stomach doesnā€™t get upset like with regular milk. It also has a longer expiry date. Bonus! :smiley: :+1:


I buy two gallons of milk at a time otherwise I would be at the store every couple of days.

I have a undocumented psychological issue that requires me to make and drink strawberry flavored milk though.

My wife allows me to do this because of my, " undocumented psychological issue" :wink:


It has now been documented but has yet to be named. Strawberry Quik-dicction?


I go the max on my yoghurt 10% I dont drink milk to much sugar in it. For coffee I use about 2 TBS of 33% whipping cream, and half a TBS of MCT oil which is about 100% fat lol.


Sounds ok!

But I am a little turned off a bit about the ā€œdicctionā€ part of that! :wink:

I must admit, I also like the plastic milk jugs. It may be because that is all we have in the states though. Bags are used in restaurants and commercial only here as far as I can tell.


I have an addiction to good diction :rofl:

Hereā€™s another fun fact about milk protien, Casein Causes an Addictive Response.

A component in casein known as casomophins, act like opiates as they break down. As casein slowly digests, the casomorphins attach to opiate receptors in the brain and can actually cause you to become addicted to dairy products.

Its not the strawberry quick making you addicted.


couldnā€™t no do that 10% and at most 18% for coffee

both of which work well for icecream


While I am making confessions I will admit the best Milk I have every had the pleasure to drink was in Cuba.

It was 100% whole ass milk straight from the :cow2:

The milk was consumed shortly after some questionable hand movements.

Oh, and they donā€™t have access to anything other than 100% natural inputs for raising there livestock. 100% Natural.

and yet another rabbit hole opens upā€¦
I am going to have to bookmark that one!

I do like milk but that strawberry bunny is what makes the magicā€¦


Is this why Iā€™ve been snorting powdered milk?

Interesting. I use a lot of milk in my coffee but to drink a glass of milk, well, I find that quite disgusting.

Iā€™ve heard of (queso) casomorphins in cheese but could never remember what they were called and the best I could come up with on short notice was ā€œfromagenoids.ā€


Remember trying to get used to seeing milk, and eggs, and meat sitting out in the heat in Cuba. Didnā€™t seem to bother any of them.


May have to give the poweder milk snorting a try!

Ah snap! I just realized I already tried that 30 years agoā€¦

From what I am hearing Now (my wife and son are there now) any food is good foodā€¦ itā€™s bad.

And now back to :canada:

apologize for the detour!

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What part of Cuba are they in?