The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

I have one started right now. Just sprouted last week. Looks worth growing for sure.


I planning to do that, to register all the mexican strains that still growing. Little by little many good projects in MĆ©xico are starting


Well, hybrid or not it is still worth a try I guess. :slight_smile:

Hereā€™s Oaxacan from Cryptic Labs repro by Upstate, Purple Michoacan heirloom from Kropduster, Erdpurt x Purple Satellite (cross by me), and a couple of Purple Satellites. Hoping for a fun summer outdoor lineup but might finish Oaxacan and P Michoacan indoors.


Hey @SkunkHunt101 any clues as to what I might find in the Xtreme garden mix?
Should I anticipate any 20 week flowers?! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::grin::bear::v:


There is a lot of sativa in there but mostly skunks the big seeds or skunk crosses. The tiny little seeds are more than likely sativas. Stardawg fishscale Delta Blues who do Polecat crippy columbo a Skunk old silver tie you name it itā€™s probably in there


So what youā€™re saying is: Be ready for anything!


Marijuana Monthly - February 1976

Zihuatenejo Purple

Fact or fiction ?

Rare purple mex NLD line - supposed to be in Big Sur Holy ; and long gone in itsā€™ true form

and ā€¦ Looks like your picā€¦


Maybe some of those cold Northern nights made it turn purple? Iā€™ve heard of Zacatecas purpleā€¦@Elchiscas thats a real Mexican strain right? Zacatecas purple?


As far as I know
there is no purple marijuana from Zihuatanejo.
Zacatecas purple was the name that the Americans gave to that Marijuana because of the color of the seeds, not the plant.
and the tones of the plant in my photo have those tones due to the intense cold of Spain, in Mexico they cannot have those purple tones.


Yes according to the lack of info about it
Just it grew into one specific Zacatecas area (very probably west south of the state) and the plants got purple seeds (I imagine that thin cap that covers it)
But Zacatecas Purple never got purple buds or full purple plants.


imho you should be cautious with such statementā€¦ I dont wanna fight. but:

Landraces in the 70s, they were much more colorful. have you seen enough 70s Landraces pics.?
Jus my Oppinionā€¦ well, its true for many regions around the world, and just shortly before @royal showed a purple mexican .

But probably you know it better, im unshure

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ā€¦did any other male get a ā€œchubā€ when they saw this? :pleading_face:


What about at elevation? Does it get cool enough at night at elevation to get purple? It only needs to be in the 50s F to get some plants turning. I got plenty of purpling just at overnight temps of 60 F this winter on Red Snake.


In the mountains of Oaxaca it will definitely get that cool at night!! My father in law talks about his village all the time. Big pine trees too.


Hiā€¦ No problem at all
having discussions and giving feedback is the basis for knowledge.
I speak to you from the Mexican perspective, it is very different from the American side
among us there are nicknames
very popular and well-known for weed, nicknames that have survived time. for example when Mexican people search for ā€œAcĆ”pulco Goldā€ they never find anything! why?
In the mountains where all the good grass grows, no farmer has any strain called Acapulco Gold.
we have names such as: Verde limĆ³n,lima limĆ³n, cola de borrego,caca de chango,caca de cabra, la pelirrojaā€¦
and believe me when I tell you that as far as I know, there is no marijuana as purple as the photo that was uploaded. Many years ago I had a friend from Zihuatanejo; I talked to him a lot and I asked a lot about the classics of that area. He had uncles who had been planting for years, and he told me about the varieties that were available and that were popular, before and at that time. I never mention any purple variety, and less that it was powerful enough for its fame to cross borders.
I spoke from my Mexican perspective, something that I see that all of you are quite oblivious to
I read so many things that are discussed here and in other forums that are nothing more than fallacies and myths.
but I respect the opinion and let everyone want to believe what he wants to believe.


yes, but im not shure if im also oblivous.

well, if you have heard enough anektotes, or descriptions FROM THE 70s, then it would be nice if you assure me that you did, i dont know age of uncle thingy, and how much he seenā€¦
Without verifying i have no idea how acurate your idea of no-purple is.

But one thing i tend to think: todays Landraces are imho totally different looking than old onesā€¦ you see literally every Continent landraces become more and more green, and less saturated colors. so i was just curious ā€¦ i mean some regions might really have had only green Races.
Just my subjective oppinion

I agree with @Elchischas as far as my research has taken me he is THE EXPERT on Mexican Landrace/Heirloom varieties from Mexico you can go to ICMAG Landrace Mexican Forums and heā€™s been posting for many years. As far as the colors in the bud I agree with him, now SNOWHIGH offers Red, Purple, STEM varieties but thatā€™s all Iā€™ve seen so far .


i dont just believe , thats not how i doo it. :slightly_smiling_face: a bit more verification is nice. but no need to at all by.

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Go see for yourself go to ICMAG ā€˜s landrace forums and check out Mexican Landrace thread. Heā€™s been around doing this for many years do your homework brother heā€™s the expert here


Charlie Garcia wrote this maybe there is some purple bud Mexican just not in the region mentioned above @Elchischas

08-05-2011, 10:29

Also in another older threads here is a 80ā€™s line from a lovely guy here I always miss to chat with, Mr Four Season. My best vibes wherever you are man. An old Michoacan of delicious high and flavour. Incense, spicy and so positive happy and social effect. Finished in early november as usual in this climate turning buds purple, friends like its smoke a lot and its not desvasting
Finished short ago some backcross adding a present Chihuahua line as male shared by another very good friend, wished all seeds had germed properly but not the case so trying to restore it a bit as good as I can. She deserve it to me. Here again for the record