The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

yeah, it was probably unintentional from you. i just felt, it could be missinterpreted as “you adressing me”.
Sorry that i did make you look bad, haha. its so weird . hah! And peace


I don’t plan to ever run out lol😁

No stepping on my toes. Cryptic Labs gifted them, i gifted them, you’ll be gifting them. Its all good. But I’ll happily take some seeds off your hands :grin:


Tone and intent are hard to judge from a phone screen. Its all good. We are all here for the same reason. True passion for the old strains.


Some Red Snake and Punto Rojo x Red Snake just under two weeks old. Direct sow this time around and got 6 for 6 to rise from the dirt! I had almost given up on the very top left PRxRS and then it finally popped up two days ago.

Same base soil mix and lighting as the Oaxacan and I plan to pot them up similarly per the advice given here. Will probably just run them indoors and clip some clones to run outside along with the Oaxacan clones. Anxious to see how they all hold during the season here.

@TexasTea sure hope I can produce the same mouth watering buds you’ve displayed here!

Also a big thank you to all that contribute to this thread. It’s been a great resource and great inspiration for a total noob like myself.


Wow, someone is actually growing the cross that I made! That’s very cool, thank you. I’m excited to see how they do. :slight_smile:


Deez, which Red Snakes did you plant? And which PR x RS? I’m just curious, but all should be worthwhile to run.


Nice narrow leaves on those seedlings. Good job @deeez99 and @TexasTea.


Just put this up in my thread but figured I’d also show you guys because it’s too damn cool:



@Foreigner will make cannabis metal. Foreigner will make everything metal. Blacker than the blackest black times infinity.


At night!


I planted two of the #5 and two of the “perfumy” Red Snakes. There was only one variety of the PRxRS which just said 2022 and I planted two of those. Nice germ rate so far!


Dang. Where’s the banana for size? haha jk very nice!



Both of those Red Snakes were early. The #5 plant was taller and more columnar, and had better yield. The #2 is wilder, more of a jungle plant with longer nodes, wispy buds. Looks more like the Upstate Repro Oaxacan that Greandal was growing recently. But the aroma was so sweet and perfumey. Sweet smoking, absolutely delicious.

The PR x Red Snake will be the airy pheno with the gigantic flexible, slinky-like colas. It was very early too. Taste is OK but not as nice as the Red Snake. I think the two could make a nice smoking combo with a clear soaring ceilingless high.


No problem at all!
I always try to not take personal
that helps me not to give it too much personal importance to my persona, everything is fine!
let’s keep it flowing


Hola hermano…
I sent some interesting seeds to Estai,the creator of Destroyer mexican seeds as he ask me like 1998 o 1999. That year was my first grow with hybrids (chitral x Jack herer that he sent to me) at that time i sent first just the Michoacan “Verde Limón” that strain was super common over that part of the country at that time. So I continue in contact with him at the early years of Cannabiscafe forum. The first spanish languaje forum, there was such names there like : Kaiki,Dubi (ACE seeds) Estai, Simpleseed,Lui, Alex RIP(la mano negra,ho chi min) and many others…all of them the granfathers of the Spanish canabis modern culture, there was one that was the brain behind all: “siete” he was the real connoseur amoung all he bring from Jamaica the blue Mountain line,the Pakistan Chitral Kush,and almost all the original Cannabiogen genetics,he was a truly cannabis Master. Well i was mainly in contact with Kaiki and Estai, i sent them later another batch with four very identificable strains of the very central México área: “Bellota de Pirul” that strain got the most big size seeds ever, like some chinese hemp size, really big seeds, the plants was very tall, and the high wasnt great but it makes you want to walk or talk.
Another strain we used to call “pálida” (pale) because the colour of the buds, small nugs with very pale green colour and smell like herbal,mint citrus smell the plants was very serrated leafs.
Another of the strains that sent them i remember it because the form of the seed, many of the strains haven’t a name so that one and other just I write a number on it but that one was very interesting one, the seeds was large like the form of a fish,light grey in colour and the plants was really really lanky super thin leafs plants and high herm ratio (at that time i don’t really know about herms) until today i dream to got that one back, i used to admire and enjoy the cannabis structure,and that one for me was a really beautiful one.
The other strain was small Yellow seeds with little dots, and to be honest I never grew it,so i haven’t so much to say about it, but Unfortunately I never saw them again. Many mexican strains gone for ever that’s for sure.


Yes verde limón its a Michoacán strain,one of the most common.
Cola de Borrego or Jarilla its the most classic and know Sinaloan strain, really sativa with a powerful effect. Just few people got the lucky to smoke a good bud of Cola de Borrego,but believe me,its really powerful and devastating, even until today with all the modern hybrids, Cola de Borrego still surprising.
Lima limón its the most Oaxacan popular strain, plants can grow really tall, and got a really delicious citrus aroma on the buds.
Caca de cabra (goat shit) its what americans knows as a “Acapulco Gold” i’m sure about this,all the old descriptions about the Legendary raw potency and the gold-brown deep colour buds of the Acapulco Gold its the same for Caca de cabra. (Or caca de chango, same strain)
There’s two méxican red hair, one from Michoacán and another from Puebla,and as far I know, both strains still available.



Can you give me a good Mexican Landrace/heirloom soil recipe?

How you feed your plants ect?

I’ve ran indoor hybrid , but never outdoor landrace.


I want something cheap and economical. Lol

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To your knowledge, has cannabis ever been farmed for seed in Mexico? This sounds to me like it was Chinese Broadleaf Hemp. The description matches…and Spain was traveling back and forth between China and Mexico for a long time. Interesting.

Now its gone or extremely hard to find right? That happened so quick! That’s why preservation is so important. Reading just this little bit of info about Mexicos lost landraces makes me sad.

This gives me hope! Always wanted to try the famed Mexican Red Hair! Which one is better in your opinion?
Sorry to bombard you with questions.

Why is it called Goat shit?


@Upstate DPR

flipped today at 7 weeks.


Goat caca :poop: I’ve smoked the ag and plenty of it back in the day it was great Caca lol

Wish I still had all those beans I had back then