The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

I purchased several sizes of these because of your post. I haven’t used them but they seem pretty sweet. What kind of syringe do you use to inject pollen with may I ask? @District_Flora


This week sometime i will be finished with packing seeds for the Freakers. After I’ll pass out more of these Oaxaca seeds to others. I want to once again thank Cryptic Labs for releasing this treasure. Out of 2 dozen landraces I’ve grown and smoked, this one is the best, hands down. I sincerely hope I have not ruffled any feathers by passing out a few dozen packs…I truly believe that out of 350 million people in this country, there are many more than a few dozen people awaiting another shot at purchasing this one. Give Cryptic Labs some business. Let them know you appreciate, like i do, the chance to grow some famous bud from the past.
Their Demon Latcher is well known :fire:, and I’m sure the rest of their gear is too!
I was sooooo high all yesterday smoking this stuff. I think I finally picked a plant at its peak. With NO cure, i was absolutely fried all day and night.

I was almost too high, but not quite😁


i believe this is quiet a good one. too high you?


Some mutant panamas, I call them Panamutant Klan. The seeds come from a 5 years old repro, realized with stuff of the extinct Vibes collective.


I’m drooling! Looks amazing. I’d certainly buy a pack if it were still available. Hope they re-release it!


I’m glad to have picked up some of Cryptic’s Mexican varietals when they were available. Thanks for running them and reporting on the quality. Definitely some oaxacans going in the dirt this spring. Also, you’ve only been an advocate for Cryptic. Feathers shouldn’t be ruffled. You’ve no doubt sold packs for them.


Kudos to you for reproducing these.
Was there a sign up for these? I keep missing out. lol
I’d love to grow these next summer.


Yesterday was epic. Its such good smoke. You might be able to find a fast enough plant for your area…you should try it.
The plant was only in a one gallon container, so its a very small yield. I’ll smoke the whole plant this week for sure lol. I can’t stop smoking it. I have tried to test the ceiling of this one and I don’t believe there is one. I can only finish one bowl before I have had enough. I get the same sensation when i eat too much. I literally felt “full” and had no desire for any more. I have trouble finishing a pipe.
Keep this in mind though everyone…i quit smoking hybrids so i could accurately gage the potency of these landraces I grow. Many of you could smoke more. BUT…everyone i have smoked this with loves the stuff. I mean loves it. Its everyone’s favorite smoke. Even my cousins college kids prefer it.
@PineTarBastard there was no sign up. I had a couple purposes with this run. One was for a Freakers seedrun, but I’m also sending seeds to Mexico with @Eudamon to be spread around their original homeland. I’ve been giving seeds out to people that have followed this thread for any length of time too. 20 or 30 people so far.
This week I’m packing up seeds for my Freaker friends and Mexico and then I will see whats left. Either there will be a sign up or if i only have 20 or 30 packs left I’ll just mail them to OG’ERS myself.
This won’t be my only Oaxaca grow either😁.


Panama 74?


Vibes collective 1960 Lambsbread. My next mission😁 @gmike


Now that’s crazy looking. :joy:


So how long did you let it go? Sure is frostier than I would expect. Wowsa


I’m not sure how many weeks. 14-16 weeks or so indoors last year. It began flowering naturally outdoors and flowered quicker as a cutting. 12-14 weeks best guess.
That Lambsbread does look crazy. Going to have to make Rastoaxacan me thinks…:thinking:or Oaxacarasta…

Anyone know how to get on touch with Cryptic Labs? I’d like to thank them.


Im leaving the Old SilverThai males to pollenate all my plants and the female silver thais so there will be hopefully some seeds to give out. Should be some nice crosses with the Panama haze bx1 from Lefty as well. My 30 day skunk disgust-o with the male silver thai pollen should make something weird I hope and good. Since the males flower so long I may be able to rotate in other hybrids like the RIL sowah to catch pollen during the life of the silverthai males. Fighting the mites mow tho so we shall see if it all lives that long. If so should be a fun experiment with crazy plants coming out the other end. Will for sure share thank you


What an awesome idea!! The reverse of the GHS method, I love it. These sound like such an incredible smoke. I really do hope cryptic opts into re-releasing them :pleading_face:


I hope they release more too. I’d buy a few packs for sure.

Yes, it is, very much so. I hope more people catch on and do the same thing.


The wrong kind lol, I ordered some and they were not quite what I expected and didn’t work well for what I needed. Glad someone else will be playing with these as well, used one to protect a plant during my Tuna Kush open pollination and as you can see there’s no indication (red pistils) that it’s pregnant nor is the fact that it’s covered effecting it’s growth.


Old Silversides daughter. 5feet tall and 5 feet wide. Takes up a whole 1000 watt light, but the foliage is thin enough to put starter plants underneath the canopy. This one is smellier than mama.


Which ones would you get next time? How do you water?


She is an absolute beauty man.
Loving this thread.