The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

yeah, but if theyr analysis was fake, arent there other analysis Companys doing the same, so if they were fake people might spot it, simply by letting their Strains test in another Company. And reveal it, havent seen such claims until today

who knows whats behind it.


I’m not saying there results are fake , just that there methods are flawed and there motives suck. They flat out lied to a lot of people and investors and that’s just bad business in my eyes. They can keep there frankenweed and proprietary gmo strains I’m happy I’ve had nothing to do with it.
A full genome analysis for a plant costs much more then what they charge or most can afford and there are only a few labs in the world that can do it. What they provide is a small snapshot of a portion of the plants genetics that they then use to creat a map of relation based on other submitted samples. If you submit the same sample twice you get different results just like the human dna test kits they sell on tv. How are they confirming the validity of there samples when it’s based on what they are told by the person submitting the sample. It all sounded promising in the beginning , it’s realy sad what it turned out to be.


Thats kinda what I thought…we have careful.of the fake news coming out about cannabis genetics
We are seeing the advent of a disinformation culture…this is no different
Cheney predicted at the end of the second Bush presidency that creating reality was the next big thing…boy is it ever


Phuck phylos.


Possibly Colombian×Lebanese? Brothers of eternal love made this cross… This seems to be a different genepool than the reds that gave rise to Punta Roja, Manga Rosa, Aracaju(sp?) Red and probably Panama Red and that would help explain the stony high. Also possible it was just from a late harvest of another known Colombian( amber trichs) . Others report a really small but very sticky type bud and its supposed this was dipped in hash oil. What did you experience?


It was not what stoney…it came around after we were not get Columbian gold and it.looked.different
I’m 62 now.and was 17 then
Columbian gold typically think…sometimes too much.
It.was great.for.watching the new show Saturday night Live and appreciate the humor…
Which was apparently inspired by Columbian gold…it was a great party weed but if I smoked it when I was alone I would sit and think and get wrapped up in millions of thoughts that were not always comfortable
Columbian Red gave me a spiritual and trippy buzz that would be conducive to being alone…I remember smoking it and walking through the National.Forest under a full moon and having conversations with the trees and seeing them reach to.comfort and
It was not stony but awakening parts.of you that were sleeping.
Stoney was later…when i.smoked afghan for the first time


I remember hearing Greetings from.Asbury Park the first time.and the lyrics.made.perfect.sense…that was Columbian gold
Bridge.of sighs by Robin Trower
Thats thai.stick…
Pink Floyd Meddle or Led.Zeppelins.more.spacey songs
In The Light or Kashmir


Columbian gold.was.great for.pranks.on novice.smokers…too
You.could.dream.up.some.funny stunts.on that shit.


They all sound fantastic. Great song metaphors.


i think i understand that Feeling of the Thaistick . This otherworldy`ness , serious, but sweet.


Truly euphoric…


I had a friend who let us come to his place to party…he had a rubber mask similar to an old womans face. If we had novices with us he was start.a bowl then pass it around warning us that his grandma was.sleeping upstairs and we had to be quiet.
After we were all truly baked he would dissappear for a minute put on an old cotton gown and his mask and reappear as grandma scolding everyone for getting high and “making a darn racket”


And how would you get a job like that.?..I’m sure I could do that (between joints).

Do they provide accommodation ? LOL


It’s very easy to find work harvest time. All black market work of course. Yes, accommodations and good food provided, along with all the scissor hash you could possibly handle. All while hanging out with similar people.


I got a great visual from that description!
Lmoa!! That’s hilarious!

Old Silversides is producing actual buds. There is no doubt pruning gives you far higher quality looks, and much bigger buds, but they are so beautiful all scraggly and wild looking i don’t mind them unruly.
Just smoked a Oaxaca bud from an Old Silversides plant grown in a one gallon container. Very potent! A bit trippy or other worldly quality to the high when freshly dried @Romanoweed. I hope it stays that way…
Fresh or cured it has that upbeat, joyous, constant smirk type of long lasting high that comes right back up as high as the first time with half the amount you smoke the next time😁


And Argentina chicas! Count me in …lol


No, it was a landrace. Not a hybrid heirloom. I smoked several pounds of the stuff back in the 1970s. I have some growing here now under lights in the Cascade hills from seeds preserved in the 70’s. Several of us have these strains still. Thin leaves, late blooming, super skinny leaf phenos, no indica in there at all. Zero. No loss of vigor, though these are more weedy and not as potent as some of the indica hybrids made with it like Skunk in the 1970s/1980s in California and other places. It smokes the same as the stuff I smoked in the 1970s. There was a TON of it around then. Super seedy, cheap, and a good high. Not overpowering or racy like Punto Rojo, and not put you under the table like Punta Roja (lowland Colombian Red). As for the local stuff grown these days in Colombia, from what my friends say on the Latin forums, all the weed grown in Colombia now is indica hybrid. And not all Dutch hybrids, they also had California hybrids. Though a lot of the Dutch gear came from California, Oregon or Washington state (ie.,Northern Lights).

As for where landrace Colombian came from? Not sure. Many tales going back to legends of when Colombia declared independence from Spain. In my experience, Santa Marta grows most similar to SE Asian strains, though also similar to some South African landrace strains like Transkei. Santa Marta does not grow like Mexican or any indica at all. Super skinny leaves, late blooming, and the tendency to have the really late season (December when gown outdoors) banana male flowers. They are not full branch herms with full male pendant flowers like you get with some over-bred modern hybrids. Just one offs here and there with weird shaped flowers that look like tongues. They do not seem to have much viable pollen on them. This is most similar to strains like VietNam Black which also have the skinny leaves, late blooming, and weird male blooms really late in blooming.


Another BOEL myth. BOEL was best known for importing and distributing Afghani hash and making and distributing Orange Sunshine acid. They were actually a very small group in SoCal. But they get credited for importing, distributing and breeding everything from Hawaii to South Africa. I never saw any weed or hash from them in NorCal, but I did see their acid. I heard about them from friends in LA and San Diego. As for them crossing these two strains? Very very unlikely. They were importers and distributors, and later to a large extent alchemists, but not growers. I never saw any Lebanese weed growing the US until I got seeds in the late 1990s from Europe and grew it here myself. Lebanese hash was fairly common at certain times of the year, but it never had seeds. At least the many pounds that I waded through in the 1970s did not. It was well sieved and pressed. I have grown a lot of Lebanese since I got the seeds which took me 3 years to seek out and obtain in trade. Beqaa Valley landrace Lebanese is another rather mild strain. But it makes good potent hashish. Like many of the milder strains do.

The hash plants that were grown, bred and hybridized in California were pretty much all Afghani from what I saw. Seeds that a few hippies brought back from Afghanistan before Russia invaded it in the late 1970s. As for Colombian Red, that was more or less 75% of the Colombian weed that I saw in California in the 1970s and early 1980s. Cheap seedy bricked weed that made you want to crawl under the table and pass out. As I did after smoking it many many times. Colombia Red, also known as Punta Roja (not to be confused with Punto Rojo, the rushy/trippy cousin from the western mountain areas of Colombia) was northern Colombian lowland weed. Punta Roja was likely the same or similar landrace as Panama Red. Panama Red in California was more common up though the early 1970s. In the later 1970s Colombian of all types became more common and Panama weed faded out.


Last Week we here had parades, Panamas independence from Colombia. 03/ 11/1903

It was part of Nuevo Granada….Simon Bolivar
It formed part of the division…from Colombia.

The Spanish built there forts in Cartagena to Portobello…

A route was made …de Camino de Ora …to transfer the gold etc they stole from Peru, Chile etc .

Great fortifications till Hendry Morgan wiped those two forts out and sacked them.

…Nowadays it’s a smuggling route for Immigrants…and I’m sure other smuggling goes on.
I’ve travelled around Panama and Colombia…and I’m totally confinced that Panama red and Punta roja are the same, if not there at least related…

I ain’t no expert….and I love to learn…from guys like @PanchoVilla and @Upstate …Panama red got its name,no doubt from the Panama American marines in Colon…and Panama., bringing it home…but I’m sure Punta roja (Panama red are the same…

It just makes sense… the Chagres Indians grew it and sold it to marines who brought it back to the states…

The Panama red is accociated to Marines and the canal….But it’s at least a cousin of Punta roja…

I love the thread …and the below will show how concerned the USA was concerned of there troops getting wiped out with Panama red.

3. All stated they were very hungry after smoking and the quantity of food consumed at their subsequent meal confirmed this statement


I didn’t mean Santa Marta was a sativa/indica hybrid. I’ve been thinking its a landrace sativa/ landrace sativa hybrid. I always said something from se aisa or Oceania/ Indonesia was mixed with Colombian to make the famed Santa Marta Colombian Gold,( and your experiences with it seem to add weight to that theory). Possibly Borneo to be exact, but some info points toward Se Asia. Brought by US pharmaceutical companies to Colombia in the teens and 20’s of last century and IMO mixed with older local Colombian genetics that are likely Indian and/ or African in origin. I’d love for you to post some pictures. I bet they are beautiful.