The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

Guadalajara first 2 pics
Texas Tea Oaxaca 3rd pic, about ready for harvest


Sweet! Iā€™ve been taking a lot of that lately and never disappoints. :slight_smile:


I think Iā€™m at week 10 now, so sheā€™s fast as a cutting. Tasty too. Ive been hammering 1 plant for a couple weeks, taking little samples each day. The other couple I left alone, and Iā€™ll let them dry and cure properly.


Nice one the on the Alpine Strawberries! They have been seeding with the help of the birds around here since I sowed them about 10 yrs ago. They the running or clumping type? Clumpers make more fruit, runners cover more ground as groundcover.
You get any named varieties? We came across ā€˜Alexandriaā€™ fruits twice the size of the species. Alexandria - Alpine Strawberry Seeds | Johnny's Selected Seeds yaā€™ll know Johnnyā€™s seeds over there in the States?

Red Snake has been intriguing me for a while, I wonder how it would do this far north, does anyone have info on their outdoor finishing times and what latitude youā€™re at please?


Iā€™m running some now right at two months of flower and it looks to me like itā€™s going to be awhile. I know for sure I canā€™t grow them where I live - near Albuquerque at 7500ā€™.


Yeah, Iā€™m so stoked. I was up at a friendā€™s farm last fall and he introduced me to them. The flavor and aroma were amazing, and I was intrigued at the idea that they bear from June until frost. He gave me some cuttings which I rooted and put outside last fall, but I wasnā€™t positive that they would survive so I planted some seeds just in case. Well now I have about 60, heheā€¦Mignonette, Ruegen, White Soul and Yellow Wonder are the varieties that I have going. Also three Pine berries which I bought bare root a month ago and are already flowering in the window. :slight_smile:


I bet itā€™s closer than you think. Those flowers are looking full already and sheā€™s starting to fade which will accelerate. How are the aromas when you reach under her skirts? :wink:


Good smells from one, not a lot from the others. They just started puffing out nicely a couple of days ago and have been going balls-to-the-walls ever since. But I just stuck a nice light in the tent and theyā€™re getting ~1000 PPFD at the tops now, when before they were probably getting 400 if they were lucky.

Thanks for the advice. :pray: Theyā€™re out of their :dress: now and getting into bed but Iā€™ll bust out my microscope and have my first-ever look at those trichomes tomorrow. Maybe even post some images if I can get decent ones. Thatā€™s always an iffy proposition.


I have several phenos of upstate cryptic labs oaxacan I grew in Oklahoma open pollinationā€¦so I have lots of seeds.
Trusted members can send me a pm and I will send some seeds. Just tell me what you are.looking for.



I need to do the same thing.


Nice work !!!

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@GREANDAL you still kicking brother? Howā€™s that Zacatecas treating you?


Oh yeah Iā€™m still alive! LOL

Been a lot of life stuff going on here. The Zacatecas are just about dry enough to shuck.

As you suggested Iā€™m pretty sure these have some paki background. Definitely purple and green phenos, somewhat savory smells but not meat like. Nice deep stone with accompanying munchies. Pretty strong even though full of seed. Grown seedless I expect to be really stout. Nothing Mexican about them I can see other than thatā€™s where theyā€™ve been grown for a long time. No fuel, not oily and pretty tight buds.


@GREANDAL Glad you are still kicking brother. I hope everything gets sorted out for you soon. :pray: Life has been difficult for too many of my friends lately.
Hybr3ds mentioned that one of these Zacatecas plants was the terpiest plant he had ever found. Some or most of these should be excellent smoke. Bound to have some great resistance to bud rot and PM too. How tall and in what size container were they finished? Did you see much difference between the 2 batches of seed?


I need to look into the other varieties. Curious how these will fair for you once they get into outdoor season. I found that the fruits produced on the red ones did not last long in the garden (critters)

Hereā€™s one before the transplant, much gratitude to @Motaco for giving me the opportunity to experience this divine gift:



The Polleras ā€¦Had the Pintado sombrero @MissinBissin for the macho hombres.

Now itā€™s the turn of the femalesā€¦The National dress of Panama full of culture and typical dress back in the day of the conquistadors.brought to the province of Los Santosā€¦( where the folks are more Spanish than the Spanish.


The Carnivals in Azuero and around have the Pollera parades alongside the Carnival queenā€¦The colour when these culture events go on are amazingā€¦photographers dream.

If you ever visit Panama ā€¦itā€™s a must .

And the folks love it and know how to celebrate there Spanish descent(Andalusian .ie.flamengo ( same type dressā€™.Balboa one of the only governors who looked after his province and nativesā€¦first person with the help of indigenous natives to traverse over mountains and rivers ā€¦hence the first ocean to ocean notion of a canal. Linking the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

Royalty in Madrid didnā€™t like Amistadā€¦so they hung himā€¦LOal

Ye Los Santos ā€¦my fav province after ChiriquĆ­


Iā€™m sure the ladies of Panama, will keep all those Colours moving throughout time.


I didnā€™t end up breaking out the microscope because most of the pistils are still light green. Iā€™m guessing another month which would be about 12 weeks but with caveats because I havenā€™t grown it before.

I couldnā€™t resist because of the unusually warm weather weā€™re havingā€¦stuck a couple of strawerries out in the cold frame which is warm already and was full of weeds and worms. One reason I started so many plants is because of critters. With deer, birds, squirrels and slugs I figure I will get some fruits one way or another if I just have enough of them. And some fencing, netting and slug bait should help too. :slight_smile:


Milky is about the most I ever see with Red Snake. If you wait for amber you will miss the best harvest window with this one. :wink: Iā€™m telling ya, think about taking a branch or two in about two weeks because they really finish fast once they get goingā€¦