The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

Not totally outdoors no. I start some things indoors in March-April to put out in June. Light dep starting in July. That’s without a greenhouse. I’m hoping the new enclosure will keep things warm enough to go into November this year.

I’m in Michigan too btw


There are no ticks at my house. One of the few benefits of getting frozen for 8 months of the year, lol. Maybe I should get some guinea hens for work. Cryptic Oaxaca show sex week 5.untopped.( right on @Greenfingers) i’ve started topping some satties at the 4th node for height control, but I have room for males, and I don’t kill them. I would follow Greandal’s advice and wait for the plants to show sex If you are eliminating males.

Always keep mother nature’s gifts😁
@Panamajock looks like 3x’s stretch. They really shot up!
@Bobgrows When is the end of your season? Kashmir will finish by mid October, Afghani or Pakistani you will have to hunt fast plants. Late October to mid or even late November finish at our latitude generally speaking, but people find earlier plants.
Lebanese and morroccan finish. Started late April, morroccan finishes late august/ early September. Lebanese early October. I’ve heard of earlier.
Uzbek will finish. Maybe some Turkish.
That’s about it. I’ve grown all the above except Uzbek.
Happy to be catching up on the thread.


Oaxaca. 2 of 3 sisters. Can’t fit the 3rd in, but it threw male flowers anyway. I seriously screwed up the light cycle when I was sick. I forgot about that plant entirely for a whole entire light cycle, And it spent the time in the dark. Then I forgot to bring it in so it saw a long 16 hr day cycle. It threw some balls along the main stem, and I caught them early. Waiting to see if the issue disappears or if I have to kill the plant. The other six plants have remained stable and have seen some severe similar stress, a couple Silversides photos too l.


Panama71 getting close. Mostly photos of the seed branches. I had a chance to smoke some last night. It seems every day I have to pull a small bud off due to mold. Humidity is finally back in Manageable ranges. It was ninety percent for over a week or more. Probably a couple.
Tastes as good as it smells, But I fell asleep before the buzz even hit me🤣

Great resin. The photos do no justice.


nice resin on the silversides :drooling_face:

panama look nice too, what smells/flavors are you getting?

does this mean it’s not the upbeat racy one you were hoping for??

happy to see you back!


My season ends safely about the second week of October.
My Acapulco Gold froze just as they where turning amber. What’s a girl to do? I went out, when I realize it frosted, chopped it all down and put it into the freezer. Dry ice hash is superb made from it.
That plant was gorgeous I must say.


It was a beast.


Mold? I would have thought the Panama was more resilient to humid conditions.


Wow she’s a beast of a plant that’s looks like it should have been enough hash for a half decade at least!:rofl::rofl::exploding_head:. So my 3 Oaxacan are just starting to got their stride now at 31 days I think​:thinking: need to check that. Anyways getting lanky and narrow leaves are getting bigger about 8-10 inches in 1 gal pots and they are starting to alternate branches no sign of sex yet. The ones that got jammed up in those stupid peat pots still haven’t recovered. Only 3 in tall with entire lead sets that a quarter would cover. Idk sucks though 3 Oaxacan x red snake 2 Turkish hash plant x ancestral skunk and a Peshawar Afghani. Started 2 Swaziland gold x aucopolco gold so :crossed_fingers:.


I’m sure you got this.
Your season is longer than mine is where I live.

She was a beast! Yes we got a bundle of hash from it. If you follow my thread you will read about my “Hash Bashes” I have. We all combine our trimming keeping strains separate and split the hash.
Fun times! We get pretty stoned too! Lol


That’s epic! Sounds like it finished enough for you. Did you smoke any?


Mostly incense. Smells great! Tastes the same

I was just really tired. I just smoked the rest of the bowl (from the shortest plant) last night. Nice buzz to it, but it’s still immature. Hoping to find my speedy one amongst the bigger gals.

Yeah, me too. That’s how we know it’s a hybrid. The question is, from when? Shortly before 71 would be my guess, but I don’t know the dry season in psnama. Could be grown then.


Oh yes! Very tasty! A different buzz than usual. Long lasting not hard hitting.


Did she grow out like that normally, or did you do some topping? It’s a beautiful plant.

@Upstate, are you taking your plants in at night for light dep? That’s what I’ve been doing all spring and I’m near harvesting my second batch with another one halfway into flower.


It was topped . I planted top and had it as well. It grew more straight up not bushy like this one.


Unlike the USA (four seasons)

Panama has two…DRY and WET

Dry season starts in December….till around May
Wet season ….May till December.

Roughly you have six month of dry and six of wet…Bu there is always fluctuations in the weather.

Edit…meant to say…ye no probs with mold with the DPR or CG …with mould …Sativas are pretty immune from that.



The Mean Green I’m growing had a bit of stem rot. That’s as pure Sattie as anything will ever get.
I don’t know what to think. The plants got rained on for a week straight, and then indoors my room was at 85- 90% humidity. Maybe it’s just too much for them, I don’t know. It’s a lot like SnowHigh Double Panama. But if it were a repro of that, I’d be seeing Panama 74 phenos with their choppy leaves. I’d also have a variety of smells, and this one is uniform. I guess Panama Red is a hybrid. I agree, it shouldn’t mold if pure Sativa…but then Meangreen has that little bit of stem rot and will flower 26-32 weeks and that makes me think twice about what is possible. I’m stumped buddy.
Outta likes already


Always keep mother nature’s gifts😁
Definitely. I had a cross I was working on herm, and it pollinated a few plants, but just a few seeds per plant. I’m growing them out anyway, because you never know.


Yes, I’m doing it again. You are ahead of me. Congrats on an early harvest! Way to use
That beautiful free light bulb in the sky😁
@rasterman you never know. Keep a close eye on them


Great… That is one beautiful plant.

Well done Bobi