The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

Haha I just juice this time !! :joy: Iā€™ve got the family with me this trip!

About to go drink a few tecates though Iā€™ll let my wife drive us back this evening! :sunglasses::v:t2:


Mts are often wetter. You live up high, right? Plenty of microclimate in mts. Do you know of any dry areas? Panama Red was grown on the Pearl Islands. We have over 50 inches a year in NY on average from 1980- 2010. Today is wetter most recent years. Always more rain in the hills in wooded areas of earth, compared to the lowlands below.

This was surprising to me.

No, not quite right for Panama.
I agree with @Panamajock
Punta Roja, red point and original Panama red are all the same landrace basically, just grown at different altitudes.
Iā€™m heavily or fully leaning towards a conclusion that the Panama Red everyone talked about, the 60ā€™s and 70ā€™s weed, is a hybrid. When it was created, I couldnā€™t say. Iā€™d love to see how it does in Panama @Panamajock. Colombian Red, the sleepy/ narcotic one, may be the same or a similar mix. It would becPunta Roja Ɨ whatever Panama Red was mixed with, most likely, given their close proximity to each other. The speedy Panama Red may have been the original landrace. The one I have does not seem at all landrace. But itā€™s going to be great pot! And itā€™s what Iā€™ve been looking foršŸ˜ I didnā€™t know I was seeking a hybrid.
This means Ace seeds could have pulled the Indica side out of theirs, without themselves adding any. I do know for sure that one line they used was contaminatedā€¦but soā€™s the original.
My small Panama plants, 3 of them, are maybe 16 inches tall. Does this sound like a Jungle Sativa to anyone? Tall ones are 24-30 inches. Almost no stretch.


I have it framed but only covered with 30% shade cloth to soften the rain and black plastic at night. Itā€™s getting pretty hot here at the moment and really high humidity. The plants are enjoying it.

I wonā€™t wrap it tight until October


@GREANDAL Sounds perfect! The shade cloth is necessary to keep the heat down? Or for prying eyes?


Oh myā€¦ well I hope the juice is worth the squeeze! I admire the commitment, but I think Iā€™d be sitting that one out :joy:

Sure is great to see it documented though.


Hell I guess if you already went 20 whatā€™s 15 more?

Thatā€™s the longest flowering strain Iā€™ve ever heard of, is it Thai or have Thai lineage in it to make it flower for 35 weeks? I bet the smoke will be epic though!


Both. That and it keeps the rain from beating on them.


So 2 of my Oaxacan have a couple small trichromes on stem I saw when trying to use lens to sex them. I think I remember someone mentioning stem trichromes as a sign of fire. Idk maybe Iā€™m just wishful thinking.


Law of attraction is alive! @420noob kinda like ā€œif you build it they will comeā€ ya know? Like just, Know, that it is and it will be! :slight_smile: And some exercises are try to stop saying the words No , canā€™t, donā€™t, never ect reword sentences to be positive :slight_smile: you have to put a little thought into it at first but after a while youā€™ll do it with out even thinking about it , like riding a bike:) PS negative brings negative, positive brings positive




Those little fan leaf buds are cool, huh? Poor plants, weā€™ve put them through hell and back over the centuries, lol. I bet they wish we would just leave them alone!

Pretty plant there. :v:


Thank you :blush:

Yeah a couple of these have suffered too much at my hands Iā€™m afraid. I was a day late with the water once and it shows. Still, not a male organ in sight.


I get that Iā€™ll put effort into avoiding the negative. Thanks makes sense. @GREANDAL looking good like the fan leaf buds how many on that plant?


I really need that for old silversides.

Me too. Iā€™m starting to get afraid of it finishing lol.

35ā€™s a guess for now. Seems like the other Meangreen plant started throwing some flowers well over two months ago. Maybe three months ago. It must have been a ways back because itā€™s preflowers were hit by the lambsbread during the first pollination, before I removed the males from the room. All those Lambsbread seeds have been picked long ago. The seeds have been aged at least forty five days now. Aged 6 weeks, and they took 6 weeks to ripen. So 12 weeks of actual floral formation and maybe that much time left.
Itā€™s a 3 way hybrid of Thai, Cambodian and I think Laotian. @romanoweed is that right?
Three different veterans that are friends, each took their favorite vietnam war era landrace that they had worked with since the war, and combined them in 1982. Any one of these could have given the extremely long flowering time, but you are right in thinking itā€™s most likely the Thai ( imo. ) I never heard of such long flowering Cambodian, but I would think that some Laotian varieties could go quite long as well. Seeds are tiny. Like Lolab Valley. Never saw that from SE Asia. Must be some true jungle weed in this one.
@GREANDAL those Puntas are looking juicy! Did you use a small container during the stretch, Or is this one just easily managed? Nice frosting on them. Fan leaf buds are awesome :+1: I honestly donā€™t know why they arenā€™t bred for. Nice little bonus buds.


The two sisters, and the replacement sister. Not an exact match like the other one., But it just doesnā€™t feel right saying two sisters. So hereā€™s the new three sisters in 5 gallon fabric. Going to transplant as soon as I can into seven gallon for the finish. Havenā€™t used any calmag to speak of this time. Just chicken manure. Itā€™s my new go to fertilizer.


Panama Red. Lost a second top bud to mold yesterday. Bummer. They are getting so close. I put them out to battle some spider mites, and naturally, it rained. Any plants that get a few spider mites from being indoors are free of spider mites after just a couple of days outdoors here in NYā€¦ I donā€™t know if itā€™s all the rain thatā€™s knocking the mites off, predators, or both, most likely.
So I took one of the top buds, one I had to take off the previous day, And set them on some black roofing for a couple hours. My wife came along, and for the first time in history, decided she needed to lift the lid Of this small roofed container, And the bud went flying off. Then she stepped on it and squished it. Then I microwaved it.
Guys all I can say is holy shit. What a beautiful high. Itā€™s such a strong high I would almost lean back towards thinking this was SnowHigh gear, but the plants are saying it isnā€™tā€¦ And the seedmaker seems honest. Excellent head high, and the type that keeps you high and stoned and looking at the t v without your eyes straying. Itā€™s just about the perfect high if not the perfect high, And I can see why my dad held it in such high regard. It really reminds me of what my weed used to be when I first smoked it back in the early nineties. Fried awake. You would probably shoot the best pool of your life smoking this one. This is that epic concentration weed. Party weed. I had planned on going to bed after smoking but watched a whole movie. Typically, itā€™s unheard of for me to see more
Than 10 or 15 minutes of a movie after 9.
This oneā€™s a keeper. Seeds are coming along nicely.

Photo shows a short pheno, and it looks bigger than it is in the photo, leaned at an angle. If you look carefully you can see how many bud sites are missing, you can also see the mold in the bud, It formed in only a day of rainā€¦indoors. I didnā€™t pick at it this time. The missing buds/ branches were from bud rot/ stem rot. Iā€™m thankful the lower seed branches have been spared.
Another photo shows an extra juicy top nug from another short plant. That one has had no rot. Iā€™ll get some pictures of all of them when they get a little closer to finishing. Iā€™m within a couple weeks for sure on the fast ones. Maybe a week or ten days for the fastest. Another two or three weeks for the slowest.
Iā€™ll take my phone case off for the next photo shoot. Itā€™s all sorts of scratched.


@Upstate hey bro, so if this is a PR do you think itā€™s a highland or lowland variety ? The reason Iā€™m asking is I would think that tithe farmers from past would have kept picking and breeding towards a plant that would not get mold or bud rot in humid wet environments. ? And also how does this PR compare to Snowhighs Double PR? Thank you looks fantastic though and based on the effects description you gave it does sound like that 90ā€™s ā€œ Red Eye cartoon weedā€ the kind that makes it look like your in a cartoon. :joy: but awake


It sounds like something I smoked in the 70s when I was a teenager. @Upstate.That mold or rot youā€™re talking about is a bitch, sorry that happened. We used to get all the good smoke back then. We just called it red bud or gold or good shit :joy: had plenty of bad brick weed stuff too.:peace_symbol:


I think itā€™s lowland panama crossed with an indica= original Panama Red
I think it was a rather recent hybrid. 60ā€™s maybe, but i could be wrong. It was made enough generations ago for stability to occur in the offspring but not long enough ago to get rid of the mold problem. 3 of the plants are pretty resistant. 3 are not so resistant. I suppose technically they are all pretty resistant to what theyā€™ve been seeing. Tremendous rainfall here. Almost daily. Like a monsoon.

I didnā€™t get to smoke his. That was a seedrun. But I could smell it and look at it plenty. They are very similar except snow highs panama Red was again crossed with the pure lowland panama red, the 74 Red Cross Panama, So the generation of seeds I passed out are f2 and will contain Jungle phenos that go 24 weeks. This 71 Panama Red could be an ibl. I donā€™t know. Id have to grow some seeds and see if they are the same again next generation


Hereā€™s an interesting thread drGreethumbs panama red ā€¦by DrGruber

Very tropical plantsā€¦good pictures of some nice bud!