The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

Two different strains people are confusing as Panama red. The punta roja type. The other has dark olive type slightly wider leaves. Some phenos are dark dark red, dark purple almost black the whole plant. Is that the one your looking for ?


Thereā€™s lots of good phenos, but my favorite is the stem resin pearl phenos. If you get one with white/ silver stems, itā€™s fire. Youll see it come in quickly with the secondary stretch, when all the little branchlets extend. Pull the tops out/ bend them to get the whole middle to really fill in. Iā€™ve seen less resinous stems on plants that were also fantastic. They make little budlets of pine. Lots of them. That pheno is nearly as good as Old Silversides.
Finally, for the Pearl stems, there are bead phenos without stem resin. most with heavenly scented flowers, but also a feral pheno, not good. I found only one my second generation.
Good luck! Early resin or a prickly feel to the stem( like sandpaper) is a great sign.
@drgreensleeves when Iā€™m done with the Silversides edition, Iā€™ll pass out some seeds.


What is this 35 weeker you speak of? Mean green pheno? I wanna say I read it already but I couldnā€™t find it :slight_smile: lol PS if anyone knows of a strain that improves memory I volunteer for a seed run:) just saying


I look forward to your opinion. I hope you try it.

@NIGHTMARE Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been told,ā€¦red color. So much the bud looked red sometimes, but I think storage could turn the right strain Red too. One of my own strains phenos turns red in 6 months curing in a jarā€¦so Iā€™m open to the possibility it was treatment after harvest that made some stuff called " Panama Red" that reddish color. Drug dealers were about sales lol. ā€œLooky here, I gotcha some of that famous Panama Redā€.could have been anything.
My dad described a high that was like my high last night. Excellent.

That would work lol. Longer flowering?
What do you think? Was Panama Red a hybrid? Landrace? I always thought it was a landrace. A lowland Punta Roja. But I read that it was grown on the Pearl Islands, so no elevation to explain Purple/ Red color. Of course it could have come from the highlands originally. I also read or was told it was cultivated in the mts above the canal. Either way, there should be mold resistance. The short ones wouldnā€™t hold up to a tropical downpour. Had to be a fairly recent hybrid. Recent to 1971.
The 3 Panama Red strains Iā€™ve grown were hybrids


Hereā€™s Oaxaca at 14 weeks. Some leaves dying off from the bottom up, hairs mostly still white.


Something interesting!


Well on itā€™s way! Quality control technician standing by if ya need :grin:




.necesitas agregar un poco de tequila a tu melĆ³n.



Ooh bro @420noob , you should also drop that link in the fermentation thread :slight_smile: and Iā€™m not saying it doesnā€™t belong here only that they would also find it interesting and you also might as well if you havenā€™t found it already:) lol


Lol. NOT Oaxaca. Keeps you very focused for manual labor, and even thinking tasks, but if you stray with your thoughts for even a moment, youā€™ll forget what you were doing.:laughing: Cheech and Chong smoke.
Peshawar is a good one for focus.
Meangreen is a hybrid( not available)from (3) 70ā€™s Vietnam era SE asian landraces, crossed in 1982. Iā€™ll be crossing Oaxaca to a cutting of it, for an OST type with a different twist. I have another couple hybrids planned with it too.
I sure hope itā€™s good!


Never heard of this one but colour me intrigued!


Is there a sedative comedown with this one? Iā€™m looking for a focusing strain that just tails off, back to sober without that burnout feelingā€¦


Zero comedown. Itā€™s a 100% Sativa from Northeast Afghanistan, originally. Nuristan province, where itā€™s wet. Good mold resistance. Good frost resistance, I think. All plants i grew saw a light frost with no damage, and my favorite saw many before ā€œcooking.ā€


@Upstate , whatā€™s an OST? Thanks


Sounds incredible, you know where I can get it, or are you up for a swap? UEL is pretty much all I can offer.

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Been a long time since I had one of these, especially with no anxiety, very intriguing


35deg N, when do they finish for you?

Very, isnā€™t this what everyone wants? (well, most of the time)


@drgreensleeves i think itā€™s Old Silver Thai


Panama Malawi & Red Congolese
are the shinning stars on my Functional Ganja list
(of course it couldnā€™t be Local or anything like that)


Seems like everything I smoke puts me out if I donā€™t continue smokingā€¦. Iā€™m so worried about anxiety anymore Iā€™ve basically stayed away from the majority of sativasā€¦. I really gotta start popping some though as I miss the variance, lately itā€™s indica, indica or indica leaner, some 50/50ā€™s