The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

yes, but thats also weird… probably and upstate just stepped into wrong place, wrong time… but in succession of my and the elchicias guy, i find it weird. now out opposite reasons, its not good to belittle me. how you know i just deny things. please dont missunderstand me, im aware you may just stepped into wrong place, lol. i just want to talk, and i should be allowed… without people telling me theyre gods, and im nobody. peace

well, tss… useless… alot accusations … (and again, i think you stepped into wrong place, but its so much gather ing with elchicas, anti romano, that im literally sick

well, i asked him for evidence… for verfication, cause this counts… im not one who just goes: oh he said that: believe truth… so i did a good thing and asked him for giving me possibility to believe…

oooh, big claim. can you say it like more evidential… can you back it up that im combating and so forth…

why and for what do i need to bring “somethign to the table” ? thats pretty weird too.
And also you are claiming i bring nothing to the table. can you back it up/make it a bit more evidental. ? i probably bring SUBJECTIVE truth about behavior. thats all thats became the topic.

ooh oh oh, haha, ok. this is getting funny now, hahahhahahahahahahahaha

It’s embarassing how little respect you are able to show. This is a text forum. You can copy and paste the name or use autocomplete if you think the spelling is too complicated.

Having people from the area who offer to share their knowledge and an inside perspective that they gathered throughtout their life is so valuable for the preservation. It’s not their job to prove anything to you. What entitlement.

Your attitude is pretty selfcentered and somewhat colonialist. I’m done with this. Don’t bother answering, I already put you on ignore.


See this thread…


im not native english speaker. so its not possible to say it better than that… you cut the part of wher it says "can you give me evidence / verification. "

So the /verification idicated what i meant. and it was : to keep the conversation more , you know, more arguments that i can learn from… (really my english bad).

Like per example: my uncle IN 1977, went there, there, and there, and saw this…

So , in no way did i postulate evidence/verification, i asked for it. Cause everybody should be allowed to speak. Nobody should have to proove anything to be able to speak and be heard.


OK, we heard everybody. Now can we please give it a rest? :wink:

Zapotecas Tribute from Vermontman. Oaxaca Gold x Big Sur Holyweed. I have these in a mix that is still a bit hot despite recycling for a year or two…


They look beautiful TexasTea


What’s the nose like on them?


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:pray: :drooling_face: :pray:


Well now you’re just showing off :+1:


I wanted to try some of that cryptic labs Oaxacan. I’m jelly! :pray:t2::joy::+1:t2:


Sorry I thought I was the last person to start some Oaxacan :blush:


Ok reading about old school mex saties

Got me drooling :drooling_face: lol

All kidding aside I am loot for what I always referred to an happy weed

The type that made you laugh at almost everything and was fun to smoke with friends

Giggle weed any recommendations appreciated



I thought you were on my list but if not hit me up with an address. Got more of these to pass out for people that are interested. Getting down to the nitty-gritty though. Keeping it to the people that are interested enough in that one that they are following along in the thread. I’ve got a couple people I still have to send to…


Nope. Now I’m showing off. :wink:


I would be very pleased to have some if that’s alright.


I’d say that Oaxaca probably checks all the boxes always in a good mood when I smoke the stuff. Very light-hearted mood when smoking this stuff among other people. It’s one of those that if you keep smoking more, rather than getting fried to the point where you don’t talk, you will get fried to the point where everything is funny.