The Forest Treehouse - CannabisSequoia's Growing Again :-)

Hell yeah!! Looking good! That Durban finally budded for you huh? Still waiting on my diesels for cripes sake!

Edit: Possible a grub ate through the roots in that spot as well.


Yeah think you’re right … Wiped out a few of my plants … and there was no stoping it … got me a bit worried for this coming season now


:+1: I’m in for

Gift from @reiko


did that Tough Love stuff work?

dont worry about revegging, if that’s yur last bean and u want more, i will give u more, no worries bro


Thanks! :sunglasses: Nice to see you.

The spray reveals lots of dead thrips the next day so I think it’s effective but I’m outdoors with constant new :airplane_arriving: arrivals so I can’t say if it’s good for clearing out an indoor garden.

I’ve sprayed about 3x/month instead of the ‘every 3 days, then weekly’ that the label calls for… and sprayed in early A.M. before sunrise; The thrips seem most active mid-day to afternoon but I won’t take a chance on burning the leaves & it’s usually windy here at that time.

I can smell it’s residue on the stems so I’m holding off on anything that’s in mid-flower & crossing my fingers.

I think it’s a good enough product but other similar-recipe sprays should be good too(essentials + soap).

Only downside I can see is that it repels beneficials(?)… seen less of those since using it.



9/25/19 update

:scissors: Started chopping. DankSinatraF2 truly died of fusarium so I grabbed most of it & made some very nice hash, if only 2g. Tasted like 7-up & cinnamon & was devastating in potency. Sour Lifesaver was so shaded that I took it at week 7 & just need some smoke.
:timer: :smoking: Saturday I’ll take down 2 more.

Today I threw LITFA to the wind & harvested @I_thewindcries’ Herijuana X YetiOG X Romulan, close to 60 days:




Modicum wants to plead you to run more of the ecsd x platinum cookie trainwreck next season please… …


I do too. :smile:

Next year I’ll try to do 2x plants & strains but put containers in the ground to restrict their size. :thumbsup:



Would grow bags work for you mate? They come in all sizes and shapes (well they come in circular, square and rectangular shapes). Probably not so good if you really want to put them at ground level though.


Yes but the temperatures are high in summer so I’d like the roots to stay cooler…with in-ground plants this year I could go 14 days w/o watering vs. about 4 with containers. :sweat_drops: :thermometer:

Also, the plant count is more obvious with bags/pots. :wink:



Looking like some monsters at your place! Do you have your scissors sharpened up yet? Lol


:sweat_smile: :scissors:

Nah but they’ve got really good grip fom last years resin. :joy:

I’m skipping the drying on the larf so I can get some nice hash ASAP.



Pictures or it didn’t happen! Haha I wanna see some outdoor resin and flower ! I’ve got frost outside this morning brother ! I’m excited for you ! I’m sure I’m not the only one ! Awesome work ! Loving the show ! Certainly cheering you on !

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9/27/19 update

Found 3 small spots of caterpillar-bud-rot on the bigger colas, so today’s close to 60 days & Red Cherry Berry x Sour Lifesaver get’s the chop. :scissors:

Filled a mesh drying rack thing that I just got already…not gonna buy another I don’t think… but probably will get a salad-spinner like @Meesh’s.

This plant is awesome as far as smell & resin…nice strong stems too-- 1 stake handled it all. There’s one tiny bud left & I’ll see if it re-veg’s naturally over the winter. If it does, it’s getting cloned for sure.

:evergreen_tree: :cherries: :strawberry: :candy: :clap:


What does caterpillar Bud rot look like?


Oh, I can show you a pic tmw! I have plenty out there. It looks brown and crumbles.


Sweeeet. Saves me the trouble. :joy:

It’s like finding something in your food that shouldn’t be there. :stew: No fun.



Unfortunately, I’m gonna show him a pic on a bud from your cross, Homie! Actually, maybe it’s kinda fitting since we both get killed by those fuckers.


:thinking: There’s really something to the preferences of the moths… I’ll have to wait & finish harvesting to see how it all shakes out though.
I’m betting they didn’t touch the GorillaZkittles, possibly the SuperLemonHazexJesusOG…a fuelly-fruit & a lemony-funk.



That sounds amazing! Mouth watering even!

You didn’t even grow out one of your CBW’s did you? If not, I really think you should. I will recognize it’s scent and flavor for the rest of my life. It’s unique and the high is great, so far big on my list this year.

Edit: and and It has octopus buds!