The Vault - Merry Weedmas! Free Seeds Bundles And Giveaways

Hey Team Vaulters! :christmas_tree:

Weedmas is here, and we’re celebrating the season with an incredible offer just for you! :star2:

For every purchase over £75, you get a bundle of 10 premium cannabis seeds absolutely free! :gift::sparkles: Barneys Farm, Seedsman Seeds, Fastbuds, and Phoenix Seeds!

To claim your Weedmas gift, make a purchase of £75 or more, and use the promo code WEEDMASFEM or WEEDMASAUTO at checkout.

But that’s not all! There are also three giveaways taking place! Check our blog post to find out! :evergreen_tree::green_heart:

Merry Weedmas to you all!


Cool thanks @OhNo555 @Mrgreenthumb @bobgrows @illicitmango @ndnchild @carty @GEMI-CONNECT616


Holy smokes. That’s big Xmas present. :gift:
Thanks @420noob
@The_Vault_Team super awesome
:clap: @Greasy


Got you bro :sunglasses:, thanks for the heads up. I just went on there web site and posted to get in! :wink::sunglasses::facepunch::+1::v:

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