TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

They Are from him .


Fair enough if you ever have any questions feel free to reach out… though I do not use the blended line I use their pro line.

I’ve experimented with it like crazy…

Any way hope everyone’s day is kicking some ass!

back to slaving away at work.


Much MUCH appreciated if this keeps up I definitely will, I’ve literally fed them with it twice now so I’m hoping it’s just the combo of a million things as stated, and I’m pretty sure it is. I’ll come calling bro, 100% thanks again :pray:t2: much respect :facepunch:t2:

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Kevin J: “The thing I love about Canada is I can take a piss in the woods without being added to the sexual offenders registry!”
He’s actually a really funny dude in real life.


*thought it said “headwaiter cut” and had a chuckle

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:joy: I actually love it, think it would be a great strain name too! HEADWAITER…. epic! @Mordecai


And here I am just force feeding these ladies copious amounts of gypsum, maxi bloom with a side of fish shit. Am I doing it wrong?


Definitely not, to each their own bro, honestly there’s a million ways to do it, we each gotta find out what works for us, I still wanna try LSO and am determined to when I can obtain the materials.


Good morning friends ! Hope everyone feels much better than I do today…. But I’m up and alive, so there is that


Good Morning @TopShelfTrees1
Today is an above ground day, today is good!
Everyday above ground is a good day.

Hope you have a great day my friend!
Everyone else too for that matter.


That’s the truth brother! And I’ve got plenty to be thankful for, there’s always that. Much respect :facepunch:t2:


morning folks… late in the morning but still. LOL
In a fog today… was up so late with the plants last night.
Bit off a bit more than I can chew with my ambitious seed pops but I’m handling it.
culled some more plants in the selection process , watered everything and sprayed them all down for thrips. Went in the house to roll a doob and fuk me it was 3am LOL
but yes… everday above ground is a good one I suppose.
Pissin rain today so it’s a stay home and take it easy kid of day :wink:


I hear you on the seed popping, especially with the addition of the clones :man_facepalming:t2: but, we got this :facepunch:t2::laughing: sounds like a few of us had interesting nights. I gotta do some culling tomorrow 100% as I have a ton of stuff I need to do.

                “ This is the Way “

Think I’m going to try some octopots out at some point…. I’m tired of hand watering and still don’t even have enough room for my RDWC setup in its entirety. I used autopots once a while back with very good success, so I wanna try out octopots. Also @Jetdro always kills it with them and loves them so I’m already sold.


Morning @TopShelfTrees1 . Head above water for now., hanging tough. I grew up in So Cal in the 70s. At the beach. You couldn’t avoid the stuff. LSD was a primary food group for me. “I did what last night?” was a common question. “Where’s my car was another”. “We took your keys when you took your clothes off. Again.” Did you know putting Windowpane under your eyelid burns a hole straight to your brain?
1st time I took it I was in love, an affair that lasted 15 years.


Good day my brother! Glad to hear from you, was your ears a ring in’ was thinking and talking about you earlier. Lol @ windowpanes , loved it too, until I hated it and had my first and last experience and first and last bad trip. :nauseated_face: scary shit! You guys go hard out there to begin with I can only imagine, as I’ve said always wished I was a Cali boy.


What are you up to today @crownpoodle ?


Yeah for sure, man. Woo today kicked my ass. I was either talking to Tony Green or caught him on a live or something and he was talking about breeding on cheap beater ass nutes. I think his theory was if he could breed killer dank on budget food, that would set anyone running his gear up for super success if they are feeding better to top of the line.


Have you ever tried these. Organic little pieces of concentrate shatter 7-6-9. I recharged/jump started my reused 30 gallon pots of Coco/Peat/Perlite with this. Shits awesome. I personally wont use it for much other than a jump start. I would use it on a gorilla grow for sure.


@ColeLennon cool man. Never used it personally. I run ebb n flow so everything I use has to be pretty water soluble.