TopShelfs trees (Part 3)

@hightillidie so first mountain temple to go to soil.

Second cut in soil still adjusting and needing the way extra humidity.
doing good though she is rocking.
Cut #3 has just shot first root through rr so another day or 2 and will have enough roots to go to soil. So 3/3 still the stinkiest plants in the house and I have 3 deep into flower.


Goood Morning brotha and other brothas! :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Morning dude! What’s everybody doing this weekend?


Good morning. As for me. Ugh, plant issues. Hope everyone is having a great morning.


Morning everyone! Sorry to hear that brother hopefully they bounce back soon! Hope everyone else is off to a good start this morning! I have to do my last family Christmas and im not looking forward to it as its with my family aka the shit starters lol


Hey yall should check this out @Upstate needs a few more people to throw down for some spots. Some people have been splitting a spot as they are $200 ea. All the details are in the thread. Ive already put forth my portion and personally can’t wait to see what happens in the months to come from this!


Bahaha the fact you said it like that is too much. That’s what my wife and I call our families. No joke. “The shit starters” she’s gonna lol when I show her! EVERYTIME we get close, shit happens. EVERYTIME. Hope it goes great for you bro, maybe this will be the year it changes and all goes well. Truly hope so, and thank you for your concern. You really are awesome :pray:t3:


I was checking it out yesterday, it’s so cool! I love the idea. True landrace genetics! So awesome


Good morning everyone. Just kinda lounging around in bed still. The homie is in town right now so me and my wife are gonna go hang out with her in a little bit.


Well @TopShelfTrees1 ya see my fiance isn’t exactly playing nice. She said she’s gonna bring the cotton candy maker to my grandmas with the I don’t even know how many kids like 6-9 and just chalk them full of sugar knowing no one ever watches then anyways and the one person who does is always mad or then later a kid comes back in crying. I told her a week ago yep not a good idea. I was supposed to help my sister this morning moving a crib and then she never responded so I kept sleeping in then she wakes me up by calling me to say I don’t need your help today at 7am! My fiance looked at me with an evil grin knowing my sister would be there and hates the kids wound up and said we are bringing the cotton candy machine to grandmas and im like ugggghhhh oooookkkkk then but you know how this is gonna go down


Oh boy! Yup that’ll do it for sure! I want some cotton candy too though !

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Nice! An old friend you don’t see often? I ran into a good friend I haven’t seen in 13 years at the restaurant the other day, we’ve been texting since, it’s like we never missed a beat. Funny how that works

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We are bringing her commercial cotton candy maker and like 6 flavors of cotton candy sugar. The kids won’t be able to each enough cotton candy to run us out. The pictures dont even do this thing justice its as big as a car rim


Oh man! No way! I was thinking like those little toy type ones! That’s absolutely epic! You guys are gonna be a HUUUGE HIT! That’s so awesome


Lmao that was my exact thought when I bought it I’m like Jesus this is expensive then it came in and im like holy crap this is massive!


Just reading those flavours gets me excited! Banana/watermelon! Come on I didn’t know they existed I’ve only had pink/blue! You just opened a whole can of warms for this junk food junkie

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Very old friend. It sucks she moved out of state after getting tangled up in some FBI domestic terrorist shit at her work. She was really scared cuz they just kinda let him go back out into the wild.

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Yikes! That sounds nuts. I hate when good friends move away, never fails we at least semi lose contact. Glad you get to hang out with her, very cool brother. Have a blast! Tell her top says hi :wave:t3: (Lucas)

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Let me just say very first use we had it on and im looking down at it like we put in the sugar and nothing is happening. BEWARE of flying threads of cotton candy lmao I was smacked in the face and then read the warning hot sugar sign and im like well shoot rather cotton candy than hot sugar in the eye


Bahaha cotton candy in the face! Yes please! Maybe not scalding hot though. I’m so curious now! My grandpa used to have a booth and they would travel to carnivals, but I never got to see it in action. I’d love to. Probably should have a cover :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: