Congo trip with kidete

Hello there OG.
I’ve been helping @Kidete put together a crew of people to get him into the Congo in about a month. I’ve already gotten commitments from 8 or 9 people, and I’m looking for $200 from another 8 or 9 people. The money will go to kidete of East Africa Genes for trip expenses. He flies into the capital of Kinshasha Congo late January where he will meet a rasta guide that speaks Swahili. From there he plans to head to two separate growing regions, one South, and one North of the capital to collect genetics. Everyone will get reimbursed with seed, the number yet to be agreed upon. Should he fail to collect anything, the money would then go towards seeds he already has, so no danger of getting nothing.
Tired of sitting on your ass, watching genepools disappear before they are even properly documented? Here’s your Chance to play a direct part. A ranger that works in the Congo has estimated that there could be up to 3 thousand different varieties to be found. I expect there to be both broadleaf and short leaf varieties uncovered. The dutch brought Kush to the congo in the early fifties just after ww2. This kush has mixed with at least some of the ancient varieties, giving us two parallel genepools, one of landraces, another of old heirlooms. It’s my belief that the legendary Black Magic strain is one of these heirlooms. While I’m not expecting that nearly mythical strain to be found this first trip, with a Swahili speaking guide it will be possible to communicate directly with the Pygmys, the keepers of the Black Magic, and perhaps to hunt it down on another trip.
Broadleaf Genetics have found their way into the Congo from 3 directions historically. From the East via the ancient ivory trade connecting East Congo and the island of Zanzibar, from the North coming up the Nile river/ Great Rift Valley to the headwaters of Congo’s Bangi River, and the most recent incursion, via the Congo River itself. This will add difficulty in determining what is new contamination and what is ancient… I’ll be available to help Kidete in any way I can.

I don’t have the time for multiple threads right now, So I have to state that any interested Freakers members will get dibbs. I didn’t have the time to get in touch with everybody that is a member, so I’m doing it here.
I will have to give it a few days before I tell people yes or no, So that I can hear from my freaky friends.
Please understand that I could not include everyone I want to include. Mike( kidete) Wants to make sure he has enough seeds for everyone involved, So we both decided to cap the number of people at 16/17 for this trip, not knowing exactly what to expect.
Let’s make some history OG! How cool would it be to help bring forth from Congo’s jungles a new Congo strain…an ingredient of the next big thing in cannabis, or perhaps even another cannabis plant based cure for malaria, as is believed to exist in the Congo??!


Once we have all the interested people together. I will be making a private thread for details to be discussed.


Love the idea but im wondering if i would have to come up with the whole $200 all at once i know its not a huge sum of $$ but right after christmas things are kinda tite


Would this be the same area that The Black Hand procured the Red Congo from?I was told by Mr Toad that the pygmies gave it to him but i forgot what area he got it from


I’ll be more than happy to supplement $100 in Jan and Feb toward your goal/objective. Continued success, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’m in if there is room.
Thank You.


I just read the description for TLT Congo Black

I’m glad I have the congo black x kashmir X wookie.


Congo Red and Congo Pointe Noire are in the area
North of the capital there is the Bangi River. It’s such a huge country with such a crappy road network, I thought it would be a good idea for Mike to concentrate on those two areas. There is a feral or semi farmed congo pointe noire currently out there, but not much of anything for congo red. With the amount Of tribes in the area there should be many many varieties to be found. Congo black
would probably come from the highlands in the east or Northeast of the country. That trip will take more planning and this one is for Mike to get his feet wet. It’s extremely dangerous in Eastern Congo and to be frank, Mike was into it and I talked him out of it due to time constraints. There are rebels, Guerrillas, Gorillas and poachers to worry about. Any one could take a life. Best to make some good connections before heading to that area of the world. I think this trip will produce those connections. But, there is so much to be found in the whole entire country, and anything close to Angola will give us something approximating that genepool, access to which is currently closed due to danger. The angola genepool Is thousands of years old, and South Congo will have similar plants.
@misterbee that’s nice of you to offer, but hold onto that $100 and see if maybe someone wants to go halves with you. Should other people choose to do something like that, I think it’s a great idea, but they will have to do it privately and amongst themselves so we don’t clutter the thread. Also, whoever decides to divvy up a two hundred dollar slot will have to choose one person to be in the private thread that is soon to come.
Mike has more details about the trip than I do. I have limited myself to suggestions about how long a trip might take and the difficulty of travels et cetera… what landraces to look for, and of course helped putting this together. Mike mentioned he was going to try for a Congo trip at 1 point in the future and I asked him if he wanted help putting it together now. No time like the present! @kidete will be here soon to answer questions.


@sunra108 you’re in. With @misterbee’s half slot, that’s 2. Need 6 more.
Money due by Jan 10th And I plan on getting some people in reserve in case someone backs out. Money has to be in by that day to give me enough time for someone else to step up. He might be leaving on the twenty third.


Thank You @ Upstate.
I’ll be watching for further details.


I forgot a main detail. Sorry to leave it out. Im busy remodeling my bathroom atm. The $200 will go towards seeds collected on the trip, the number of which is yet to be determined, but it will be more seeds than you would typically get from Kidete for the money
. Should he get skunked, the money Invested will act as a credit for seeds currently in stock. He has some great stuff. His Malawi is kick ass. Tanzania looks great, he has a new extra long flowering fruity Kenyan and a Kenyan used for Malaria treatments, Moshi Tanzania, Ugandas…and more. I can vouch for the purity of the first few, and I’ll
have a better Uganda and South Congo opinion soon.
We can talk about details in the private thread once I fire it up, But I thought it would be nice if the people putting up the money have exclusive access to at least one of the accessions that are sure to arise. In other words if he gets a very small batch of seed, It would be nice if the group had dibs. If he finds small batches exceeding two hundred dollars of worth for everybody, Perhaps we can talk him in to giving us dibs on those as well, before he puts them up for anyone to buy. This is how another collective I am a member of does business and it has worked well. Members have a couple weeks of exclusive access to the finds. Potentially some jungle trip weed will be found!
@Tejas , @Guitarzan @YoBigdaddy, @US3RNAM3 , @Uprangewilly, @deeez99, @lambchopedd, @GREANDAL
@G-paS, @neogitus, @Jimdoors @Comacus and I forget who else I talked to.


@Jimdoors you are in.
Have to wait to hear from a few folks before adding any more to the list for now…


This is awesome I’m in thank you for organizing this.


PM sent.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Fantastic idea. I wish I was flush for this.


@Emeraldgreen This is the first of ( hopefully) many trips. Congo is a quarter the size of the US, and much of it still covered in dense jungle. Lots more to find. Next time perhaps😁
@Jimdoors my pleasure to help. This is awesome. Next best thing to going myself.


@CBB has expressed interest in helping out. Getting close to the goal. Total trip cost is just over $3200. Flight to Kinshasa alone is $1,100…
Need a few more people, and still waiting to hear from some Freakers.
@G-paS thanks for helping :pray:. You and @misterbee are teaming up?


I’m interested. Very cool opportunity, thanks for all involved.

Coyote Bridge Builders


I’d love to help if I can so please let me know anytime guys! @Upstate @Kidete

What an amazing opportunity to access some great genetics so thank you to all involved!!


@HighTilliDie is in. I HD talked to you previously buddy, and apparently you’re not the only one " hightillyoudie" lol.
@Weednerd.Anthony it’s first come, first serve, so Most likely you’re in. Only need a few more people.